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Y&R April 2024 Discussion Thread

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If the writers know that there is that history of messing around with the ages of the characters (personally, I think a lot is lost when this is done— it’s a wonder that viewers formed any attachment at all to many of these characters when they age them, ship them off to boarding school and bring them back as 18/19 year olds and when they practically stopped writing interesting stories for some of the rapidly aged newer characters, people tend to stop caring, e.g. Chloe, Charlie, Mattie) why not keep milestones like anniversaries vague? Why give a number at all? 

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And to think after last week's coda of Nikki falling off the wagon, I had been finding this week lifeless. Okay, I was wrong.


Well, perhaps I should say that I found more that kept my interest so far. Like there were little things I loved like the return of seeing Chance's butt and that bod...lol. But I also liked Cole and Victoria kissing. It felt like an elephant in the room. And I also like that the Summer vs Claire story is on a nice simmer for now. Outside of that, I found all things Newman this week so far boring. 


I do like the start of Daniel vs Lily. I liked he came to her and asked about the game, but it's clear she's really and truly hurt and angry and CK came off well in those scenes. But of course, Daniel had to be his mother's son and mention Heather. So...go on, exes. FIGHT!!!


The Ashley storyline FINALLY saw some more movement. And it has been great to watch. And so far...NO break in the action. GOOD. It has been the most fascinating for better or for worse story on right now and Eileen Davidson stays drawing me in. But of course, it can't stay this way forever. There had to be movement...hard to do when the writers are focused on stories that don't hold my interest half as much. So Monday with Audra catching Baby Ash was cute. And the ending coda with the white room and 3 Ashleys was well done. So of course I had to watch Tuesday to see what's going on and see if some answers came out. And some did....though a 'let's murder Tucker' plot...uh...okay. And then Tuesday ended on Ashley walking into an intervention...and Tucker walking in on that. So of course, I had to watch Wednesday knowing what they revealed...so...flow again. Nicely done. Because I went ahead and watched Wednesday...which ALSO ended on a HIGH dramatic note. Someone is writing well this week.

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And Wednesday. There was so many great scenes. Tucker revealing what he knew to the Abbotts in front of Ashley...and his proposing to Audra. There's a moment when Tucker tells them about Baby Ash/Audra talking and the camera gets Jack, Billy, and Traci's reaction...and it was so done that I rewinded...especially Billy and Traci's. But the best scenes were between Traci and Ashley and digging into that history...I can't believe Ash basically tried to play on Traci's old insecurities about her looks. I only wished that Diane had tried to mess with her more to be honest because so much of that intervention was good. And now...Ashley is under house arrest...? 



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Why are Danny and Cricket having sex on Daniel’s couch? This is getting ridiculous now when they literally gave Harrison a bedroom in the same episode.

Surprise surprise Jordan just broke right into the Abbott mansion.

Eileen was amazing in the intervention scenes. The cause of her mental break is still stupid but I can’t take my eyes off the screen for any Ashley scenes especially with the other Abbott’s. It’s amazing how much more I’m invested in the Abbott’s than the Newman’s. The only Newman I care about is Nikki.

Edited by Antoyne
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See? This is what I was afraid of.


Ashley's story has dominated this whole week. It has been on all week. And something new has happened all week. And the movement has been exquisite. And BOOM!!! She becomes the B story...okay, C story for Victor/Nikki. I wouldn't have minded so much since it IS Victor/Nikki's 40th anniversary...but all we got from them is a 5 second clip and a lot of talking and speeches WITHOUT flashbacks? I do respect that Ashley mentions littered Friday's episode regardless of the return of the Newman focus to keep the relevance of the clear A story this week. 


But going back to Wednesday's cliffhanger...I loved we got a bit of a mini-climax...for now...in Ashley's story. REAL Ashley made it back at last. And had a good coda with Traci. But it was not without her vs the Abbotts giving more great scenes for them. And Diane. And now they added in Sharon. She really is turning into Marlena Evans when it comes to these things, ain't she?


And then here comes Jordan...




Okay, I will give some credit. Since Summer vs Claire has really been the B story this past week, the add-in of recast Harrison, brings it to the frontburner. So it does bring us to the next leg of Claire's story...trying to see her blend into her REAL family now that the main push in the Jordan storyline is over. From that perspective...I can see Summer's side. And the looks AL was giving...WOOF. It looks like more of the same in the current week. I almost wish they had gone with this angle post her getting out of the sanitarium. 


