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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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That is a selfish position that never made sense. If anyone does not like the show and doesn't want to watch it, they can very easily turn the channel to CNN, ESPN, TMC or hundreds of other channels where undoubtedly there will be something for everyone. To say "I not only don't want to watch this, but I don't want anyone else to watch this either!" is just selfish and dickish, an almost big brotherly outlook that you somehow know what TV is for my own good.

I think anyone who watches any show with the word "wives" in the title is slowly suffering from brain rot..so I just don't watch that rancid crap. I feel sorry for anyone who does, but that is their masochistic choice to make.

If anyone wants to see GH canceled they are not really a fan, just a bitter betty who wants other people to be as unhappy as they are.

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Thanks Toups for all the positivity toward GH intelligent critiques and I can't wait for fall. GH has had great stable ratings. I can't wait to see what fall and Christmas brings us. Ron and Frank are close to celebrating three years at GH. Thats a great numbers of years

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I look at it a different way. It's not a matter of really wishing the show would be cancelled. It's more an acknowledgement that in a just world it would be. In a just world, GH would be competing against other soaps and striving to be the best possible option but now it doesn't have to be. It's not about hating the show so much as a sadness and resentment that this is what things have come to and that concepts like quality, creativity and growth aren't even aren't even part of the discussion anymore. Now it's just "be grateful you have any soaps at all and quit bitching." That doesn't make for a happy fandom.

I've been thinking a lot about this over the last few days with Shemar Moore's return to Y&R. I've never been a Y&R viewer (my parents were) but those scenes were a joy to watch. I remembered what it was like to come home from work and watch MY soap (which in my case was AMC) or to read a live thread at work and think of how much I couldn't wait to see it for myself.

What you see now is basically a lot of people in the anger/bargaining phase of grieving because they're getting themselves ready for the (inevitable?) death of this show. It's hard to say goodbye not just to the show you once loved but to the part of our identity that is labeled "soap fan." I'm still struggling with that last part.

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