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GH: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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As someone who grew up watching Dark Shadows reruns, I don't mind soap gothic at all, but I just don't remember finding anything especially gothic about their setup, beyond Stefan brooding and wearing black. I did want to be involved, at least with Stefan (never cared a great deal about Nik), but I didn't think the show felt the same way. I've admitted before late '90s GH isn't my cup of tea, so I respect that others enjoyed it.

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I can see that. Imagine seeing Stephan Nickels and not knowing he played Steve on DAYS...which was me lol. Oh, the night and day. I definitely get the involvement with Stefan. I found him as a young teenager endlessly fascinating. But I always did like the tall, dark, and handsomely silent type. lol. But that's how I felt about Nik back in...lol. But I can see why Nik isn't everyone's cup of tea back then now that I'm older. 


I can respect your thoughts. Hope I'm not coming across prickly.

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Ah!!! I see. hehe.

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GH is so much better now than it has been in years.  This new writing team is doing a fantastic job!!  My goodness, even all the characters I dislike (Joss, Carly, Jason, John/Jagger, Nina, Drew, Ava, Sonny, Cyrus) are in more interesting stories, saying and doing more interesting things.  The stakes are higher, the character-driven motivations are stronger.  The show is just sexier, more rational (for a soap) and more emotional all at once. 

Joss' scenes recently (even today's scene with Anna) have really made that character so much more interesting and compelling.  I'm glad all of the characters that I like (Laura, Anna) are actually finally seeing sense, too.  All the weird friendships and their formerly insane saintly treatment of Sonny ending is long overdue. 

The Heather Webber scenes with Laura were so good in prior weeks, "what have I become?"  I like this legacy Webber character is on her way to being rehabilitated with a medical explanation for her crimes.  The actress is so good.

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Frankly, I didn't think it was right for daytime even back then, during the late '90's and early '00's, when the soaps were taking beatings from the O.J. trial and the rise of those trashy talk shows, and when the genre as a whole needed to get back to basics.

Edited by Khan
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Today was a solid episode. I think most days tend to be solid, but not always remarkable. One of the standouts today for me were Josslyn going to Anna about Dex's recruitment to the academy. I thought Joss' impassioned speech was well written and well delivered. I think Finola Hughes played the conflict well, but I am not necessarily sure what major aim of going forward with the case against Sonny for Cyrus' assault is and having Molly prosecute. Is she purposely hoping that this will reveal that Dex was involved to get him kicked out of the academy? Or is she trying to get Sonny put away quickly to protect Dex? I am started to see why people were upset about Anna pushing for Dex to be recruited. I still think it's an interesting arc, but it doesn't necessarily make Anna look very intelligent. 

The wedding planning stuff today was more effective than I usually find it. I actually enjoyed Lois trying to arrange Sonny's seat among his enemies only for Lois to consider whether or not they were inviting Jason, who's place in the Q family I was curious about. 

If I cared about Carly/Jason as a couple, I would enjoy their scenes. Jason explaining his isolation and need for something that was just his worked well. I thought the city inspector angle was good as it continues this civic sensibility that has been permeating throughout the show. I actually thought the good cop/bad cop thing was stupid until Carly explained it, and then I just thought that Carly lives by her own rules. I think it was smart to do the whole Danny and the jacket scene without any dialogue. The lighting looked good in that scene. 

Nina getting played is fun. She is definitely not as smart as she thinks she is, which makes her a little more human. Her realization today that Ava is exactly the person that Drew said she was was gold. I just wish that Drew was there to see the moment. I did enjoy the set up of that scene with Sonny and Ava grabbing lunch as Carly arrives to tell Olivia. The episodes do feel tighter as the new writers continue to find their groove. 

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Well, yes, I agree with that.  I would actually rest the Cassadines at this point.  Laura does need more family on the show and I would rather it be Lulu/Lucky.

Did you like Nik's intro story via Lulu's illness or did you dislike all of it?  I thought Laura having an unknown lost child was the best part, although the wishy-washy back and forth about Stefan vs. Stavros being the father was a little annoying.

I never really thought of the Cassadines being a poor fit for the time, but what you are saying does make sense.  I do remember sometimes feeling like the Stefan/Nik/Katherine mess felt like it was part of another show, so I guess that does speak to your point.  

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I feel like Nik has been written into a corner for awhile.  Especially with Tyler's passing I can't get myself to care that much about Nik.  I suppose he can come visit Ace from time to time.

It's ridiculous Lulu is still in a coma.  I can understand it might be a bit more challenging to find the right Lucky, but there are plenty of blonde soap actresses in the world that could do Lulu justice and she would fit in so many stories.

Aren't there rumors some Wards are being cast?

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