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General Hospital SEPTEMBER 2014 Discussion

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Did I miss something?

FTR: I totally bought Vee's joke as a legit tweet from RC, but I'm certainly not upset with him for making it. I was the foolish one in this situation.

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We don't need to support s--t! The show is a mess and we shouldn't just praise it and go with the flow simply bc it's one of the only few standing. TPTB need to be held accountable and yes that comes along with criticism, good and bad. There is too much wrong with current GH and I can't support this crap

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GH is horrid and that's my opinion that I am entitled to as an over a four decade fan.

There are reasons why there are only for soaps left and they all aren't about changing life styles ... but even in this state I still watch and discuss it therefore I am supporting it. There are some good things that come up and when they occur I give kudos.

In order to criticize you have to watch the show, that' all they care about not fan opinion because if they did it won't be such a mess. However, this ludicrous premise that I should jump up and down with glee because its the last ABC soap standing; I don't roll like that .... can't do it..

I get this a lot "for fear of cancellation," you have to realize there are fans who would rather see it cancelled then watch it as it is now ... but if its enjoyable to over 2 million people that's a good thing right? Carlintini banks on this so they can crap all over the show then I should tell them how wonderful they are....won't do it.

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Exactly. They have Fairman, Logan, the DC crew, Carolyn Hinsey, etc. to kiss Carlivati's ass. I can't do it. Especially, when I know how good GH could be. How good Y&R could be. Or DAYS & B&B. I'm tired of these shows giving us half-assed, mediocre material. Daytime is supposed to pave the way. They don't even do that anymore. These burnt out hacks would rather put out material consisting of old, worn out tropes and no character development/relationships instead of innovative material.

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