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DAYS: October 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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DOOL F 10-7-22

EJ is at the door where both Ava & Johnny are waiting outside to be let in. He did invite them both to move back in. They let them bring them in. They're moving back in & got to  keep their minds off of sex. Each wants their own room. Not sharing. Sonny is on the phone to Will. Home from the hospital. Alex is annoying him. Alex says he'll have CEO changed back to him. He says Titan would take a beating if they change CEOs again!

Stephanie is finished working & says she couldn't have gotten it all done without Chad's help. How does he life working for SJPR.

Chanel checks to make sure she is in the right apt. Just making sure. Now, did I just hear you tell me that you want us to have a 3-some with Alex Kiriakis? Is this coming up because you're worried I missed out on something with Brady? Or Johnny? Chanel says she is puzzled. Allie says we talked about this. Chanel says you are springing it on me.

Sonny says he's sorry that he shouldn't have snapped at Alex. This separation makes things harder.

Alex says that he & Will are lucky guys because you're getting what you need in the way of companionship from each other. You've got Will & Ari. I think  I need you to give me advice on my love life.

Well, you haven't actually been afraid to add.

Stephanie declares it a day of celebrations. Gets champagne.

EJ, come in. Just put your things down & I'll get Henderson to make up a room for you. Ava points out that they want separate rooms. EJ is perplexed. Ava just lost her husband & it will take some time before she's ready to launch out into the school? Are we safe here?

Paulina is pleased with campaign doings. She's also glad to see Abe, who has just walked in. They embrace & kiss. Paulina says she hopes that Stephanie brought Chad on board.

Back to Chad & Stephanie he asks what his title is, haha. . SJPR ... she doesn't know.

Her brothers are texting her every hour to ask about Kayla. She wishes she could just tell them the truth. Well the meeting is done. Do nothing. She's not interested in you.

Back to Chanel & Allie. Okay, Chanel asks if this idea about a 3some has anything to do with Jhonny. Is it a pretext? Back to Alex. Maybe he should send Stephanie some flowers. Alex, says Sonny, that is a funeral joke.  Alex has an idea. She doesn't work with anyone she is dating so he will fire her. Sonny says that won't work & you kknow it. So he says he will quit. Sonny is getting exasperated with him. Alex says that Justin's world was okay because he had Mom. Paulina says she has had better days. She is worried about Kayla, Marlena &  Kate. Ava says she put the brakes on. Recently when she lost Jake, her husband she just wasn't ready.

Allie says that yes, some is because of Johnny. . Chanel asks her if she is missing having sex with men. Allie says that she is not missing anything. Chanel says she has found happiness in a loving monogamous relationship with Allie. Allie says that this would just be sex. Not any feelings. Sonny tells Alex that he absolutely cannot terminate Stephanie. And he says No does not mean maybe. Alex says again that he could always quit. Sonny shows him how they can't use less of the plant than they are. Alex is going to go get some kind of hot dog from Julie's Place. Sonny wants 6.

EJ is going to the wine cellar. Hmm. EJ doesn't do anything unless there's something in it for him. EJ said it was wrong of him to jump to conclusions.He shoul dhave known Johnny would not take advantage of Ava.

Abe explained about the 3women being poisioned by the toxin. Paulina said that if a fortune teller had told her that would happen she would not have blieve dit. Poor John & Steve & Roman.

Slaon showsed up to see Paulina. Abef left. Sloan says she has info from a certain clinet that would ruin Paulina's chances in the election. But i's not about Paulina. It's about Chanel.

EJ brings Ava a framed marriage certificate but ssy that the signature of Jake is a forgery & she is NOT a Dimear.

Stephanie & Chad kiss.

Edited by Tonksadora
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Just WOW that someone would post that synopsis above full of grammar mistakes and misspellings. Especially from someone who claimed to be a master editor and is a stickler for detail and misspellings. It just keeps getting worse. 

As for Days today, ignoring the jibberish above, it was dull. The threesome thing just goes on and on. It would have been better if it just happened back when and not drawn out and talked about ad nauseum. It's not interesting. Days needs to step it up!

