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Y&R - Mari Jo hurries up to get to the Abbott’s mansion before Blade does (1995)


Y&R - Mari Jo and Jill get to know each other (1995)

Y&R - Mari Jo tell’s Rick to stay away from Ashley (1995)

more great and rare videos uploaded to YT.. 


Edited by asafi
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Yes. Sharon and Victor counts as one of the worst things that ever happened to the show.

He had acted as a surrogate father to her all the way before. It was insane, out of character for both of them, absolutely revolting in the context of Sharon/Nick being the end game.
It was absolutely definitely a horrendous mistake. That they hung on to in some version for way longer than was sane to do. And the show knows it, making sure later to tell us they never actually slept together despite getting married twice.

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That was one of the first jump the shark moments for Y&R. They had such a lovely relationship. Victor was supportive and acted as a check on Nikki's jealousy/irrational hate of Sharon. I thought he respected the fact that Sharon was working class and taking care of her disabled mother, while Nikki saw a bit of herself in Sharon and rejected her because of that.

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I remember when a lot of soap fans that hated Sharon insisted that she and Victor had "consummated" the marriage by sleeping together, though it was never shown or discussed onscreen. I was like "Nope, didn't happen if it didn't show up onscreen"

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. Now unfortunately, it seems like most of the events take place offscreen on these soaps now. Interesting though, that Y&R wanted to court controversy with the storyline but also wanted an escape hatch by not showing a physical relationship between former father and daughter-in-law onscreen. They knew that garbage was bad.

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The writers at the time were implying it but it is also clear to me either fan reaction and/or the actors' dislike of the storyline (and we know EB wouldn't have been shy about letting them know) is why it was merely implied rather than show like it usually would
Thankfully because it was never shown it gave an easy opening for later writers to make it explicit it was never consummated which was a retcon but an easily acceptable one.
We can never be sure but we have to go by what they are showing us and they were showing us a married couple lovingly hand-holdingly climbing up to the bedroom. I mean, sex is what that meant.

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I get this was a general soap trope, but when did it become a Y&R thing? I was dipping in and out during the early 2000's and stopped watching completely in 2006,  and I don't remember a character that was legitimately thought dead by the audience who came back during that period. 

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I was talking about soaps, in general.

Dark Shadows was before my time but many people claim that to be the first storyline of that kind. There seemed to be quite a few in the 80s and 90s. It probably became a trope sometime around then. I wasn't speaking specifically about Y&R, which is why I said genre, but speaking of Y&R, wasn't Adam declared dead at least once? 

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Back from the dead was a trope that went as far back as radio soaps but it was mainly used when a presumed dead character eg someone's first wife turned up alive after all - not a character we had seen(or heard) who died on air/screen.

Previous to the 80's it was used from time to time but off hand I can't think of an instance where it was used to bring back a popular actor.

But when the 80's soap craze hit and certain actors became popular and decided to leave soaps, the writers began hedging their bets by killing them off but happily resurrecting them if they decided to return.

Days was probably the biggest culprit- Roman, Marlena, Steve, Hope.


As far as Y&R is concerned, Bill Bell never used it, but like so many other tired gimmicks - doubles, retcons etc once Bill was gone all bets were off.

So Phillip and Cane both came back along with Adam -anyone else?

Edited by Paul Raven
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Oh yeah I get you were talking generally, I just thought maybe it had become more a thing on Y&R as well in the last 15 years. Not sure about Adam as I only remember him as a baby.


Yeah it was definitely around from the beginning. I was also shocked that evil twin stories were thought to be a tired trope as early as the late 60's. So I guess that one was around pretty early on too. DOOL is definitely the biggest culprit, haha. 


I wonder if Bobby Ewing's return on Dallas in 86 gave them more confidence to start doing it regularly on daytime soaps, or do you think it was before this that it became more popular. Though I think Stefano had already died and come back by this point hadn't he?

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