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Y&R: April 2017 Discussion Thread

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Something changed on this show all of the sudden.


We are back to the tired Newman drama with everyone hating Victor, Chelsea who has been neglected by this regime seems to have her "Adam-story" back. These changes feel forced, like someone dropped all of SS's ideas for this group. 


The Kevin-Chloe wedding drama scenes in the mansion felt a little bit like Generations though. 


Scott should have been Phillip IV, Lauren is no longer important enough to have a son around and TB cannot carry any kind of material. However she would be great as a Gina type of character. 


Phyllis on Lauren's couch with Lauren's son on top of her does not seem normal to me.

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The story is from the previous writers. Sally just continued it where it left off. Maybe Sally finally realized boring Victor wasn't working. All these absurd special dinners with family was absurd.


I was visiting other boards last night and a lot of viewers hate Reed and his guitar playing....LOL....its not only on this board. They find him very boring. That's all Sally creates.....boring characters.

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Scott was born on screen in March 1991. Daniel was born off screen in summer 1994.


Daniel was SORASed to high school aged in 2004. Scott was SORASed to graduate school aged in 2005.

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They twisted the POV for that Chloe reveal to make it a Newman story. They are the focus as opposed to Kevin/Chelsea/Baldwins. It seems odd because Adam wasn't really in the Newman orbit other than Victor. 


I think much of that falls on Mal Young. I can't see Sally or Kay creating all these bohemian, scarf wearing, long haired beta males. It's all very Euro. Plus Tessa is a carbon copy of Mal's stepdaughter. It's uncanny. 

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I like Reed well enough, but I've never cared for singing on soaps. The one exception might be the years that Danny, Lauren and Traci were singing on Y&R.  I did get a laugh out of Victor getting the last word on Reed's party by giving him that car.  I can't blame Victoria for being pissed, but it was funny.


I wouldn't mind this latest Newman split if it could last for a few years. If they are all going to just forgive him by summer, no thank you. This is the perfect chance for Abby to worm her way in as the new favorite though and I'm all for that. I don't think she's ever had a taste of being royally screwed by Victor. I think it's her turn.

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That's the only one I liked too. I think it worked because Michael Damian had a hit single at the time and the singing was used as a storyline with Lauren and Traci. Which led to a lot of years of hatred between the two women.

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I think that's where they're heading, having Abby worm her way to become the favorite so she can run the company. Jack seemed intrigued upon hearing news that Abby is being groomed to run the company, I'm interested as to what his part in all of this will be. 

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Although Faith has kind of taken up the missing hole...at least we don't have Summer uttering every other scene "why is everyone being so MEAN to GRAND-PAHHHHHH?"  "Why aren't we SUPPORTING - GRAND-PAHHHHHH?!!"  Wonder where she's been (Y&R - please don't make me sorry that I asked).

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Maybe Sally thinks Victor needed to suffer more for the last decade of damage...

I would be more into this story if they didn't just do it last year, because IMO it would make sense to ultimately try to redeem Victor by having his family turn against him, and him having to work his way back into their trust....but the fact that they just did this story and even allowed Victor to be "redeemed" for a short while and they are now messing it all up again, make it contrived. 

I wish Nikki at least had Victor's back.....Nick and Victoria are ungrateful little $^%&^*s! so I don't care if they want nothing to do with Victor, but it bothers me more that Nikki has suddenly turned against Victor....I was enjoying the whole " I got your back no matter what" angle.

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She's been "seeing the world". Phyllis mentioned it the other day, which makes me suspect she's coming back. I would be fine with having her off screen for at least a couple more years.  This show needs to rotate the Newmans at this point because there are so many of them. There's hardly room for anyone else.

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