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GH: Rumors regarding the vaccine mandate

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The lesson that I've learned from Ingo's situation is that if someone of a minority status calls you out for racism, antisemitism, homophobia, or transphobia, then you are; regardless of intention.

If you make a comment on social media based only on the minority status of individual, you do not deserve to use the excuse that your intentions were pure.  It is the height of majority privilege to assert that people should consider one's underlying meaning when you respond to others only based on how you perceive them as different.  It is as if Ingo (and others that use the same apology tactic) are saying that they are allowed to make assumptions about my morals and beliefs because I am gay, but I have to see them as a varied individual.

Edited by j swift
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Yes some people love their favorites almost unconditionally, as long as the person does not become a convicted felon they will support them like they would a family member or a close friend.

There are some creators of classic literature, art and music where today if the person who created them has those beliefs they would be seen as problematic at best. In those cases a person should know going in about the issues and decide for themselves if they want to watch like how certain older films have disclaimers.  

When it comes to Ingo you do not have to like Rachel Levine based on her medical policies but you should respect her right to be herself. And by attacking her identity you are denigrating others who are trans  including Cassandra. 

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I actually do think intentions matter, but I don’t trust Ingo when he says he didn’t intend for his words to mean what they said. I’m not a fan in general of the angry mob rule that comes with Twitter, and if someone seems caring and decent and just made a bad choice of words, that’s enough for me. Just don’t think that was the case here. Anyway he was fired because of the Disney mandate, not his social media posts. 

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I don't think Ingo had good intentions.  I think he got fired from GH and basically has nothing left to lose so he is pandering to a certain fanbase that supports these beliefs because it's all he has left.  So he's doubling down on some of the worst right winged beliefs.  I obviously don't know Ingo as a person, but these posts are seemingly intentionally trying to gain press, interest, and exposure.  I don't think he is a horrible human being, I just think he has some really awful beliefs and is really going all out to get maximum attention.

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I get your point, but to clarify what lessons I've learned from this time in our cultural history, I would say that intentions don't matter in an apology, but it is an expression of privilege.  Ingo assumes the morals and politics of a person based solely on their cultural identity , but we're supposed to see him an actor, environmentalist, father with varied intentions - no way - if a minority representative calls out behavior as abhorrent, the acceptable response is to listen and promise to change, not explain or rationalize the original statement. 

For example, I was just listening to a lecture about the effect of the renaming of the Washington DC football team, when members of a minority population speak out and say this is bad, the response should not include a rationalization that the team was trying to honor that culture, but to listen to experience of those affected and promise to change.

Edited by j swift
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Well his apology, where he described CJ as beautiful and talented, and stated that proves he isn’t transphobic- yeah no.  That’s beyond intentions.  Not to mention the dress thing with his son, or him saying he should have crossed out dude and wrote Transgender!  None of that is in any way showing him to not be bigoted.


Edited by titan1978
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EW is gilding the lily like the rest, because the fact is Ingo wasn't dismissed for this but for not following the mandate. Anyone that pulls that string has to deal with asking GH the Burton question and debating whether to run the answer.

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I agree with all of this. I mean, GH isn't exactly brimming over with talent these days. I always thought it was silly that they had so many women choosing a violent life with Sonny over Jax.  Also he was very right when he called out that juice scam.

I wonder if he was red pilled at some point or if he was always a jack ass? Not that it matters in the end.  I feel sorry for the people who had to work with him and put up with his disdain these last few years. That clip of him and MB talking about NLG was an eye opener.

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Intent does not matter as to whether something is racist or transphobic or homophobic or sexist. When they are, they are.

It only matters inasmuch the people who are at the receiving end of those things can CHOOSE to take intent into consideration - or not - in whether they ultimately forgive the person committing the transgression.

But nobody is OWED forgiveness and it shouldn't be the burden of underrepresented communities to constantly have to be gracious and understanding. The recent era is when they have gathered enough social and economic power and enough of a voice to stop being guilted into constantly pretending to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when the evidence is pretty clear and the offensiveness hard to bear.
They would be perfectly entitled to say that intent does not matter at all and the burden is on white people, men, straight people to do better - the tools to learn are out there; it is not that hard.

But someone who is pretty obviously committed to full equality, has shown time and time again efforts to treat people properly and who stumbled upon something offensive (because, yes, we all have it ingrained in us from centuries of oppression and have internalized some stuff so it can happen even to well-meaning people) might have some leeway to hope for forgiveness. Mistakes happen so people might show mercy to someone f-ing up accidentally. 
But that's the "victims" prerogative.

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