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If they want Alex to work in the long term, they need to drop the "Quagmire from Family Guy" aspect and focus on his bond with his brother Sonny for a while, that's the one aspect of the character that works. The only time I enjoy Alex is in scenes with Sonny. RSW and Zach work very well together. 

Chad and Stephanie have no chemistry and it is way too soon for a kiss. This whole Chad/Stephanie/Alex triangle is awful. Am I the only one when Chad was describing Stephanie felt like that fit Sonny more? If DAYS wasn't so damn chicken, THAT's the direction they should be heading. 

Then the stuff with Allie and Chanel is so offensive. 

Overall the writing on this is not only bad, but boring. 


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I don't even like Alex with Sonny. Sonny is being wasted just so RSW has a job. Sonny is the same guy who changed his life to help his brothers run his mother Foundation. Now poof! they've never got along. 

Chad comes off much older than Stephanie on screen. I'm not sure if its the facial hair or what....but I don't want Stephanie anywhere near Ben 2.0.

Chanel and Allie are dull as hell. It should be Sonny and Will talking about having a threesome instead of them.

Yes, the writing is awful and the show is very boring too.


Edited by Soapsuds
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Today's show was so boring!

We have had 2 episodes of Chanel/Allie talking about a threesome that will never happen and endless episodes of Alex talking about Stephanie, but only one episode a WEEK of the Orpheus illness stuff which I thought was the A story on the show.

I actually do think Chad/Stephanie have chemistry, but the kiss came out of nowhere.

Even though I really don't mind RSW, I am with @Soapsuds-Alex is useless.  I don't like him with anyone.

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I agree they are wasting Sonny. Both Will and Sonny expressed some concerns about their long distance marriage this week, so maybe this is heading for a divorce or legal separation, but this current set up of Zach being on full time and Chandler popping in every 6-8 weeks is NOT working. As much as I love this version of WilSon, they need to either break them up and give Sonny a new love interest (that's NOT Leo) or recast Will. 



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This in a nutshell is what's wrong with this soap!

I do too!

Carlivati is to blame for Chandler being MIA.  I doubt they will recast but there are no signs of Sonny cheating. The previews haven't hinted at it. Unless it's Leo because he's seen living at the Kiriakis house during the holidays and Will isn't happy seeing him there.

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Yup!  I know they need to use certain actors more than others but there are multiple relevant things Chanel/Allie could be talking about like the fact both Allie's grandmas have an incurable, terminal illness!  Talking about a threesome is incredibly petty when Allie hasn't shown any concern over that.  In fact, I can't think of the last time Allie thought about anything other than herself or Chanel.

As far as Alex and Stephanie, I couldn't care less.  I don't care if Stephanie and Alex never share a scene again.  I don't need to hear about it 3 times a week.

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With their taping schedule and actor usage scheduling so out of whack, they REALLY should've rested Chad for a few weeks before thrusting him into scenes with another woman right off the bat. Abigail's Ghost body isn't even cold yet. 

Side Note: Whenever the lawyer lady waltzes in, I feel like I'm watching the beginning scene of a hetero porn. Her acting skills are... weak. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Agreed, with everybody that today was not good. Judging from the fact that everybody seemed extra scummy and stupid, there was a reference to the show's history, a nod to The Golden Girls and that everybody was drinking like fishes, I'm sure we can all guess who wrote the breakdown. *eyeroll*

I see what you mean 

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But it looks like all that Chad/Sonny teasing is going to amount to nothing

Funny thing is, Stephanie is supposed to be older than Chad. She was in college when Chad was still in H.S


Maybe Soap Twitter is right and Ron really did hate Chabby

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What would it take to get Chandler back on Contract?  


Also If he only tapes one week a month why not film all his story and space it out so he appears every month. it can be done. Frank Valentini did it at OLTL with Tuc Watkins' David. RC was hW there too. So its possible and honestly even with Zach on Contract, Sonny still seems like a guest character.

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As I've said before, I like RSW, but I agree with you guys about Alex. I heard Wilson on a podcast going on and on (and on) about the work put into creating the character, and how hard he's worked to make Alex completely different from Ben. I mean, it's laughable.

I do think RSW has done fine with what he's been given, but the writing for Alex (character AND plot) is just terrible, and couldn't be much worse.

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