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General Hospital: August 2022 Discussion Thread

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Chavez really put in the work. the cracks in his voice, just everything the last couple of days.




Methinks McPain/Steven/Silas/HammyFinn is running out of options.   


Lucy/Victor      Hmmmm...

I do wish there was a valid way to make Mac Cody's Pops, but the time frame just doesn't work.   At least I'd like him a bit more.


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The Nicholas/Spencer scenes were great on both days.

MC isn't terrible, but when he's opposite MW, CS and NC, he's just over-matched.

I know it was a set-up to add more suspects to Ava's attack, but Nicholas telling Victor that Ava planned the Esme reveal was simply poor writing. C'mon Nicholas man-up!

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I just solved my problem with SOC Msg. Bds. mods closing topics, deleting topics, assigning discipline pts & suspending peeps, ... I quit! Just last week. Too many overly strict interpretations of broad rules. Too many rules, period. I posted the first Anne Heche obit which was a link to the guardian, UK paper. They pulled the post because they had some problem with a link going to the guardian. I posted a link to the ATWT Reunion Trent Dawson did as a fund-raiser for the theatre group he is affiliated with, ... they pulled the post because it was not a CBS link. (??!!$#@#) It was not a CBS event! Crazy.

Oh, yeah, I posted a tweet. Within the tweet was a twitter link. They pulled it because I linked to a competing service.

Edited by Tonksadora
Remembered about the twitter link.
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Truthfully we have seen sprinkles of how good Mark Teschner used to be at GH with casting most of the younger characters onscreen currently.

Especially Liz- her kids are all good.  The only weak link is Joss, and even she’s not terrible.  She just should not be the central character in that age bracket.

And count me as someone that would like to see TC back some day.

Edited by titan1978
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They've taken back actors who've done worse, and will likely beg Steve Burton to return eventually after firing him for behavior that should have him banned forever IMO. TC's exit from GH was fraught but not nearly as scandalous as his later exit from DAYS. If he is well it's very possible and I think it would be the best thing for the character, but as I said before I don't know if it's a good idea for Tyler's health or sobriety, and that is more important.

Edited by Vee
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Agreed on all.  There is a big difference between TC admittedly having a disease and an addiction problem that led to poor behavior than SBu just deciding not to follow rules and policies.  Steve will undoubtedly be invited back with open arms.  Tyler (it appears) is actively getting help to better himself while Steve just is.........waiting it out until he doesn't need a vaccine.  I would have no problem with them hiring TC back although like you said his sobriety is more important.

Edited by carolineg
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Oh how I wanted to throw something at my TV,


I loved the buildup to the verdict. And ROBERT!!!! LONG TIME NO SEE!!! But I'm looking forward to the aftermath in terms of Rory/Trina/Spencer. He finally said it aloud. Now he needs to say it to TRINA. But of course, he didn't get to Trina before her and Rory made it official. And now he wants to be a matryr. Just ugh. But I'm eating it up because I wanted to shake him for not telling her. 


Count me in as not liking MC's interpretation of Nickolas as of late. Just watching the scenes with him and Victor and Victor could see right through him. I just feel that Nik would put up better walls. Even MC played Nik better when he first appeared. Now here is Jordan with a search warrant and MW and CS both had on flawless game faces and played not-knowing what was going on to the hilt. Not looking guilty over fake social media or throwing people off turrets. lol. Then you look at Nik with a conflicted face. Uhhhh...no. There was a way to play that and have a game face on. I don't know what happened to MC. I do like that when (yes, when) Esme resurfaces, she will be in trouble.


Well...I admit that I was impressed with how they gave Dex a backstory. And one that was similar to Sonny. And I felt the actor did a great job with the material. For the first time, I actually cared about him and wanted to see where they go with him. So...good job.


Still...not feeling Cody. lol. Not shocked. The difference between him and Dex in developing a newbie is officially night and day.


I actually forgot that Carly knows that Nina and Willow are related. And it surprises me that having other people roped into Willow's drama that I care about (Terry, Britt, and ESPECIALLY TJ) is making me care about Willow. A little. lol. 



Edited by Taoboi
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Yep. His mental health and sobriety should come first.


I really don't know if I see Burton back. The show exists just fine with or without him. Jason is a central character (if he's more Quartermaine than Morgan, mind you ...) that should have been fixed a decade ago. I'd accept a recast.

Edited by KMan101
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Yeah... Joss needed a smack today. 

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 From someone. From anyone 

NAC plays drunk really well too. His scenes with Finn seemed totally random and out of nowhere, but I kind of get the parallel that they tried to draw between the two of them.

As for 'Who Hooked Ava', it seemed to come on very quickly and out of nowhere, like Abigail's murder on Days. I hope it's a good mystery

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I have several Google Alerts set right now - Anne Heche, Jessica Klein, Michael Malone, Nelson Branco. So I was following one link that was supposed to take me to an item about Branco & there were 3 stories being highlighted & one of them was that Becky Herbst was OUT at GH! I couldn't believe it. Clicked through to it & it was a story from 2015. D'oh. Okay. Then on the next page I got to by clicking out of that one was an item about Genie Francies leaving GH. I couldn't believe it. Yes, again, it was a story from 2021! Double D'oh! Never did find one about Nelson Branco. Whatever software algorithm is picking which stories to highlight needs some sort of tweaking!!

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