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General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread

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Chase is hot but like an overgrown child. I've never seen the purpose.

I've talked about this before but the twenty/thirtysomething set alternately behaves like 14 year olds or 60 year olds. It's bizarre. BLQ, etc. should be more fun than this.

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The Sprina fan in me says Hell No But the part of me that wants Joss to suffer like no one’s ever suffered before says Hell Yes

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Let Dex toss her away like trash. It would be exactly what she deserves 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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No one in the 20/30 set is any fun. Nobody goes to the club or bar and hang out, drink and party. Ani't noone being messy, scheming. It's just all babies all the time it's like all they can write. My fav it's stuck with one kid too many & they don't bother to show them unless it's some plot point [!@#$%^&*]. I wish she can go back to scheming and messiness 

It's like they decided everyone needed babies and couldn't do [!@#$%^&*] anymore but birth children. It's really insulting that they just see them as anchors to pop out babies.

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Friday's episode was nice in so many small, sweet ways (much like baby "Ace" Cassadine in his Great Great Grand Uncle Victor's arms).  Laura & Victor's interaction was so well acted.  Diane coming in with that ending cliffhanger was perfect.  Can't wait for Monday's episode!

Laura, Anna & Felicia playing a Scooby-Doo-style haunting of the Deputy Mayor was funny.  Love how Felicia & Maxie have that humor part in common characteristics.  They should do more comedic stuff with Maxie if she's going to stay on the show.

Sasha is so much better now without Blando (but still keep Gladys!).  The actress is so conventionally pretty, if they pair her with Cody, they might be too beautiful a couple.  I guess they're setting up a quad romantic entanglement with Cody, Sasha, Chase and Brooklyn.

The Davis sisters all getting together was nice.  Dante & Sam make a nice blended family.  I'll never understand what her "domestic partnership" obsession is, but Molly being in a 10 year relationship with Dr. TJ and being a district attorney is so great!  The actress has grown up gorgeously...I can't wait till a hotshot new Lothario lawyer comes to Port Charles and rocks Molly & TJ's blissful soap world, in the court room and bedroom.

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Daaaaarn. I was so hoping that Liz would have a devious killer in her corner. Cuz it looked like she was going to need it. But alas. lol. That said...KG was acting her butt off. And I felt her hurt, pain, AND wrath on her face when she cornered Scotty in that office. 


Speaking of darn (again)...I knew Willow was not going to die, but had them fingers crossed. I do like that they faked out that phone call. If this was RC (or Lucky Gold writing), I was expecting stall, stall, more stall...and then we would have a drag out on the reveal that Dr. O was a match. So happy that was not the case. I was hoping that Willow would be at Death's door though....along with the shipment story going down...so Michael could be in a position to lose EVERYTHING.


Speaking of the shipment storyline, that Sonny/Dex scene was PAINFUL. 


And that ending...yes! So...where do they go from here? Stick with the recast or is someone coming back to their role? Hmmm. And now that it's tied into Austin's storyline...WHO is the person he's working for...or used to. Cuz at this point, it's been rewritten so much IDK.


Uh oh...I liked the beginning of the week was a breather, but it does feel like momentum is dropping.


And...when was the last time we saw Kristina. Seeing Molly made me wonder. 

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Lynda's at it again.  In this week's summary; Who's Scoot?  Does anyone call her Samantha? & If Nikolas was "off" life support, wouldn't he be dead?

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Edited by j swift
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The whole plot is beyond stupid but Felicia slowly taking off the dead makeup throughout the episode was pretty funny.

Does anyone else feel the awkward pause while Kelly Monaco's castmates wait for her to finish her lines? What is going on with her?

Dante and Sam even discussing the possibility of another child is ridiculous with them in their mid-40s raising 4 kids. Kids we never see.

Molly's possible pregnancy is not a storyline and this show does not need any more goddamn babies. I find the whole idea that Molly and TJ, who have inexplicably been together for a decade despite both still being children, are in a domestic partnership. It's giving Loving V. Virginia. Very suspicious.

Speaking of interracial relationships, Spencer and Trina haven't had a scene together in 2 weeks and ya boy is thirsty.

I don't think I can handle another episode of Brook Lynn talking about her feelings for Chase. Or his feelings for her. They write them like they're 22, not the 40 year olds they are.

And Depression Central Sasha needs to be offscreen until she has something to do, I'm sick of hearing about her grief. No one cares.

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He's 30! And Setton does not look or come off her age. But I agree they write their younger cast (which includes those two) like either very young teens or old people.

LOL at old Benjamin Franklin Gregory not even having a job at the university! I called it. Just an old salaryman going to the train station and sitting there all day.

Edited by Vee
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Kelly Monaco has always had strange diction and been very mumbly to me.  I don't notice that much difference.  I just think some days KeMo knows her lines better than other days lol.

I think Sam and Dante are supposed to be younger than mid 40's.  I remember the show giving Sam a birthdate that was way too young for her when Alexis found out Sam was her daughter.  Your point is very valid though.  They don't need more kids at all.   I know Sam's broken baby maker was fixed, but is it fixed enough for her to have a pregnancy over 40?  It feels similar to Carly and Sonny having Donna to....do nothing and bring zero drama to the show.

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Oh, okay. Rory Cabrera must've been not that important then. Actually, Sasha doesn't seem to be doing that bad either after what's his face? Brando. They're all moving along nicely besides Sasha telling Heather she and Brando had cherry pie.

Edited by Noel
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