Members Khan Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 Thank you! I was thinking the Exact. Same. Thing., @John! If you have an issue with DAYS' renewal, then do us all a favor and keep it to yourself! Am I a fan of Ron Carlivati's? Hell no! But, I'm still congratulating everyone at DAYS, because maybe I'm wrong and this show WILL turn around one day if given the chance. I'd LOVE to be wrong about that, lol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 You clearly haven't read tweets from GH fans then......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members lucaslesann23 Posted November 23, 2019 Author Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 I dont want any soap gone. It is especially bad when a actor seems all pissy because a soap got renewed. They boycotted KFC and get intro street fights Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 Heck most GH fans are trash, I can't count the number of times I've seen GH fans bash Becky Herbst, her looks, her family etc... Days fans are tame in comparison Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 Have they done worse than making fun of people's addiction, looks, weight, accusing people of having daddy issues, sending Ron/actors direct tweets where they are cursing them out? Because that's what some Days fans have done. A lot of their behavior is disgusting towards the actors. It's really gross and they should be embarrassed of the way that they act. But they continue to act like they don't have any class. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 Please let's not play "My Soap's Fans Are Messier Than Your Soap's Fans." That never ends well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 Yep and why are you singling out Days fans? All soaps have trash "fans" like this Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 I'm not trying to play a game, regardless of whether or not other soaps fans are apart of this discussion. But I stand by opinion of some Days fans having raggedy, inappropriate behavior. The way they behave towards actors is gross. They are very out of line and I will speak on it whenever I see fit. If they continue to attack people because of their weight I will speak on it. If they make fun of people's addiction like some of them did with Tyler Christopher, I will speak on it. If they trash young actors after they suffer a loss like they did with Victoria Konefal, I will speak on it. If they act towards another actor like they did Doug Davidson tonight, I will speak on it. As fans we have differences of opinions, but IMO there is no place for certain things. Including hateful disgusting behavior towards other people. It's wrong and I'm going to call it out. Because they are the ones that I see acting like that right now. They are acting the worse out of any other fanbase I've seen. Including their behavior tonight. And I have seen their behavior get worse and worse. That's not negating any other fans that behave poorly with other soaps. People may get mad that I'm doing this, partly because Days may be your favorite soap, but IMO it's the truth. People shouldn't take offense to this unless you condone or are participating in this type of behavior. If I saw other fans doing this from other soaps, I would call it as well. Like I did with the people that were attacking Beth Maitland on Y&R. It's not limited to Days, but I have seen Days fans do it more than anyone else. If someone doesn't like my posts about this/ignore or scroll on by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted November 23, 2019 Members Share Posted November 23, 2019 THIS All soaps have stans who are nasty, vile, etc. EVERY stanbase has vile creatures who give the rest a bad name. Doug Davidson needs to sit down, though I could maybe understand his confusion about a show's renewal when you have no cast, I guess .... it was kinda hilarious to see him reply to CLB that way though. But he still needs to have a seat. I do think it was a bit much that certain Twitter personalities called it 'open season' on him. This harassment [!@#$%^&*] needs to stop whether we like what they said or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanessaReardon Posted November 24, 2019 Share Posted November 24, 2019 I’m thrilled that DAYS is renewed! Well deserved. It’s an institution. Congrats to all. That being said, if they are coming back to work In Jan, they are still going to be 7/8 months ahead. Nothing has changed. They’ll go through this again next year when they are 10 months ahead. I’m glad they are renewed but disappointed that they are not changing their production schedule. Go on a TRUE hiatus and not a negotiation hiatus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Gray Bunny Posted November 25, 2019 Members Share Posted November 25, 2019 Ugh. I'll never understand the appeal of this old queen. And no, I'm not referring to CLB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members te. Posted November 25, 2019 Members Share Posted November 25, 2019 Honestly, social media overall is a damn mess. I'm pretty sure Doug Davidson was bored and wanted to troll a bit, because there's no way at this point that he wouldn't know that he'd get messy soap fans in his twitter feed with that tweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members All My Shadows Posted November 25, 2019 Members Share Posted November 25, 2019 I see absolutely nothing wrong with what Doug Davidson tweeted. As someone not on contract, he probably gets it more than most. Congrats for being renewed, guys, but none of you have any kind of job security, and your show is bleeding money. It's realism vs. idealism. Our genre is down to four shows, all of them are sad, depressing shadows of what they were even ten years ago, which were sad, depressing shadows of what they'd been in their prime. None of them will ever be satisfying for an extended period of time ever again, and the people at the networks don't give a sh!t. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
victoria foxton Posted November 25, 2019 Share Posted November 25, 2019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ReddFoxx Posted November 25, 2019 Members Share Posted November 25, 2019 Davidson seems bitter. It's one thing to be realistic, but it's another to reply with an attitude to someone's positive tweet. Some people really need to shut off their phones and get their heads together before they post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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