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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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I see the sauna is back!!!! HELL-HO, DANTE!!!!


And I loved that after all my asking about when we saw Kristina last...HERE'S KRISTINA!!!!  It was nice to have a Davis Girls scene even without Alexis.


But it was nice to see Alexis and Diane together again elsewhere in the episode. 


I guess we had to come down a little from that superb Feburary Sweeps. So I found it funny that I had forgotten or lost interest in the other storylines. lol. Laura/Anna's plot against Victor's spy. Chase (who looked good in his sauna with Foine Dante), BLQ, and this Linc plot. Anything having to do with Gregory...though I appear to be warming to him...ugh...lol.


Yeah, I'm ready for this Linc to be over, Chase to get back to his job, and a BLQ/Chase/Sasha triangle to start because it's at least intriguing.


That ending though...


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OMG. Those two are not talking about asparagus, are they? Maybe escargot? 

See? I can predict! He wouldn't even shut up about it. I was like, "Dude, no. This love, cuddly-poo-poo time is over with. Talkin' about asparagus."

Yes, it's delicious. Just don't be having it before a certain time.

Edited by Noel
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SloMo and Dex’s budding romance is not nearly as captivating as they seem to think so. I think Sonny is a useless husk of a character but he has zero reason to like this kid, he’s not interesting or charming. No charisma and he acts like a scared little boy, Sonny would not find that appealing in an enforcer.

Speaking of romances, Sasha and uhhh Josh Kelly talking about how depressed they are is fast forward TV. I don’t care and I don’t buy that the characters find any of this interesting. And two full episodes about the selling of a garage is torturous.


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I still think Joss and Dex have some chemistry they just have dropped the ball with this story.  And the actor that plays Dex (too lazy to look up his name) looks way too much like Michael for my liking.   I have to agree Sonny has no reason to like this kid besides the fact he likes cooking lol.  He lacks the charisma of Dante/Dominic or the IDGAF brain damage Jason had.  On the other hand, Sonny spends 95% of his time wandering around the Metro Court following Nina so I have no idea what he does in a day.

Sasha's grief is probably in a realistic timeline for someone who had such huge losses, but it is so boring.  And clearly the actress is very pregnant so I am not sure why we are wasting time with this Sasha/Cody pairing when she is going to be offscreen shortly.

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I think Joss and Dex have a lot of physical chemistry (clearly the actors are very…comfortable) but like you said, the story ain’t it. The dialogue is weird too, they spit plot points at each other I don’t know why they like each other beyond the physical. And if that’s all there is then say it.

Lol I love Sonny’s current status as Nina’s Boyfriend. I swear in some scenes the only thing that’s missing is him holding her purse while she does more interesting things, like talk to people with actual stories.

And yes, Sasha’s grief is realistic but it’s such a chore to watch a non-central, inessential character float from scene to scene talking about how profound her grief is. If there was some sort of action involved, by that I mean seeing the ramifications of her grief on herself or others I might find it interesting but as is it’s just a time filler. I actually liked Gladys saying that seeing Brando’s name over and over was difficult for her, that’s very real. I hate that it’ll be later thrown in her face when Sasha learns the truth.

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Yes, Joss and Dex have physical chemistry and I think you or @Vee said Eden McCoy used to look like she could barely tolerate love scenes with WL's Cam, so that's a change lol.  It felt like the initial Joss/Dex story was heading down a Sonny/Brenda path, but it lost most of its momentum quickly probably because Dex/Joss have about 1/10th of the charisma as early Mo/Vanessa, but who does?

I don't even care Sonny spends his time following Nina around and think it's funny, but why are we watching Sonny wander around the Metro Court bar so much?  He has entire scenes where he's listening to Nina and his only line is "I'll excuse you two" when Nina has someone to talk to.  

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  I am sure one of the 1000 members of the cast could fill that time and space better.

