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DAYS: August Discussion Thread

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I think most of us knew going in that she wasn't going to die - whether we saw the promo or not. Which begs the question, why bother?

Oh well, at least it's a little something something for Magic, and not this Push Me Pull You they have been doing. (GH does that with LuNacy too and it drives me bananas). It's almost like "okay, we can't show they baring skin so what can we possibly do with them". Very limited imagination IMO.

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<p>I know. The actors couldn't even pull it off. Daniel was overacting and Lexie looked like a fresh resident just out of school rather than a seasoned doctor.</p>

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Chad/Abby are already saying "I love you" to each other? We didn't even see them fall in love or have any romantic moments or involved in any storylines of their own. Higley just can't write relationships at all.

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I decided to catch the clips of Lexie online since ya'll were talking about it and I loved when Lexie screamed at Kate to shut up. It was so Dimera-esque but I hated when she told Stephano living at the mansion would be worse than death considering that's exactly what i want her to do. Stephano was so hurt and those scenes really showcased how much he loves her. They were really terrific.They have such a complex relationship and it's one of the best show has and we barely get to see it. I absolutely hate how peripherally the show treats Renee.

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Yeah, it was leaked by some local NBC station.

At the press junkett the actors were all saying they hadnt even seen it yet but heard it had leaked and were kinda unsure of how much they could talk about it/what was in it.

Its one of those scenes where the actors just need to go campy and play it as redic as it is, IMHO

SURPRISE here, i couldnt disagree more.

They are young, been in each others lives dating for months now. Of course they are exchanging i love yous. Im surprised it took this long! LOL. Seriously tho, i find them to be a very realistic couple.

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Man this show is sooooo boring now. They tape 3 months in advance right? They already have September's material. I say just cut the next month's worth of episodes and do a time jump on the show. Maybe they can do a special episode to recap all that we will miss and just get straight to the new writer's stuff.

And now Chad is pimping EJ and Taylor? Whatever...

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I want "soap opera romance." LOL Yeah, they've been dating for months, but what have we seen to make us invested in them? What was their "origin story" that made us want them to be together. What were their romantic scenes? What were their bonding scenes? What were their passionate scenes? When people make edits of their storyline, what episodes and scenes will they include? What scenes will we want to watch again years from now? The answer to all these questions is NOTHING. I hope Marlene and Darrell dump this Chad/Abby pairing and start a new "origin story" with Chad/someone and Abby/someone.

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