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Y&R: RIP Kristoff St John

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Kristoff’s death has just hit me so hard — harder than I would have ever expected. These tributes show just how much he was loved...really loved.


His pain must have been unbearable, and part of my sadness is knowing a good man suffered so much. Just imagine being in so much pain that having other children doesn’t stop you from ending it all. I am so sorry for what he lived through, and for anyone who loved or cared about him.


Life can be cruel, but a good man like a Kristoff St. John deserves peace. Peace be with you, KSJ. 

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I just heard the news. Absolutely devastated. I have never known a Y&R without Kristoff on it. He was an icon, pure and simple, his presence filled the screen, and so did his heart. I am not surprised in any way to hear how beloved he was -- it was obvious that he was a kind, caring, lovely individual. 


I was hoping to hear news of his return to Y&R in order to tune back in, truth be told. Something about that deep, reassuring voice, that presence, leapt off the screen.


It devastes me that he may have succumbed to his depression like this. I know he is at peace now and reunited with his adored son but... I wish it didn't have to be this way. Not for a man as loving and as impactful as KSJ was. I hope that doesnt sound too selfish to say.

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I had a schoolmate whose father committed suicide years after her mother died in a motor vehicle accident.  The thing was, her father had not only her and her sister but had even remarried and had a child with the second wife but after his suicide, everyone who knew him immediately said that it was because he never got over the death of his first wife.  Grief is real and can be unending for many.



Neither has Beth Maitland or Tricia Cast.  I don't think we should try to analyze or 'read tea leaves' based on who has or hasn't posted to social media.

Even of those who have posted, I don't think we should analyze those who have posted relatively brief statements-- perhaps that was all they could manage.  I believe Eric Braeden who says that many in the cast are devastated and I think there is a good chance that those who have been there the longest may be devastated. 

Tricia Cast knew KSJ since they were children, her husband is in the throes of terminal cancer--  I'm not sure that social media is a priority for her at this point. We don't know what others have going on in their lives and in their hearts, no matter what is or isn't posted on social media.


I'm not trying to chide you or lecture you, it's just that yesterday I saw so many people judging people based on their social media posts (including that unfortunate Y&R fan who is being blamed for KSJ's death, which is outrageous) and I wish people would stop trying to quantify people's level of grief based on whether they post on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

We saw how hard it was for Shemar Moore and Kim Fields to get up their videos.  Christel struggled to put up a post.  No doubt all felt obliged to do so. I'd rather that people be allowed to process their grief and not feel pressured to put up a post, unless they feel that it helps healing somehow.

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Yes, it's one of the most disgusting, despicable aspects of social media. 


I've never been a Y&R viewer but I certainly knew of Kristoff and was always impressed with how he carried himself in interviews. I also appreciated the cultural significance of his role on the show. He was obviously much loved ... I hope he knew that. RIP.

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Kristoff was a beautiful person inside and out. It's really to see how many people lives he impacted/touched.


Regarding Neil's possible exit storyline, I think that is something the show really needs to plan out and may need to take their time doing. Not only does he KSJ/deserve an exit that does him justice, but his absence will have a big effect his children on canvas and their stories. Lily/Devon are already really struggling due to their issues (Devon grieving Hilary/the baby, Lily in jail for killing them/Cane cheating on her with Victoria.). The news of losing Neil could really send them reeling. I think that the writers need to figure out how they want to write this story and how it they will have it impact his children/ and their current stories. They might wait a while to do this storyline and wait until they wrap up stories like the JT storyline. (They could say Neil's off screen spending more time around Lily, until they are ready to do this storyline). Mal has written scripts far in advance, and I'm not sure if some of them might be adjusted/scrapped.


As far as a memorial goes, he really could have almost everybody at that memorial. Many of the Winters/Barbers/Hamiltons, other characters he interacted with. I definitely think that someone like Eileen Davidson would come back for his funeral. She needs to come back anyway, (even briefly) because Abby is engaged, and is planning a wedding. And could be dealing with the fallout from that if Arturo cheats on her before she walks down the aisle. Ashley can come back for Abby's wedding and could help comfort the Winters's family if they learn about Neil's death before/at that time. I definitely think that Shemar would come back for Neil's funeral as well. 


I don't think they would bring a lot of Winters family members full-time, (though I hope we at least get to see them show up for his funeral) but they could at least bring back someone like Olivia and have her stick around as a matriarch for the family. Especially with Nate also back. 


I do think that they will eventually bring back a sorased Moses onto the canvas, which I think would be a good idea. I hope he looks/act a lot like Neil.

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I remember at the end of 2016, a tennis player was attacked in her home (Petra Kvitova).  So much support from fellow players, the WTA, commentators poured their support.  Then, many trashed Serena because they didn't see a Twitter post to Petra.  I was beside myself with anger because online wackos think everything must be public because they are owed for being a fan.  Petra's stabbing came second to Serena not publicly acknowledging the stabbing.  I really loathe online wackos!  


Oh and BTW, Serena called Petra to check on her.  


Back on topic, I cannot bring myself to watch Shemar's vid.  I have cried enough.  I was not a fan, but I can't imagine KSJ's struggles.  I can't fathom being in so much pain emotionally that you can't stand living.  My heart breaks for him and the people he left behind.  



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