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Y&R May 2019 Discussion Thread

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I think there's been a lot wrong with this show for years - I'm not seeing anything about Griffith that makes his current stint oh so special, and that's my right and the right of others. I've only started watching again since the Neil stuff, and quite honestly, I will stop watching soon as there's nothing remotely interesting going on for me personally - whether that be plots or characters. 


Griffith's in the Dena Higley/Megan McTavish camp for me - how many times can these people get fired and hired again by the same show? Clearly, something wasn't working in previous stints to warrant such dedication for employment. 

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I'll be the first to admit I poop on the show a lot because I live in the past when it comes to expectations. I'm more than happy to give credit where it is due, and I think Mark Grossman addition has been fantastic. Talk about taking a role and running with it. Michael Mealor is another home run in my books. 

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Count me in as a fan of Nu-Adam. I also like that he actually looks like Nick and Victoria’s younger brother. What I don’t like is that I recall the Newman’s all kind of being okay with Adam by the time Hartley’s Adam got blown up, but now they’re acting like those few years never happened.


I also enjoy Nu-Nate. He actually has presence and charisma onscreen. The previous Nate was the cure for insomnia.

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I agree that Nick and Victoria had more or less made peace with Hartley’s Adam. The writers are ignoring that, but I’m ok with it.


nuNate is definitely a good recast. I feel bad that the last actor was let go, but this guy does bring something more to the part. Also, the writing for Nate under Mal was awful.


im giving them a short leash for Abby turning down Nate. Enough already. It’s starting to make me wince. I don’t want to see Nate groveling for a date with her. 


Btw, I never said I thought Josh Griffith was oh so special. I complained about his last stint because it was too dark. Still, he’s a VAST improvement over Mal Young, and the entire cast seems energized under him and Tony Morina.


Yes, daytime recycles head writers to a bewildering and pathetic degree. That will never make Josh Griffith as bad as Dena Higley. I just don’t think it’s fair to put him in the same category as the woman I consider the worst HW in soap history.

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@ranger1rg I agree with your comments. At this point I feel it is what it is. We had a shot with SSM, but Mal Young ran her off (instead of say, getting her a good Co-HW to balance her handle on the characters with stronger plots) and so we're back in the cycle of HWs that is so typical of soaps. Overall I feel the show is good. Very watchable day-to-day and the writing isn't damaging like it was with  Mal Young. Of course I have complaints, but it's certainly better than any other soap right now. My biggest complaints are the large amount of actors being wasted, but I do enjoy seeing more of Michael, Lauren and Traci. The reset being done for Phyllis works and sets Michelle Stafford up for success as she'll be free of a romantic pairing and is back to the scrappy Phyllis she played so well. Then with the Newmans I feel they've done a good job of resetting Victoria, Billy, Nick and Victor and the reintroduction of Adam surprisingly works. I didn't want to ever see Adam back, but so far the story doesn't bother me.


Now will JG be able to maintain? Who knows? But I'm going to enjoy it while it's somewhat decent for however long that lasts.

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@Chris B That’s pretty much how I feel. I enjoy the show right now, so I’m not going to let the flaws ruin that. It’s the best soap on the air by far, and I’ll take what we’re getting for as long as possible. We all know the show has been s much worse, top to bottom. I look forward to it every day right  now.

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I also wasn't clamoring for Adam to return especially without Hartley, who made the role viable, but I'm enjoying the writing thus far and the actor. We'll see how everything pans out once he gets his memories back and with Nick looking at those Chelsea texts we know she's next. Hopefully he has some chemistry with MCE.

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I have to say the show is so much better now that MY is gone and his stories have been wrapped up.  JG's writing is uneven as some episodes are boring and others are very engaging, but overall I feel that he understands the characters and is writing character-based stories as opposed to plot-driven stories.  I think he just needs a co-head writer.  I wonder how Lorraine Broderick would do on Y&R


The sets look better and the lighting has been adjusted.  Everything looks richer in texture and less washed out.  I mean Sharon Case has been looking even more gorgeous lately!  It's great having Victor's office back, and the redecorated Tack house looks amazing.  That set had been gone for at least a year and half, maybe even two years.  I figured it had been struck down.  I wonder if the Chancellor Estate is safely locked away in storage.  I'd love to see it brought back out and redecorated by Tony Morina.  Oh, and the music... Those classic cues continue to dd depyh to the stories.


It really takes well-written stories, credible actors, realistic sets, good costumes and lighting, and meaningful music combined all together to have a classy soap.  For the first time in ages, I feel that we are getting closer to a Y&R that somewhat resembles the Bell days. 

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At this point, why the hell not? We're never getting Bill Bell Y&R back, but I'd settle for a writer who can at least tell one damn coherent story and knows how to adequately plot a story and write for an ensemble of different characters. While LB's HW stints may have had some uneven-ness to them, I also know she loves the genre and has some semblance of storytelling talent. If you paired her with one of the longtime Y&R writers as a Co-HW (like Natalie Minari Slater or Janice Ferri Esser), there could be potential there. 

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I agree that nuAdam is great. But getting out of the hospital that quickly? Really? And Victor is so on top of things yet has no idea Adam is being released. Right.


i have problems with Dina’s story too. A wealthy family like the Abbotts would have a nurse with Dina 24/7. Instead, the woman is wandering around the mansion alone. Ridiculous.

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I know the budget is tight but surely a few servants at the Abbotts and Newmans could be seen. 

They can pay for new sets (some unnecessary) so surely a nurse for Dina could be managed or housekeeping at the ranch etc...

Most of the characters are wealthy eg Devon - does he do all the cleaning, shopping, pay bills etc?

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