I like Sasha.  I think I am one of the only people that has ever liked Sasha, but she's outlived any usefulness.  She's boring and her grief is boring and her romance potential is boring.  I am not going to lie, I wish that whole Corbin side of the family left when Mike died.

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  • I had a similar thought.  One of my issues with the Dex storyline has been that I don't feel well-informed about either Sonny's or Dex's plan. 
    • Sonny is involved in some business deal, but it is unclear how it is illegal, or how Dex will use it to help convict Sonny. 
    • When I first found out that Dex was in cahoots with Michael I assumed that they were trying to take down Sonny financially, but now it seems like they are trying to make a legal case against him, and I don't get why Michael is needed for that story.
  • Putting the actress's health aside, it can't be helping to see Maxie in that jacket. 
    • Also, did miss I miss something? 
    • Are they celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Nurse's Ball or the 60th anniversary of the hospital?  Because we've flashed back to the first episode a number of times now and it didn't seem like Dr. Hardy's first day on the job.
  • I don't mind the large cast. 
    • GH is one of the only shows where it feels like they all live in the same town and they're all affected by the same drama.  Friday's episode was a good example of people catching up, in a variety of places, and reacting to recent events. 
      • But, is there anything soapier than Cody dropping the DNA results?  Only in a soap town do people carelessly drop their pregnancy tests, cancer results, and DNA findings like a spare penny.  
Edited by j swift
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It is supposed to be the 60th anniversary of the hospital.

You are absolutely right that it definitely wasn't Steve Hardy's first day back on the job in the first episode back in 1963 but they basically ret-conned that for the 30th anniversary to say that it was and then carried that on for the 50th.

Then in 2019 when they wrote in Gail Baldwin's death her will stated that the treasure hunt she had set up was to take place on the 56th anniversary of the hospital, thus making April 1 the anniversary of the hospital itself and they've carried that on this year for the 60th.

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It is a little confusing to have the Nurse's Ball just celebrate the hospital.  It's historically been a fundraiser for AIDS research so now it's just a variety show to celebrate an establishment being around for a long time lol?  I wish they would tie it to a cause as well because that's the actual point of the Nurses Ball.

@j swiftI agree with you re: Dex and Michael's plan.  It would make way more sense to ruin Sonny financially instead of tip toeing around the legalities of Sonny's shipments.  We don't know why they are illegal so why not just make it something much easier to explain.

I don't mind a large cast in theory.  It does bring a large community feel, but when at least 60% of the cast bring nothing to the table I find it a waste of time to have that many people onscreen.  I'd rather see more of Laura than hear about Austin's cousin or Gladys's gambling debt or Cody's horses.

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Cody’s a clown.

And all the worrying about the Nurses Ball today was stupid. Did they seriously think that Nina wouldn’t allow the ball to take place at the hotel just to spite Carly? Nina can be a douche but come on

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Hopefully, Lucy will somehow be the MC again. 

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The show is going to do something for Sonya Eddy. I Hope it's okay to post that, since we knew the show would do it eventually. That episode will air a couple days before the Nurses Ball begins.  I *hope* they incorporate honoring Epiphany into the ball as well.  The characters can't discuss Epiphany yet - because the characters know only that she's away at school or something.  I hope she doesn't die.  But there will be an episode that has something to honor the actress.  I wish the fictional characters (as well as the real show management) would create a nursing scholarship?  (since Sonya Eddy championed that cause in real life)? 

Edited by janea4old
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i have zero intel but maybe GH will keep Nurse now Dr Johnson Alive but outside of PC. They  could do something like Y&R did with Jeanne Cooper and kristoff St Johnson where the actors sit down and discuss Sonya and what she meant to GH

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I was so annoyed that it took half an episode to come to that obvious conclusion.

I don't understand this Cody story and I don't even want it explained to me. Enough with the paternity/maternity shît.

It looks like we're headed for another viral outbreak? Unless I missed something. Victor has a pathogen. Both Donna and Olivia are ill. I'd give anything for them to cull half the cast.

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