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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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The scene where Lisa escorts Ellen to the clearance rack and shows her “some lovely things that are ON SALE” always cracks me up. I gotta find it. I think it’s on the DVDs. 

Eileen knew how to deliver a line. And an ad-lib. 

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Watching an undated episode from 1994 and the stories are interesting enough but boy are those sets and that lighting ever bland and generic!


There is a Janie Cobb mention in this episode, even though we don't see her. Holden mentions that he has to pick up Aaron from Janie Cobb's place. I've mentioned this before but it would've made sense if Janie and Holden had had a child together, instead of inventing Molly and Holden as a never before seen couple. And the time when Lily was with Damian or Derrick would have been the perfect time to do that.

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Thank you for linking to Tom's blog. I haven't been so happy to read something about my show in the longest time. I'm sorry I didn't read it years ago. It just makes me love and be amazed by Doug Marland even more. 

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If I come across the scene, I will definitely post it here. Not sure how much I can take of this either, tbh, the sets and the lighting look dystopian.  I think that Susan's home (a.k.a. Dusty's old carriage house) is the only attractive looking set. Everything else looks bleak and the "new" Fashions is an eyesore! Quite a few of the storylines are depressing, relationships are cratering.  Was this a time of big changes and rapid turnover for the show? At this point, I could only watch during the summer, so I missed much of the mid-to late 1990s.

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Marland's material was mostly done by late 1993/early 1994 - I think some of the last was the outline for the Kasnoffs. I can't remember who the initial HWs were (Richard Backus? Juliet Law Packer?) but there was so much stuff I just found uninvolving and dispiriting - Holden obsessing over Lily, Shannon's return (just terrible writing that managed to alienate all fans), the endless Rosanna pity parties and the swill with Mike, Courtney the cop, etc. There are three stories that I care about - Janice worming her way into Kim's life, Pete's arrival and the money he and Julie steal,  and Barbara faking her own stalking. If any fans at the time were not involved in any of this stuff they were SOL. 


I suppose it didn't help that P&G or whoever abandoned an entire planned story (burning down the Snyder farm) because the plot leaked to the press. 

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LOL..I loved Ellen and Lisa's "feud" which was not out and out war but realistic sniping at each other..they just totally did not like each other..so refreshing on Marland's ATWT.


Lisa would have been the easiest character to write for, she knows everyone and had no trouble involving herself with everyone.  I know Eileen woudlnt like it but she doesn't NEED to have a storyline and she fits into everyone's, friend or nemesis. She could have been used as Marland used many characters, as a connector between storylines.


I thought a good storyline  would be for Dr. Shea to come back with the cliche plastic surgery. I would have "Chuckie" still be alive..(contrary to what Eileen told Marland, "Nancy Hughes buried him, whoever Nancy Hughes buries stays DEAD!") I would have him run a clinic for the disadvantaged that Ellen would get involved with fundraising for and then fall for him, meanwhile, Lisa would befriend this nice young guy who would be exactly Chuckies age. She would hire him for one of her many businesses, etc. Shea would have told the kid that Lisa was a woman who had wronged him and run him out of town and that they are there to fleece her out of her fortune. I would bring Betsy back and Shea would send Chuck her way to seduce her. There Shea trys to get his revenge on Lisa, and Claire's daughter and grand daughter. I know Lisa has a long lost kid but how many did John Dixon have?

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Since I've been devoting a lot of time to digging into AMC eras I haven't actually watched before, I want to do the same for ATWT. What would be a good starting point in the 80s for a mostly unbroken run of episodes that last at least a few years? I'm undecided if I just want to start with 1985 so I can see pre-Marland and then into his stuff or if I want to see earlier in the decade as well.

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I don't know about totally unbroken, but I first picked up much of ATWT near the start of Marland's run in late '85-January '86 a couple years ago after only watching random bunches of episodes before, and just picked it up again this month seamlessly. You get the culmination of the Doug Cummings story in February sweeps, the Craig/Sierra/Tonio drama with Lucinda, the build of Holden and Lily, the arrival of Meg and slow introduction of Iva, etc. and more. I'm still going. It's amazing stuff. Prior '80s ATWT with the Dobsons, Horgan, Bunim, etc. is a kooky curio to me atm but not my main interest now.

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