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Y&R July 2019 Discussion Thread

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Speaking of Cane, I wonder what they end up doing with him, lol.  I put this in the other thread about Loren being let, go but he could have been a romantic option for Ana. Though that may have been to the disdain of many, lol.  He might go down to one episode a month like he did after they put an end to a romance with Cane/Victoria.

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ICAM.  Fish, as always, stinks from the head.  If there's racism and colorism going on BTS, it's because those at the top (Griffith, Kent, McDaniel, Morina) are encouraging it.



No doubt, when DG said he pitched storyline ideas to the higher-ups, they all involved him being a hero who saves everything and everyone from total ruin.

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Speaking of encouraging foolishness, the viewer also has had a part in this.  I've seen too many excusing of mediocre writing and horrible decision-making over the past eight, nine years.   I didn't watch much of MAB's writing (if that's what you want to call it) tenure... hell, I've taken breaks during each of the past 3, 4 writing regimes but I've always heard numerous complaints of each writing regime but somehow the picture always seems to get rosier with distance, maybe people's memories aren't so good. 


The writing has stunk for years.  Anyone who needs proof, just dip into the Classics thread and watch an episode from the 80s or 90s.  But I think there is a definite change, a trend downward over the last few years and from what I'm seeing, it's irreversible at this point.


This is conjecture on my part but I really think that black viewership has been steadily eroding over the past year.  Do I think that it's only black viewers who are dropping the show?  Of course not, but black women were loyal viewers for decades and those massive ratings drops are coming from somewhere.  I expect the drops to continue.  Good for Y&R, they deserve it.

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I wonder if Cait may be the next one out the door. Her and Mariah haven't been shown that much at all lately. They have been shown maybe three times in the past three weeks. I also wonder if she will be put in the opening credits now. Loren was put in them, even though she was let go.

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I think the show might keep her, but that she will rarely be shown. Right now her and Mariah are happy together, but barely shown. I think they might continue do that for the characters. Though, this could definitely end up affecting CM/Mariah's airtime as well. But maybe they will show her doing things like interacting with Sharon even more instead of interacting as much with Tessa.

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That would be great. But I doubt it will happen because this show continues to shove Lola and her boring, sanctimonious/overly propped character on the viewers.  But I would love to see Kyle and Mariah. I've always liked them together ever since they first interacted after MM Kyle's came onboard.

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I liked Loren Lott as Ana a lot, and she got a raw deal. For that matter, so did Zach Tinker as Fen. Those two were good together.


Zach Tinker is a better actor than the guy who plays Theo. I’m ok with Theo, because a bad boy is needed, but he’s honestly not the actor Tinker is. Apparently Josh G doesn’t care.


Kyle and Mariah in a relationship? No. I don’t see it at all. They belong as friends. 

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