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The raciest love scenes on soaps

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Lexie Carver with Brandon was steamy and sexy as hell. I think when I watched it years later it wasn't as scandalous as I had remembered it, but as a pre-teen I was all about it. Continuing on with Renee Jones showing us how happy she was to have a story; Her love scene with Tek in the backseat of a car was almost soft core-ish. I miss her on my screen so much.

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On OLTL, when Max was being played by Nicholas Walker (and calling himself Matt), he and Gabrielle had a pretty hot scene in Asa's barn. At one point, Asa and Cord even walked into the barn but never knew the couple was there.
I always did think NW and FH had better chemistry than her and JDP. James' Max always felt more like a player to me, like he never really loved anyone more than himself.


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Although the Jeffrey O'Neill/Beth Raines sushi sex or whatever was goofy, I do recall the Weston/Conboy era getting into racier sex scenes before the Superbowl Nipplegate brought everything to a screeching halt.  Philip/Olivia had a sex scene that was rather racy and bordering on nipple display. In terms of visuals, you had Daniel Cosgrove's post-sex booty display with him and Gus's sister, and some butt crack of Marty West's Shayne with Marina. 


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I cite this scene a lot, but there was a Y&R scene in which Jill and John were having sex while Jill was fantasizing about Jed, Josh Taylor’s character.


At the end of the sequence, John grunts and spasms in an implied ejaculation on top of Jill (while Jill screams out “Oh god!” in full orgasmic ecstasy). I was soooo scared my mother was going to walk in on me watching that.

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I know I'm gonna come across as a prude for saying this, but -- [!@#$%^&*] it -- that [!@#$%^&*] never belonged on a conservative, family-friendly-for-the-most-part show like GL.

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That B&B scene was just ridiculous and hilarious. I never saw the scene, but they say back in 1974 on Y&R, they had Tom Selleck and Jamie Lyn Bauer have sex in the shower and you could see their naked bodies presses against the glass shower doors. It was referred to as the most erotic scene on daytime for that time. JLB said she and Tom discussed that in recent years when they saw each other and they both laughed that they could barely remember it now. 

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Anything regarding Jeffery O'Neill was disgusting ITA! Im talking more along the lines of Phillip/Olivia, Gus/Harley, Tony/Marah, and Shayne/Marina! Under his production, those were pretty racy scenes imo!!

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