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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Was he that guy that Danny and Michele took in and he was singing all the time?  He looked..well, like he was dumb from his expression on GL so that must have just been his look after being chased around the set from Conboy.

Edited by Mitch
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I always liked Justin Klosky on GL. I'm easy to please. You put an attractive dark-haired man on my screen and I'm happy. I know Conboy's tenure gets a lot of flack (deservedly so--Maryann and the destruction of Alex come to mind) but I found it watchable which is more than I can say about EW's tenure.

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The guy I remember Conboy pushing was Troy Kurtis’ Nico Castana, who lived with Danny and Michelle because Danny felt guilty as his parents died due to mob violence. Kurtis auditioned for Tony Santos when they hired Stephen Martines. I believe Nico was created for Kurtis. The guy had no story, but some hype. When Conboy was fired they briefly played Crystal Hunt’s Lizzie with Nico. Lizzie was present when Nico OD on Delerium at the rave. Kurtis was one of the first ones Wheeler let go. Kurtis left in May 2004 when Nico left to pursue his music career in New York where he was suppose to stay with Drew and Jesse. 

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Justin played Joey Lupo around 2003/4. He wasn't on for very long and I don't remember much as far as storylines go, but I recall his character being seen mostly with Tammy. I had just started watching Guiding Light in '03 and remember him physically but not so much in regards to the character's story. 

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IMDB has him popping up into 2006. I wonder if that's an error, as it often is.


I think I was out by then, but I'm not sure. I'm glad to hear that they were still mentioning Drew by then - just loved her character.

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He may have, but I don't recall him being on that long at all. I watched faithfully from 2003-fall 2006 without missing an episode and I just don't remember him being that significant but I don't recall details like that too well so I may be wrong

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Rob Bogue and Mandy Bruno started having an affair immediately after he joined the show. Look up the timeline. Bruno was living with a few other actresses (including Alexandra Chando) and announced she was engaged. She moved in with her boyfriend. Shortly after, she announced the engagement was off. This is when she was having the affair with Bogue. A blind item in SOD talked about how despite Bogue having two of the hottest leading ladies (Ehlers and Tognoni), he only had eyes for another, much younger than him, actress (Bruno). There was no affair between Bogue and Ehlers. Ehlers marriage was on the rocks for years before Bogue joined the show. She stopped wearing her wedding ring in 2003/2004 and started wearing it again in 2005. Ehlers and her husband went to Italy in the summer of 2005 as a last ditch effort to save the marriage. It didn't work. They got divorced right after they returned home. Almost all of Bogue's scenes then were with Tognoni. They were on virtually every day and virtually all of their scenes were in bed. Bogue and Tognoni also spent every weekend going around the country doing personal appearances. Bogue had a wife and two kids, including a newborn, in Pennsylvania. Bogue had an apartment in Manhattan, as did Bruno and Tognoni.

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Kim Zimmer's book was a huge flop. It didn't even chart. Interesting how the only thing people mention about it is the blind item lie about Beth Ehlers clearly written by Zimmer's troll of a personal assistant. Literally every attack on Beth Ehlers on the internet comes from the same person, Zimmer's personal assistant. She has a long history of going online and smearing and slandering actresses she feels were a threat to her boss. Whether it was Michelle Forbes or Cynthia Watros or Laura Wright or Crystal Chappell or Beth Ehlers. Zimmer's assistant uses multiple accounts with different identities to spread her lies in order to appear as people who "agree" with her. She apparently has no life and spends every day attacking Beth Ehlers online. She made up the ridiculous Bogue story, the Watros story, and the Derwin story. There was no "fling" with Watros. Ehlers was not married when she started dating Derwin. Ehlers got divorced in the summer of 1991 and didn't start dating Derwin until Spring 1992. Derwin was obsessed with Ehlers. He pursued her heavily. She kept rejecting him, not wanting to date an actor. They broke up two years later in the Spring of 1994. Derwin did not want to get married and have children as Ehlers had wanted. Funny thing about the blind item: Zimmer never met Derwin or Ehlers' first husband. Zimmer had left GL by then (June of 1990). Zimmer returned to GL in late 1995. 

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Loved Lucille and her set. Did GL ever repurpose her house set after the story ended?  Stephen Yates, what a doll.  The Dobsons were such a good fit for GL. It was their high water mark as head writers, in my opinion.  They started to do their Santa Barbara thing on ATWT and had two rocky stints on that show. Bridget indicated that they moved them over to ATWT because GL was getting higher ratings in late 70s an CBS/P&G wanted ATWT to be the ratings lead.

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