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YR/BB actress possibly back at B&B

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I love that you can perfectly read the requester's name and number lol


If it were a real Sheila return, maybe they would have kept it under wraps like they usually do?

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I couldn't allow myself to get excited about this. I feel Brad Bell did an excellent job bringing Sheila back the last time. He did a great job of making the horrible stuff done to her on Y&R work in a way that freed her up to be a real long term character again. After that intro it went from an amazing return to a total dud. I get she would've had to leave because of her run for government, but it was so disappointing to see her do nothing. They could've brought her kids back or pursued a serious romance with Eric or anybody really. Sheila was vital to making B&B a success and her return felt disrespectful to what she could do for the show if she was properly utilized.


Until Brad Bell steps down I'm at the point where I just can't invest in anything on this show. You know no matter how exciting the casting or pairing, the execution will always be lazy and go back to the merry go round of triangles and repeated stories.

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Like I said on Twitter if she is coming back I don't need to see her serving breadsticks to the canvas like she was doing before her non-exit. If she does come back I need for Brad to bring back her daughters and decide to get back into their lives too.


Diana could be a millionaire due to Massimo dying and leaving her money that she uses to build her own fashion house that actually causes competition with Forrester Creations. And Mary Margaret could've became a doctor like her father James. She can be on the fence of a reunion with Sheila because of their past i.e. Erica Lovejoy era. 


But I do want Lauren this time to find out her greatest enemy is alive in Los Angeles. They need to do a crossover with both shows. Although, since Scotty isn't on canvas on YR I don't think it would happen. 

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I hate to be so shallow that I let my personal politics jade my feelings toward an actor, but I'm that shallow I guess, because Kimberlin Brown's appearance at the Republican Convention 4 years ago made me detest her.  I don't want her back.

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The name is quite interesting 'cause...



Maybe they did indeed screentest her with some new actress/actor...


I was quite shocked by that, too. Kim Brown is still a great actress - and Tracey Bregman continues to be friends with her, so why should be judge her.

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Well, that says more about TB than it does about KB.

I don't doubt for a second that there are plenty of people who love KB, and/or get along with her in her personal life.
That doesn't make, not just the things she believed and the things she said, but the things she is so committed to that she ran for office to implement, absolutely horrendous, offensive, hurtful and actively problematic.

Being friendly and polite and funny and, in her case, talented does not make her any less of (insert epithet here). I am sure John Wayne Gacy was a very entertaining clown.
I am glad her fellow rich white friends are comfortable enough in their lives that they can separate her politics from their friendship. But I personally find that a pretty fundamental element of my opinion of someone because the things she advocates hurt/would hurt me and people I love.
Sorry but that makes KB not a good person regardless of what other qualities she may have.
And, sadly, that makes it hard to separate from Sheila at this time, regardless of her talent and the potential of the character which is indeed big if they don't reduce her to the psycho villain.

On the upside, considering how much mileage she has gotten with "I have been cancelled as an actress since I spoke at the RNC! Boo hoo" in interviews (as if her career as an actress had involved anything other than Sheila the past twenty years), I am sure that if she is brought back, she will retract her statements about cancel culture. Right? Right? Surely.

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Also of note is that Victoria Rowell praised KB on Twitter years ago (I think it was during VR's 2012 Twitter rants about her former Y&R co-stars but there were a few she praised) and KB had a part on VR's series "The Rich and the Ruthless" in 2018.  

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I wouldn't mind Sheila back. And bringing on her daughters (one of whom is into fashion) to mix it up with the younger generation...thus giving Sheila a reason to stick around and butt heads with the Forresters would be ideal. 


I loved her return (and wasn't it a Friday cliffhanger, too?). Sad it went downhill soon after. How do you ruin that with Sheila? She writes herself. 


And  yes, it's time Lauren knew. 

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Absolutely @kalbir and I don't want to suggest anything about Kimberlin Brown other than what she has publicly put out there. If Victoria Rowell praised her, then she has good reason to do so. And I would never diminish Kimberlin's talent. She is an incredible actress.


My difficulty is like that of @FrenchBug82 above - at what point can we separate why a particular person supports a cause or movement, in Kimberlin's situation it seems that she loved Trump's economic policies, versus what that cause or movement stands for as a whole? At what point is cherry picking issues acceptable versus not?


This is one of Kimberlin's posts and I think it shows where she is at these days:



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I'm always gonna be a Sheila fan no matter what, and while I hate how she was wasted last time she returned, maybe...just maybe...Bradley will finally get it right....but I'm not getting my hopes up. 

It's definitely been long overdue to allow Sheila to be totally "redeemed" of her crimes and allow to remain a vital part of B&B Like Victor, Michael and Phyllis have on Y&R

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I am happy to have Brown back as Sheila regardless of Brown's political beliefs (as zany as I think they are!) but the story has got to be there. The cliffhanger of Sheila's 2017 return was extremely well done but there was no story except that Sheila wanted back with Eric and her portrait hanging over the fireplace. The twist of her blackmailing James went nowhere, and then it just petered out as Sheila worked as an eavesdropping gossiping waitress. Yikes! That said hopefully Brown will give this show energy if she is indeed returning, give us something different than the Liam Half-Hour. 

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