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Y&R July 2018 Discussion Thread

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THANK YOU. It's sheer insanity that they continue to support that madman.


It's only a matter of time before Nikki and Victoria get upset and whine that they all must take a stand against him. This is one of their yearly plots. Next will be Nikki boozing it up and Victor going missing, presumed dead. 

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+1. The pairing won't disappear until Mal is fired. Mariah is another character that has been wasted in one awful story after another. To be paired with one of the worst actress on the show is a travesty. 

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I wished they'd gone for Myle. Perhaps, Y&R will be bold and create a 'real' open triangle with Tessa/Mariah/Kyle. Having Mariah as Pan would be more true to the character's history and keep the focus on the emotional/physical attraction to the person, not just the gender.  

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No, because I don't believe one person, and one person alone, was solely responsible for the death and dying of this genre.  I believe it was a combination of factors -- the advent of cable TV (and later streaming), the O.J. trials, the era of "trash talk" shows, the fact that more and more women began working away from the home, the fact that the networks responded to all of the above by panicking, interfering and second-guessing (which led, inevitably, to more panicking, more interfering, more second-guessing) -- that brought soaps to this moment.


The question is, given its' current circumstances, can the genre survive and even rebound?  I know there are people on this board and elsewhere who say no, but I tend to disagree.  As long as viewers still want just a well-told story that matters to them emotionally, I think the soap opera, with its' traditional, five-day-a-week model, can make a comeback.  However, for that to happen, these shows need, at the network level, individuals with realistic expectations; a willingness not to play it safe, or resort to cliche, when it comes to creating characters and storylines that reflect and impact viewers' realities; and enough patience just to stay the hell out of the shows' way.  At this point, what do they have to lose?



No doubt, too, Jack will learn by then that he's, in fact, Victor's half-brother, giving him carte blanche to take over the missing Victor's empire and help Nikki back into recovery, and back into his (Jack's) arms.

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I just feel like Passions might have put the last few nails in a shitty coffin. It was literally EVERYTHING that people hate about soaps and all the things people make fun of. Something like Spyder Games on the other hand was a great concept, but was hindered by budget. It was modern without losing it's soap, or alienating a "traditional" soap storytelling.

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But, as you say, it was the last nails in the soaps' coffin.  It wasn't the coffin itself.  (For that matter, neither were JER's two HW'ing regime at DAYS, although everyone else in the industry, including his own successors at DAYS, emulating his unique approach on one level or another, certainly contributed to the soaps' overall decline.)


I'm more than fine with a lesbian couple (and even a triangle including a heterosexual guy, such as Kyle) on Y&R, or any soap. However, I'm not okay with Mariah and Tessa being romantically involved, just because it's 2018, Y&R (kinda, sorta) wants to push the envelope with a same-sex relationship, and Mariah and Tessa are the so-called lucky ones who get to help push that envelope simply because no other characters currently on the show fit the bill. (Although, if you ask me, Ashley, as one-half of a couple with a newly created female in her age range, might have been a better candidate, given her history w/ the opposite sex and this show's admitted difficulty in creating a viable romantic partner for ED who isn't Eric Braeden.)


What is true for heterosexual couples on daytime (or primetime/streaming, for that matter) should be true for non-heterosexual couples as well.  In the end, it boils down to two very simple things: three-dimensional characters and palpable, romantic chemistry.  IMO, "Marissa" possess neither of these qualities.

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