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Yep. That was a very animal-like pose (cue the "wild boy of the jungle" trope).
Even back then I had flagged Luan's meekness as the usual trope about submissive Asian women but I had not remembered until now how icky the way Keemo was introduced was.

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What other storylines of the past do we look back at as racially offensive?

I know TLW had concerns at the time about Drucilla being a stereotype but it turned out to be in the service of a great empowering story so I would have a tendency to let it slide.
I was back in France at the time so some of the context was going above my head in a way that it doesn't now that I am older and American.

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'Kong' the thug that couldn't read and 'Jazz' the Mr T rip off.

Again the actors lead the way I think and allowed Bill Bell to humanize them beyond the stereotypes.


Can't recall but was Sumiko, the cult leader of New World the inscrutable 'spider woman' type of Oriental character?

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@FrenchBug82 @Paul Raven Also Whiteface Tyrone. That would not happen today.


I got the impression Jazz was brought on to cash in on Mr. T's popularity. Tyrone was another Bill Bell educated professional with a troublemaking sibling (see also Casey/Nikki, Olivia/Dru, Neil/Malcolm).


That whole police corruption/mob angle during the H. Wesley Kenney years was way too General Hospital/Days. I wonder how much of that was Bill Bell's own choice and how much of it was pressure from CBS to jump on the action/adventure bandwagon. Notice how all the action/adventure elements pretty much disappeared once Ed Scott took over as EP.

Edited by kalbir
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I was pleasantly surprised they showed some brief old clips on Friday's show.  What month/year is this from? I've seen this scene come up in a number of montages over the years. It can't be Halloween 1981 because Nikki doesn't find out Victor's identity until early November. 

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I'm debating with myself whether this is before or after NYE 1981, when Nikki says "you can kiss like that, you've been holding out on me." Since this kiss is so quick, I think this scene must have been November or December 1981. I guess I always thought this scene would be from some kind of masquerade ball and I was always curious the context of it. There's nothing like that in the recaps from that time. I vaguely remember reading something about Victor getting Nikki French lessons, but I can't find that reference now, so I'm thinking he got her to dress as Marie Antoinette to study French? LOL. 


Another scene from 1981 I had always been curious about that pops up in a lot of montages was the one where Nikki finds a ring in an oyster. Always thought it made no sense for it to be an engagement ring since it was clearly too early. Randomly popped across it when going through my 1998 DVDs as Victor remember a long piece of that scene, and it turns out he was just teaching her how oysters are made ("diamond in the rough" analogy?). I uploaded it to 1981 clips and I'll upload these ones once I figure out all the dates. 

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Hey guys, just got this notification from YouTube, which could effect a lot of shared playlists that have been marked as unlisted.  If there are any unlisted videos you watch you should be sure to download them and share them to the vault before July 23rd. Once they are made private, only the owner can view the videos.


I'm a little confused myself because I have a lot of unlisted videos on my channel. It sounds like if I opt out everything will remain as it was?


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