Members Soapsuds Posted December 30, 2020 Members Share Posted December 30, 2020 Are you an expert on kissing males? Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AbcNbc247 Posted December 30, 2020 Members Share Posted December 30, 2020 Unfortunately, no lol Just made a few observations over time. Then again, I wouldn't blame her if at some point she thought, "What if he thinks Chandler is a better kisser than me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
victoria foxton Posted December 30, 2020 Author Share Posted December 30, 2020 Freddie and Alyssa are very painfully too watch. In one podcast Alyssa is talking about having a bad tummy. And taking TUMS for her tummy. For a young couple they act like their 90. Freddie's very pretentious and dull. And as you stated she way, way overly perky. I wonder if they make any real money. From their unverified youtube channel Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AbcNbc247 Posted December 30, 2020 Members Share Posted December 30, 2020 (edited) I love all the comments that he made about his hair being messy, yet I think his hair looks much better in this video then it did in today's episode. Edited December 30, 2020 by AbcNbc247 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted December 30, 2020 Members Share Posted December 30, 2020 I would assume they make no money off of it or very little. There aren't any ads and not a ton of views. I am not really sure who they are marketing this to except for a few diehard Wilson/Sonny fans. I would hope they have other sources of income. I do think they dial up the wholesomeness and overcompensate with the clean, boring lifestyle due to that years old DUI. Honestly, they are just both fairly unappealing to me, but she definitely bothers me more than him. When they were interviewing DH I thought DH and FS played off each other well, but she was distractingly over effusive and obnoxious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AlexElizabeth Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 So bizarre that we got Will/Maggie but not one scene with Will and Marlena. I also was thrown that Will got to interact with Jennifer. I'm still really liking Cady in the role. The less said about Sonny's Zoom return, the better. I'm cracking up at that one unfortunate screen cap that someone posted. Sami's Zoom appearance was way better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Is there a BTS reason as to why Will and Marlena don't interact much on-screen? Because, if anything, most of his family-related scenes SHOULD be with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members pdm1974 Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Good point. Not with Missy Reeves after the Chic-Fil-A debacle! I think we're seeing a lot of different shades with Jennifer that we didn't get before. I hope that continues. For the first time in a LOOOONG time, I'm interested in the character and what she does again. I'm realllly enjoying seeing the Horton house more. Seeing it feels like old school DAYS in a good way. So nice to see Jennifer have scenes with Lucas, Allie, and Will lately. It helps the Hortons feel like more of an actual family on the show. Although, it would have been great to see Maggie, Shawn, and Lucas at the tree trimming. I wonder if covid played a role this year. Not that I know of. I have a feeling something got cut in that scene at Marlena and John's apartment. I always enjoyed Marlena and Will's scenes. They have such a great dynamic. Actually, Will has interesting...and different...interactions with both Marlena and Kate. I'd love to have a single Will back on the show again. If they could bring anyone back, I would love to see Paul back on the scene. That man was sex on a stick! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Paul Raven Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 I know they tape out of sequence so could it be that Chandler was available only on a day that Deidre was not taping but Suzanne was? Also, perhaps Covid protocols play a part? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Heard on another board their was a Marlena/Will scene filmed but it got cut. No idea why, but it's clear stuff was cut when Will was at J/M's townhouse. They also cut a few Jarlena scenes that were spoiled in pics this week, so who knows? I don't think there is any BTS reason just a time/content issue and they cut some good stuff sometimes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Saw people saying the same thing on Twitter. Wouldn't be surprising, honestly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ranger1rg Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 That was one of THE worst performances I’ve seen on a soap in years. Just stultifyingly bad. DAYS cuts scenes all the time, but they keep this [!@#$%^&*]? As far as Freddie giving up acting, I’d say he never STARTED acting. He’s awful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 Why is this show cutting scenes AT ALL? We know DAYS' budget is less than zero, so why waste money like that? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Missy Reeves can STAY gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted December 31, 2020 Members Share Posted December 31, 2020 DH appeared the most in 2020 and SR probably appeared 40% of DH's time, so I get not cutting Maggie's scenes. The Will scenes would have been better with Marlena. Same as the Phillip/Maggie scenes would have been better with Kate a few days ago. It seems like the show just doesn't know how to use Maggie. Instead of creating, non-existent, weird relationships with her non family members like Brady, Will, and Phillip maybe just have her check in on Jen or Julie or bother Sarah/Xander some more. I honestly can't believe that made it to air lol. I don't think he was always awful, but I have had more natural, genuine conversations on zoom with my co workers that I mostly hate lol. Especially when Days actually releases spoiler pics of things like Jarlena kissing and get their fans excited then completely cut it and piss them off. It seems stupid to waste scenes filmed that people might actually like. I never cared for MR, so I am fine with her gone and CM is more than adequate and acceptable. On a completely unrelated note, I thought Marci Miller looked very beautiful today and has for awhile. In her last run she looked like her wardrobe was channeling a hippy grandma and her hair was either long and stringy or severely pulled back, so that's an improvement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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