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Y&R to air classic episodes

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Without a doubt he was kept around for almost an extra decade for Cricket's sake and not only that -- he has LLB to thank for the ton of appearances too. You cannot tell me he would've appeared half as much otherwise.

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Funny you should mention that; I always felt the whole Phyllis feud was a way to help tone down the Cricket worship by other characters. Even if it wasn't a lot, it felt so good to have someone hate her! lol

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I know. I wonder if that would've happened anyway or if his exit actually shook WJB enough to alter things. Considering Jim was pawing at Nikki, I think Bell genuinely planned to make a thing out of it.


And let's not get started on how radically different things would've been if TL had stuck around. Jack wouldn't have been a lovesick worrywart for one. Sigh.

Edited by YRBB
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What I actually meant was that TL's life was a whole lot shorter than WJB's so he would've had far less time to think about it. Although speaking of 1990- on, had Jack Abbott been as magnetic a character going forward as it had been, the Abbotts probably would have absorbed a lot more of the screen time and perhaps there wouldn't have been the emergence of the Winters/Barber family line. 



I think so too, although by having Phyllis be the one to say it would certainly undercut the value of it. 

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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100%. It was tragic losing him but I respect him immensely for standing up to what was perhaps the biggest atrocity on Y&R and seeing it for what it is.


(I have to say, though, like it was pointed out earlier: How sad that the biggest issue was Cricket. Compared to today, it seems minuscule).

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Haha yeah Danny was such an 80’s leftover in the ‘90’s, although I appreciate the show did try veracity by saying Danny sung “Rock On” and having Danny go be in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. I don’t know what else would he have done otherwise aside from possibly shack up with Lauren? I’m always surprised he was on the show for so long too.


Probably the funniest thing was upon his 2003 return Paul & Lynne had Googled Danny and found out he was considered a washed up has been.  

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True enough. If the only one hating her is a psycho then that kind of supports her goodness, doesn't it? 


Then again, based on Cricket's characterization, it would've never really given anyone else reason to hate her. Nikki was blissfully bitchy there for a while thanks to the Victor/Christine thing (baaaarf) but that was dropped.

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The never even mentioned how Nikki almost married Jim when Christine started to interact with her and Victor more in 1995/1996 did they? I wouldn’t be surprised if they acted like Nikki and Christine never met each other...I’ve seen the episode where victor and Chris officially meet from October 1995 and just thinking that’s pretty insane even for an isolated show like Y&R that it took 12 whole years just for them to have scenes together...

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