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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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The fact that they didn't last doesn't diminish the fact that the revivals of AMC and OLTL were quality productions, with storytelling and acting that were riveting and engaging. Hell, OLTL won an Emmy, didn't it?

And, at the risk of getting attacked: could you at least attempt to use punctuation in your posts? Frankly, your posts without punctuation are almost indecipherable at times.

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I see a lot of hivemind groupthink BS.

"Soaps should be filled with middle aged women giving monologues detailing their every thought in domestic dramas affording them a chance to cry a lot". Bullshit. Watch Y&R for that, or whatever crap it is that show shows. All a soap should be is serialized, after that the content is up for debate. I would sooner watch crazy action stories with Thaao and RKK than I would slow moving so-called character driven love stories.

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Wait, I missed that post but I tend to skip through pages. What page is that on?

Regardless, it isn't the job of the audience to support the shows. It's the job of the show to produce a product that makes people want to support it. They've succeeded in doing that with you and clearly failed failed with others. I'm not seeing where anyone is telling you how to feel (but like I said I skip pages) but if someone thinks the show deserves to be canceled how is that any different than someone thinking the show deserves an Emmy?

Just a few pages back you see people admitting they like Felix and others admitting they like Maxie and nobody got attacked.

That's what's happening. Debate.

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You didn't miss that post that's because no one on here said said that. I think the poster is just giving an example of what he/she feels what majority of us want, which is far from the truth. I think we all just want a good story with a good exposition, climax, and denouement that doesn't spit on the show's canon.

I like campy/action stories when they are actually well done. This Cassadine crap [thus far] is not well done. It extends reality too much to the point that makes a mockery out of the genre, a genre that is supposed to be grounded in realness. The 80s and 90s did campy stories so much better.

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Maxie is a f--king idiot. Why is she going around rooms saying "is anyone here?" Does she not realize she is supposed to be in hiding, trying to find a way out? What if she alerts Victor's goons? She looked so ridiculous asking that patient if he knows where she can find a phone.

Speaking of which, Im assuming that's the original Peter, Levi's father. Really? Now we are bringing back random, obscure villains that no one care about. I see the League of Villains is alive and strong

Everytime I see Victor in his office, I cant help but think of Michael and ELQ

Chrcten Clark is a real medical facility, so how is all this nonsense going down there? Speaking of which, how the heck does Anna and her PCPD have jurisdiction in NYC?


My god, his acting was awful today. Quite dreadful here

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