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Mystery YR return

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Dated November 7. 

therealmichaeldamian Verified
Beautiful as always!! Can’t wait to film with you this week!! 

traceybregman1 Verified
@therealmichaeldamian sooo excited to see you!! ❤❤❤

Edited by janea4old
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@slick jones I honestly thought you had tossed Y&R by the wayside long ago while I’m still grimacing trying to watch the last soap I’m even clinging onto

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Connor & Johnny are cute kids and can act but the dialogue given to them Is terrible/dreadful. . Sheesh that dialogue would be absolutely terrible even if had been given to Sharon & Nick. 

Faith and Moses being ridiculously aged from high school freshman to college freshman in a year span and shipped off just pure laziness when Faith & Moses could have experienced similar issues Nick & Sharon faced in high school, or even a retelling of the Kevin/Lily Internet story for Faith & Moses. But NOPE! 

The Winters family right now reminds me of Guiding Light treated the Bauer family for that show’s last 15 years. Remember how how 2-year old Leah Bauer was SOARSED to age 16 while older brother Jude Bauer remained age 5? 

I think the show would at least be wise to bring back Lucy on screen so it could tie up a lot of loose ends, let Sheila appear as part of Y&R’s 50th, and leave Phyllis responsible with dealing with a younger version of herself. 

But I predict Lucy would probably be sweet and innocent as Phyllis and Sheila marvel together that their granddaughter has resilience they never had.

Edited by soapfan770
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@soapfan770I try to watch daily.  I even try to re-watch on the days it sends me to nodding off.

I do think the return of Diane (who definitely should have married Ashland prior to his death).  I'm not a fan of Trevor St. John, but I'm not minding him as (what's the nickname, Flucker?" McCall. Then again, had they tried to keep Robert Newman a little longer, Flucker wouldn't really be needed.

I do think the return of Graz is going to inject a little more life into the show. Daniel was always a quirky character, and I know Daniel hasn't always been popular around these parts, but I agree he was always the best on screen partner that Christel Khalil ever had.

I don't think moving Kelsey Wang and Rory Gibson will affect either's airtime, since Chelsea seems to be the only character that Grffith writes for.

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All valid points were made here!

This is why I hoped they would age Johnny and Connor to 15 years old. My wishful story was that Johnny was going to find out about his true parentage on his 16th birthday, while both boys fought over a teenage Lucy. In addition to fighting for a place within their family and with Chelsea. 

One of the issues with the Winters is that they're missing a viable matriarch or patriarch. They want to make it Lily, but she isn't mature or capable at this time to do so. I wish there was a way they could work it out with Tonya Lee Williams. Because Olivia or a recast Malcolm would definitely shore up that family.

I was hoping it was going to turn out that the young mother who was going to give up the baby to Tessa and Mariah was somehow going to turn out to be Lucy, but for some reason she's living overseas with Heather.

I would love for Lucy to return with a chip on her shoulder and see Phyllis react to the granddaughter who is in her image while a 50th anniversary crossover occurs with Sheila wanting to get to know her granddaughter, but we know Brad and Josh want us to forget Sheila's other relatives that aren't Finn.



I think they recast Faith out of spite, but I wonder was its part of budget cuts or a CBS note to have Josh and Co. let Faith and Moses go. You have no next generation if they keep doing this. 

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Has Y&R ever really had a matriarch in the way that daytime soaps were known for having a matriarch though? I struggle to think of one. Y&R had Liz Foster and Mary Williams, I guess but they never seemed to be the drivers of story, at least not at the time I got to watch and honestly, most of Liz Foster’s time was way before I started watching.

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it's so funny to me that Y&R are 2 for 2 w/ making successful young actresses out of Faith, Mckenna Grace being my personal fave out of the 2. And now they're both so much bigger than the show they probably can't eve afford them. Maybe, that's why they let the character just sort of die? They don't want to lose again so they're switching to younger boy characters. LOL

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Love these!!!!

I wanted to reply earlier. Thank you for the Vail Bloom shoutout. She really was good in the role for me.


And you know you can tell a good tale so opinion away.  I like this one for sure. The writers are slowly, but surely putting cracks in the Billy/Lily relationship and the fact MG is back for a bite...one of Lily's best relationships...is just a sign that is an external conflict for them though they have good internal conflict in Billy's need to save all his women and Lily becoming more of a woman who can save herself and won't lessen herself again like she did with He Who Shall Not Be Named. Daniel's presence is just more tension to that. And then...here comes HEATHER. Then Daniel and Heather could be dealing with their issues parallel to whatever JG has planned with Billy/Lily/Chelesa with some Adam dashed in. It could be so organic if it is allowed to breathe. And yes, it writes itself. 

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