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You're welcome. I guess Braeden was on holiday. Plus BD was about to go on vacation so the whole show is mostly Jill, Kay, Phillip and the custody battle. Then she is off for two weeks

No worries. I will put up the others I have tomorrow, including 1986

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Thanks for linking my efforts in this thread! I'm not a Y&R watcher, but please let me know if I can help out with anything. I'm a big fan of any effort to track soap history!



This is too funny, because I'm working on doing almost the exact same thing for ATWT. I felt a little obsessed, so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one . Fascinating stuff!

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Happy Friday, here's more from the Y&R Anonymous Angel (who is not the same person that uploaded those French and German videos, haha). We are lucky to have so many nice people sharing!

These are also in the vault under Full Episodes.


August 2, 1984 (partial).

I know the scenes of Lauren's birthday party have been around before but the other scenes might be new to us? I'm just excited that based on commercials that were left in, I finally figured out the date of this! 


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July 4, 1985 (partial)

A funny and rare scene where Paul & Lauren try to hook up Andy & Lyndsey.




December 11, 1985

Date could be a day or two off. I'm basing it on the GL promo from the episode.




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How could I have forgotten that Lauren Koslow was on Y&R?? I know I was really young but that's crazy! The first time I remember having seen her was on B&B.


One of these soap podcasts really needs to find Alex Donnelly and ask her about her time on Y&R. I'm intrigued by her chemistry with Terry Lester and wonder what it was like to work with him.

Controversial take, but I think that Y&R was much better at organically intermingling their Black characters with the rest of the characters at this time, even with the few Black characters that the canvas had back then, compared to what they would become in future.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I’ve said this before on these forums... but definitely bring Alex Donnelly’s Diane back (I’m sure they can retcon her death somehow). She has chemistry and history with both Jack and Victor, bitchy rivalries with both Nikki and Phyllis, and it would more importantly give Kyle an actual meaty storyline!

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Oh, God yes. As a young'un, her, Jill, Kay, (and Dorian Lord on OLTL) are some of the earliest memories of fierce women that I have. And she got under Nikki's skin like no other and they were so evenly matched and had no problem getting down and dirty. She was just a revelation in her need for revenge on Victor and sheer hatred of Nikki. 


I agree. She has too much history with everyone, the rivalries to back that up, and Kyle being so centered, her return could upend his whole dynamic in ways that would be better than what is going on with him right now. 

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Thank you @BoldRestlessfor those uploads. Watched the first two. I think some here once said Bill Bell tried to find a way to keep Lauren Koslow on but just couldn't really manage it. It's a shame as Lindsay is the exact type of complex female character (driven, aggressive but not overly so, able to have both a work life, personal life, and friendships, and best of all, not bogged down by being related to or having hooked up with half the canvas) that helped take Y&R to # 1. The number of dynamic and compelling women in that first clip alone is more than the entirety of daytime today. Bill Bell, for all the criticism some of his stories got for misogyny, did seem to love and respect women, and it's why so much of his material has aged well compared to so much of the last 15+ years of the show in comparison. 


I wonder if he was chem testing Lindsay and Andy before he brought the Sweeney Sister in, or if that was never meant to go anywhere. Those scenes were a lot of fun. And it was refreshing to see a 4th of July episode that wasn't set at the Newman pool party. 


I'd agree with that. Jazz, Amy, Tyrone, Nathan, etc. were very believably integrated into the canvas with Paul, Lauren and Andy. Later on the black cast became so segregated. 

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It probably helped that, even though Paul and Andy owned the detective agency where Amy, Jazz and Tyrone worked, there didn't appear to be much of a hierarchy.

Also, they were pretty much in the same age group and with the exception of Lauren, mostly either middle class or aspiring to the middle class. Things evened out a bit more when you think of the fact that, if Paul was Amy's boss, Amy's father was Paul's father's boss, which sort of had an equalizing effect.

Contrast that to Neil Winters, who, even as he became Victor's right hand man, Victor was very much Neil's boss for many years. Even Brad Carlton, who supposedly was on a similar level, really wasn't, since he had already married into the Abbott family and had his status elevated. I enjoyed when the Winters family celebrated Christmas as a family, even if they had those celebrations in that kitchenette, as VR referred to it but, at times, it just seemed as if integration of the Black characters onto the canvas became plodding at times, sometimes feeling a little contrived.

The actors handled those situations pretty well though, filling in the gaps, finessing the deficiencies

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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