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Harry and Meghan Interview with Oprah


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Glad that people are actually watching the interview. So many of the most negative comments appear to have come from people who didn't watch the interview.


A few years ago, I remember getting pulled down a YouTube rabbit hole, all because I watched a trailer for The Crown (a series that was alleged to have had tacit approval from the royal family, until the portrayals became less sympathetic). There was some documentary where some former palace adviser and a Prince Charles biographer claimed that Diana was a master manipulator, who worked the press and knew how toake herself sympathetic. The biographer suggested that Diana's mannerisms, down to the way she cocked her head to the side were all practiced affectations. This contrasted with tapes of Diana, who worked with a speech therapist, struggling to work through nerves and a lack of confidence. The symmetry is a bit unsettling. You realize that Diana was once spoken of as if she were a problem to resolve.

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The statements made by the couple were clearly intended to cause damage to the royal family. No one can argue otherwise surely.

Mission accomplished -  in the States  - which is where their future lies as media personalities and 'agents of change'

I don't think they will be welcome in the UK.


They know they have put the Royal family in an awkward position.If they don't respond it will look bad, but if they do, whatever they say can only lead to more conflict.


Never complain, never explain...

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Also Harry must have been deluded if he thought the British press would be kind to Meghan.

They did exactly the same thing with Diana and Fergie by framing Di as Princess Perfect and reporting everything Fergie did in a mega negative way,

Until of course they decided Di was a spoiled ,manipulative vixen.

It's their template to build up somebody and then turn around and tear them down.

Also of course playing into the belief that two young women have to be jealous of each other.

Really , it's complete nonsense but for some reason certain members of the family give it validity by reacting.

It's the same as people saying anonymous, spiteful trolls are ruining their life with inane comments on twitter and the like.

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I wouldn't use those exact words, but of course they had an agenda. They didn't agree to do an interview out of the goodness of their hearts. They wanted to tell their side of the story, and that's perfectly fine. But that's all it is, their side



I can't speak for anyone else, but I would have the same feelings towards an interview with William and Kate as I do towards Harry's and Meghan's. It would only be their version from their point of view, not the absolute truth. Sorry if that disappoints you. 



Interesting that you only seem to focus on the racism. I don't recall ever saying that I believed that Meghan wasn't subjected to racism. All I said was that people seemed to believe everything that Harry and Meghan said. There were other topics mentioned in the interview, like Harry's relationship with his father and brother for example. Not everything was about Meghan.



You're reading way too much into what I wrote. Maybe I didn't express myself clear enough, and if that is the case I apologize. But again you're only focusing on Meghan. Harry was part of the interview too, and the examples I made were meant to be about the relationship between Harry/Meghan and the rest of Harry's family. At least that was the intention. Maybe that didn't come through enough.

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It may be helpful to understand what exactly it is you take issue with regarding this interview? Because right now, it's kind of a tough road to understand your point? Meghan's interview didn't go out of the way to place blame towards anyone in the royal family, in particular. The bombshell of racism and colorism aside for Archie, she mostly just expressed and talked about how she didn't have help, support, or security and protection from the royal family and that she dealt with suicidal thoughts. I don't see what in particular could be argued as defamatory to William and Kate? It seemed to me that Meghan was taking aim at the institution in question, not particular members of the family. It was clear she shut that down in the first few minutes with Oprah, that she wasn't going to individually single out everyone in the Royal Family. 

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It figures that Piers [!@#$%^&*] Morgan would stomp off the set like an overgrown brat.  (That's the trouble with so many racists.  They're so thin-skinned.)


Speaking of stomping off (LOL!), let me just say this and then I'll bow out as gracefully as I can from this thread.  I'm as focused as I am on Meghan and on her allegations of racism, because, IMO, that's where the enmity between Harry/Meghan and the rest of the House of Windsor (and between them and the UK and international media) lies.  I don't doubt that there are other, lingering issues between Harry and Charles, and between Harry and William, that began long before the day he first brought Meghan home to meet the family.  (I'm sure there are bound to be issues in any family where the father or patriarch spends the majority of his marriage pursuing an extramarital affair.)  But I also don't doubt that Harry's decision to build a family and a life with biracial Meghan has amplified and exacerbated said issues.  And I don't think anyone in the royal family would be where they are at this moment, either physically or emotionally, if Harry instead had married a pert-nosed blonde with good breeding and exquisite manners.


One final point: I know about the allegations of bullying and rudeness that have been lodged against Meghan, but I also know (from my own observations) that many whites still, to this day, take issue with any woman of color who asserts herself rather than submit to anyone's preconceived notions of femininity.  To those individuals, women in general aren't supposed to display backbones or express opinions, especially when those opinions run counter to the dominant (read: white male) line of thought.  Ergo, whenever a black or brown woman enters the scene with her own way of feeling, thinking or doing things, and who will not "remember her place" simply because a (white) man or woman reminds her to, those same individuals are bound to perceive her as a bully and a threat.


That's just something to bear in mind whenever one thinks about all the disparaging things that have been said about Meghan, whether by the press, or in the court of public opinion.

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It's interesting to me that the family hasn't issued a statement on not providing Meghan with the mental health resources she asked for multiple times? The racism charges has huge implications, but there is something deeply unsettling about the fact that the BRF didn't let her seek help when she needed it. To me that is just as egregious and just as sinister. I would have wanted them to say something about that. The fact that they only mentioned the racism comments is telling. They don't see any problem with the fact that they refused to provide Meghan with protection and help during her time of struggle. 

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