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I don't think imdb expects the actors to do that themselves.  I think fans submit that kind of stuff. And they must be uninformed fans at that. I've seen really off numbers for soap stars. All they'd really have to do is check the archives here to see how off some of the numbers are. 


Over at SOC someone did an analysis of screen time based off those numbers at imdb and they were severely wack. 

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You might have him confused with me. I found this message board to be an incredibly negative space where people just seem to enjoy picking things apart and arguing. i.e. rather than discuss what they love about a series, they wait for someone to post what they love and then rip it apart. If they have something nice to say about one of the soaps, it won't be on that soap's thread, it will be on another soap's thread used as an example to pick apart and say something negative about that soap. That's perfect fine; I don't think those conversations shouldn't exist. I just don't have an interest in joining that type of conversation which is why I haven't posted since then. This message board has about 5 or 6 users who have a very specific narrative and they in no way like it being challenged. When someone does challenge them, they just start name calling and saying "go away". I went away - life is way too short 


I still check this place out though because it is a treasure trove of information. Thanks to this board, I was able to read what happens in Ryan's Hope in 1982 now that I've finished the SoapNet run. 


Also, although you all may not enjoy what @JarrodMFiresofLove is saying and disagree with it doesn't make him wrong. Those of us that are a part of a minority have two ways of identifying with it - with the negative aspects of it and bringing it into every topic of conversation and "oh woe is me" about it, pointing out each and every wrong OR we can recognize that, yes, injustices happen but they don't just happen to our minority. Will & Grace just did a fantastic takedown of those types with a "Which minority has it worst?" storyline. Usually, the people who don't carry it around on their backs are the ones who are actively participating in making things better. 


And now, I'm going to go enjoy a classic episode of ATWT from 1988 followed by one from AW from 1989 and revel in the fact that so much of this content exists for me to watch. They bring me an incredible amount of joy and fun and bring a smile to my face before I head out to face the many ways in which I might be discriminated against today.

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This is the second time you've called me out over a feature not working on the boards. Just to clarify, the feature is on and has been on for years. However,  as far as I am aware, there is a bug in the system that is showing "ignored" member posts. I am working on trying to fix this problem. There is yet to be a solution. This was already stated before on other areas of the board. I do not see why, with whatever animosity you have against me, you continue posting about this topic and calling me out.


Just a reminder: @Toups is in charge of the MB and I am in charge of the entertainment website/news. That's been the protocol for years. Generally speaking, I handle the tech for the boards but not much else. 

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I wish I knew more about the deal SoapClassics made.  They licensed their stuff for... a year?  It seemed a very brief amount of time, anyway (none of the P&G soaps have ever been *my* soap, but I did plan on at least buying a few of the box sets except that during that time I was deeply in dept and I always assumed, while I knew they were around for just a limited time, that they'd be more easier available a *bit* longer than they were--BTW is there a site that lists exactly how many different box sets they DID ultimately release and which episodes?  Everything I can find online, now that their site is gone, seems very incomplete). 

At any rate, they seemed to be a very small company and yet I gather the DVDs did sell at least as well as expected.  Surely this shows that such releases of classic soap episodes is very possible and would do decently?  (The only commercial release I know of that has been done in N America are the B&B sets...).  All very frustrating.

Oh, and I agree with everyone else about ATWT (and to a lesser extent GL) around the holidays and how missed it is.  I was never a regular viewer, but would always watch during Christmas break (and especially enjoyed the vintage episodes they usually aired on days off).




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LOL..I love EF..and I do think that she was in on the joke... or she really WAS Lisa...."Well next thing you know...they hit her with a TRUCK!"Just the way she said that makes me laugh.


About killing Lisa..I think sometimes Eileen likes to make a good story...but who knows, maybe she was right..but it was always boring Whit who looked like he was going to get killed, I can't believe that they would have killed Lisa even with BVF wanting to leave, I could see them killing Whit and then sending a grieving Lisa off until EF came back..or maybe they did tell her that to get her back on the show. The suspects were lined up months in advance with Lucinda, Steve, Jay, etc. There would have been no suspects if they killed Lisa off.