And...I LOVE Nikki's dress. And how great Victor looked and how EB looked at her with such love in his eyes. And there was even a look EB had during his brief talk with Adam that was so fatherly that I really loved. 


Oh God, yes. Eileen has been perfection. So meh none of her on Friday. I enjoyed having her all week last week. 


tbf, JG has made it no secret that his favorite family is the Abbotts. And it does show.


I think you would love the whole week involving Ashley...from the coda of Friday 4/5 to 4/11...it has been the main story. And to see the story structure with cliffhangers every day this past week has been nice and refreshing. 


From what I remember re: Mamie. Mamie was in cahoots with Tucker. He was her silent partner. Payback on Jill while Tucker got closer to Devon and Mamie got to keep the company just for the Winters as they tried to repair the rift between Devon, Lily, and Nate. Which she eventually did. 


Now that everything has been out in the open and due to Jill and Mamie's continued dislike of each other, Jill brought Billy and Chance on to C-W so she was not basically outnumbered with Devon, Lily, and a returned Nate who thanks to Mamie (and Tucker's messiness with Audra, Ashley, and his own business dealings) did mend his relationship with Devon and Lily. However, the story has more of less stalled now and Jill has been nowhere in sight and Mamie's appearance has been too scattershot for my liking. If you didn't asked, I wouldn't have thought about it at all. It's been turned from an interesting B plot to basically a D plot. 


I want to say right now...the last time it was touched on has been Billy trying to use Chance. Chance retired from being our police guy and joined C-W, making Jill (and Nina) happy. Billy was acting like a mentor. But Billy also started to ruffle Devon's feather. Chance went to Nate for advice and Nate has kinda turned into more of a mentor than Billy which has caused some friction between Billy and Chance. I don't know if you were watching when it was Devon vs Nate over that music festival (when the subtext was the hostility between the two over Nate's hand/Elena/etc.), but they basically recycled the music festival plot with Chance=Nate, Billy=Devon. The writers even gave a line name checking the plot as if they read this board because I said the same thing. In any case, Nate told Mamie about the friction and wanted to see if Nate would fan the flames. Meanwhile...Billy vs Devon was getting more frequent...not helped by the triangle between Heather/Daniel/Lily (which got backburnered when CK went on maternity leave)...which became another thing for Billy and Devon to argue over. Nothing has been touched on in terms of the C-W plot since Lily returned though. 


I know that sounds like a LOT but it has been scattered scenes here and there over the last few months since the focus has been on the Abbotts and (especially) the Newmans vs Jordan. I feel it's a story that sadly fell through the cracks. 

PS. If you don't want to start from 4/5...I would say the last 5 to 10 minutes of 4/09 and then 4/10, 4/11 (the main parts of the invention) were superb. The whole week has a nice flow in that story up until 4/12. 


Edited by Taoboi
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So they’ve made the Jordan/Claire story an Umbrella now bringing in the Abbotts. The scenes today with Nikki being at the Abbott house, and everyone keeping what’s going on with Harrison from Ashley and what’s going on with Ashley from Nikki, were really well done.

Summer is annoying me but I can see where she’s coming from. Claire was in therapy for about a month after trying to kill her whole family and is now cured after a lifetime of brain washing. I do like that some people are using their brains though that it literally makes no sense for Claire to suddenly start kidnapping children. I actually wasn’t expecting the Jordan story to take this turn so I guess I’m okay with it though really the Newmans could’ve been done with Jordan if they just let her rot in that basement.

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The Danny and Cricket couch sex was pathetic, and not only because Michael Damian is washed and should be off the show.

It's nice they gave Harrison a bedroom, but could they make it any smaller? It's like they found a closet in the mansion and put the kid in it.

I understand Summer's upset, but I think they've completely overplayed the "MY SON!" angle.

We just never saw enough to believe Summer had that motherly bond with Harrison. I'm not blaming Allison Lanier, but I am blaming the writers and the casting of the original Harrison. That kid showed a connection to no one.

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That kid, OG Harrison, was only hired for his cuteness and his hair, I swear. He could not deliver a coherent line of dialogue even if it was two words. This new little Haley Joel O twin can already make me a believer of his kid-acting ability. His baby teeth make him look like he's under 5, but I read that he is 8 1/2.

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