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Y&R January 2017 Discussion Thread

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Same here. I also think the actor is doing a good job with what he's been given.


I can't recall an instance either.


I also think soaps could better represent Asians but they don't really do a great job with African American's, so ... but it's nice to see a little bit more diversity.


Oops. Me too! LOL. I loved them, especially Rama. I was so happy to see them included in the online version of OLTL.

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Finally catching up! Monday's episode was great, save for the grossness of Neil tearing into Hilary. There is still such a strong feeling of unease when they are in the same room although I did like Neil comforting her when she broke down. Great stuff with Devon being found in the car and the exterior shooting. MiM did fantastic work here. I also loved Sharon telling Mariah she was wrong and her goodbye scene with Dylan was great. Also, I really liked Reed. They seem to have a personality in mind for him (lol), even down to how he dressed, so that's good. Hell, they even made Billy & Victoria palatable.  

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I just hate that Y&R went the geek route with him. I don't have a problem with him being smart but Abhi is way too handsome & naturally charismatic to be dressed like a Big Bang Theory reject.


In an ideal world I'd really like for Y&R to build a new family around him like they did Vimal & Rama on OLTL but given the continued treatment of The Barber Winters (even now) it's probably best he remain a tertiary character.


I'm not buying Billy: The Reed Whisperer. If Y&R thinks using Reed is gonna make me care about Billy & Victoria they're wrong.


Jack is too old & too orange to still be picking on Billy. I don't mind him holding a grudge but it gets to be a bit much when you're old enough to be an AARP member.


Ashley & Jack trying to takeover Fenmore's is WAY OOC. And it's the first MAJOR misstep from the new regime.


Ashley (like Neil) has nothing outside of work. No friends, no romance, no social life. Nothing. Who talks to their daughter like they're on Sex In The City?


It was nice Victoria pointed out that Reed would be in the exact same situation with her that he would if he remained with JT & Mackenzie even if they randomly snuck a new baby in there for JT & Mac.


I'll never get used to Paul & Nikki having a kid. It's so weird seeing DD bounce between MTS & LLB because Paul & Cricket's remarriage has always felt like an afterthought.


Y&R really has to stop having outside scenes in the middle of winter. The characters look foolish because they're too busy shivering to say their lines.


MM was good today but she needs strong actors to help her grow. Stitch was not it. He needs to go.

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I'm for it. AFAIC soaps have always needed more geeks. I don't think he's a caricature like Spinelli, so it works for me. I also like him and Ashley.


I like the Jabot/Fenmore story. That's what I remember Y&R being about back in the day, the business wars, not imitating the poor days of the ABC soaps.



So to recap: Now everyone knows you watch Eastenders, congratulations.

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I do too. Most Indian characters on television are either geeks or doctors. It's tired. He's tall and handsome, he could have been a junior executive or something. And not thirsting after old ass Ashley. But I'm happy he's on regardless.

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I don't have a problem with Ravi being a geek but I hate that the conception of smart person/geek on television means dressing like a homeless person. And I don't believe presenting him as Y&R is now would be someone Ashley would be attracted to. Knowing Y&R Abby will be taking him to Fenmore's for a geek to chic makeover set to ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man" next month.


The Fenmore Jabot story doesn't work because it goes against the fundamental core of who the Abbotts are (which is even before their long business & personal relationship with the Fenmore family is factored in). Had the story been about Jabot & Fenmore's fighting over product with Fenmore's at a disadvantage because of a downturn in business? That's perfectly fine. But this current story isn't at all believable.

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