I would love to get Fulton, Zimmer, Hubbard, and some other vets from the PG soaps together and just pour the wine to hear the stories.

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Judging from Michael Swan's comments, he thinks that IMDB expects him to do it, LOL.


Since IMDB closed their messageboards and made all these changes, I'm not sure what fans are allowed to do other than submit reviews.  If the fans can make those types of changes to an actor's personal page, that might be something that IMDB may want to consider changing, LOL or they could end up like those unlocked celebrity pages on Wikipedia-- sometimes the crazy, practical joke things that end up on that site!



OMG, yes! 

There was a former soap actor who used to do interviews like this and post them on You Tube and the We Love Soaps blog.  I really wish someone would do something again.  I'm sure they wouldn't disappoint, none of these ladies are known for holding back.

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It's not animosity, it's wanting the board to work properly, and I'm not the only one who's addressed it. I have nothing against you personally. I do have a big problem with the administration and upkeep of the forum being largely absent. And the reason people are calling it out is because it's becoming rather pressing in ongoing discussions.


And part of the reason we do this is because historically the only time we've been able to get you guys to move on any immediate problem on this forum is by hectoring you directly. I doubt I need to remind you of last year. I actually don't like doing that because I think yours is a thankless job, so maybe it can be delegated. I don't care whether it's you, Toups or some faceless drone from Invision or whatever. Just please find a way to deal with it so we don't have to deal with some of these people.



Jarrod is wrong on many levels. On the one hand, he spouts inaccurate information about BTS creative decisions and hierarchy. On the other, he is a bigot.

Edited by Vee
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The DVD sets themselves, seemed like they were on sale for mere months so maybe part of the time was taken up by selecting which videos and then preparing the videos for sale?

From what I remember reading, the videos sold very well.  Of course, some of those videos were scooped up quickly, then re-sold on Amazon for twice and three times the price for which it was originally sold.  By the end, almost all of the DVD had been sold out.


What seemed to leave many of us perplexed was the final note that SoapClassics sent via e-mail, which seemed to indicate that they were taking a brief hiatus and that they would return.  In hindsight, this is probably what many companies say when they want to quell followup inquiries of any kind.  It's just a shame because a lot of people felt like they were left hanging.  

Even if SoapClassics couldn't continue, it would be great if they could leave a blueprint as to how they accomplished what they did with P&G.  Another group could benefit from SC's expertise on the matter, should anyone want to try again.


Soap fans are exceedingly loyal (even when these companies don't give them reasons to be) and I think there would still be an audience receptive to the classics.

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It was discussed recently that Rosemary Prinz regretted that Penny had been written into a corner by the time she left.  So, I went back and read the character history today and I wondered when she would have considered Penny to be beyond the point of no return?  Her first love Jeff came and went relatively quickly, but she was paired with multiple other partners.  I wonder if she felt that Irna wouldn't let Penny commit fully to a man after the passing of Jeff?  

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Remember for a while there she was very against the idea of returning to a soap (I think she felt the work wasn't important enough)>  She did AMC for six months (with a special title card in the opening credits with her image) as a favour to Agnes Nixon who only convinced her to do it when she said her character, Amy Tyler, could and would speak out against the Vietnam war and reflect Rosemary's own political beliefs.  She also did How to Survive a Marriage in 1975 when it started because it was being contextualized as the first truly feminist and progressive soap that wouldn't show women dependent on romantic fulfillment (some people said this is partly what killed it--many long speeches that didn't feel natural, etc).  I *believe* she played a marriage counselor (I'm not even sure if she lasted for its brief run--the focus seemed to move to other characters and it quickly changed writers).  She also wanted to focus more on theatre, etc, as well.  Of course, like many actors who leave soaps for a variety of reasons, after some time her feelings about them seemed to mellow (and perhaps she also appreciated the steady income they'd provide) and I'm sure she would have returned to ATWT on a more permanent basis...

That all sounds vaguely familiar.  It did seem like suddenly they were getting very ambitious (did they ever release AW sets?) and then *boom* they closed up shop.  You're right, of course, that it's pretty common for companies to want to sound as hopeful as possible about a future return, etc, even when that doesn't seem likely...  Frustrating. 

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