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Muhney Drama YR

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There is a very real possibility that there is a legal reason why she did not and has not spoken up.


She also does not owe us anything.  This is still Hollywood, and she is young and speaking out is not easy at any time, let alone when you have fans attacking you.

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Complaining about being "the victim" on social media plays well for Muhney, I think, because it will whip his stans into a frenzy of indignation and support. But if he were to go ahead and actually file a wrongful-termination lawsuit, God only knows what would come out publicly. If his behavior on Y&R was truly egregious, I doubt he wants to take that chance.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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I don't want MM back if that's what you mean. He sounds like was fired for plenty of reason.


Shadam was an afterthought, but that has more to do with absolute adoration of SC. It seems that 'Adam' always been a far more interesting and complex relationship match for 'Sharon.' I don't even think the actor matters.   


There's only one 'wronged' actor who should be back on Y&R, but I've given up Sony ever hiring her back. 

Edited by edgeofnik
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People sh*t on Victoria Rowell for taking her case to court but if someone truly believes that they were wronged, they are not afraid to air everything out in an open forum.

If he truly believes that he was wronged, why wouldn't he file suit.


People have been mocking Monique for years about her Netflix lawsuit but guess what?  A judge just ruled that her case has enough merit to proceed, because that's what people who genuinely believe that they are in the right do.

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Muhney will more than likely milk the I'm-the-victim card for as long as he can, but you are right: if he truly believes he did nothing wrong, and if he truly thinks he was dismissed without cause, he should have taken legal action long ago.


I think he's emboldened into complaining so loudly because neither HK nor anyone else at Y&R has ever spoken out. If they did, he'd probably shut up and disappear quite quickly.




At this point, the viewers probably care more about the long-ago drama than EB does.

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I am not sure why anyone thinks Hunter King owes the public anything.    If she was assaulted or there were other issues it's her choice.  I absolutely believe her, but she has a right to her own privacy.  She never leaked anything as far as we know and said zero about it publicly, so we all should let her be. If the circumstances advanced her career, so be it.  No one deserves to uncomfortable or violated in a workplace and I would hope she did what was best for her

MM can troll all he wants.  I loved him on Veronica Mars, but he's been notably problematic on all his shows, so where there is smoke there is fire .

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Perhaps EB and Hunter have moved on and don't need to drown in MM's pathetic attempts at exonerating himself.  An innocent man would have sued.  


MM was super popular as Adam (scratching my head still) and had just signed a new contract.  The ONLY reason he would have been canned is for wrong doing.  If EB had a problem with MM and wanted him gone, why did the show give MM a new contract?  Seems ass backwards to me.  


MM appears to be panicking because he might have to go out and do actual labor to support his family.  

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I hate hearing about Michael Muhney. I think he’s the typical modern day overhyped soap actor (similar time Billy Miller) who everybody acts like is some sort of god when in reality they had nothing to do with the shows long term success. What I will say is that if nothing happened with Hunter, why was the cast at the time defending her? If it didn’t involve her they would’ve just said “Oh it didn’t involve her but he did stuff.” For years the cast has specifically lifted her up when it comes to this scandal. That and a lack of lawsuit speaks volumes. 

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