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Y&R January 2020 Discussion Thread

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Another aspect I like about Sharon's cancer storyline is having Alyvia Alyn Lind as Faith and Camryn Grimes in the roles of Faith and Mariah.  We watched both actresses grow up on the show, so it feels more real than if they had different actresses.  There's more of an emotional depth with Sharon/AAL/Camryn because of their connection. 

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So he is going to give Sharon a cancer story.


While I know SC will pull it off, I just feel it's almost a slap in the face to getting Sharon back to being a strong character, weakening her even. 


Now if the reason is to fully restore her to lead heroine status and lead to more strong-ness, I am down. 

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Ho boy, this show is so bland and uninteresting! 


-Always a delight to see Jill! 

-I really don't even get it the Kyla/Lola/Theo/Summer story, it feels like a complete third-rate DAYS story that the show would give to Jack and Jennifer or something where the male half of a couple going to pull the blinders off the female half, and stop her from being duped by obviously shifty men. 

-The Abby/Chance/Phyllis stuff is so juvenile. 

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What I hate about the Kyle/Lola/Theo/Summer quadrangle is that their storyline will go exactly as you expect with absolutely zero surprises.  Of COURSE Kyle will end up cheating on his wife; and of COURSE Lola, whom the audience has already pegged as a haughty and self-righteous c**t, will emerge once more as the "pure one" for avoiding her temptation with Theo.  Again, nothing terribly illuminating about this story, so what's the point?  If anything, I think it's just gonna make viewers loathe Lola even more (if that's possible, lol) because she was too damn perfect even to be tempted to sleep with her husband's BFF.



Sorry, Michelle Stafford fans, but Phyllis is too damn old to have to compete with bland Abby for bland Chance's affections.  If Phyllis can't make Chance (or any man) forget about the competition and focus on her, then something's wrong.


I'm not a Phyllis or MS fan, and even I think both actor and character deserve better.

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I feel like they've tried everything in their power to make Melissa Ordway interesting and it just hasn't happened. I find it baffling they plan on putting her into a triangle with someone like Michelle Stafford. She's gonna get eaten alive lol.

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MO works best when they play up her Abbot/Newman angst. These constant 9 month fail pairings they love to put her in never work out and always end with her love interest getting the axe (Chance is definitely about to fall into those footsteps, he reminds me of the last failure of a Scott recast).


Phyllis looks pathetic roaming around a hotel she's been fired from competing with Abby of all people over a guy who could be her son.

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