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Y&R: February 2014 Discussion Thread

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The thing is JFP has had consistently high ratings since Delia's death in October all way untul now. She has had multiple weeks over 5 million which is absoltely excellent. Y&R holy cow was nearly at 6 million. The show is a huge moneymaker for CBS. Jill has raised ratings, cut the budget which in turn has pleased her bosses. Aparently she is bosum buddies now with Angelica McDaniel.

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Wait a minute. Isn't this ratings surge due to ALL the loyal MM fans who tuned into his last scenes. .. and are all going to tune out again this week?


Honestly, I am slightly bummed about the high ratings. There was some good momentum last week but Y&R isn't satisfying me at all. It's so dull! And generic-feeling. Y&R was always a slow burn but never a bore and never middle-of-the-road.

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I can't stand the way David Tom holds his mouth open all the time.

I'm loving Jack and Nikki more than I have in years.

Stitch and Kelly: way too much plodding exposition. Not feeling it. But Nikki just told Victor she wasn't going to tell Nick or Victoria what he'd done because she didn't want to hurt them. So I guess she will keep quiet about Belly's tryst. Now Nikki is the keeper of secrets.

Liked Neil and his fiance's conversation.

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I also liked the Neil and Leslie conversation. It was very adult. However, I am not buying this love that they are selling and lord knows KSJ is giving it his all. He did an outstanding job of playing the insecure, dejected BRIDE. His posture and body language as he sat on that bench was great. But tears...for Leslie. Really? Great dialogue though.

I said it once and I will say it again. CW has better chemistry with DT than AH. I felt something with them...and I liked it. It was interesting. I also like Kelly with Stitch. But it made no sense for her to tell Stitch was happened. I see that she has a huge mouth and can't keep a secret.

Why don't the writers allow people to discuss things. They obviously are building a friendship between Sharon and Hilary and I know the scene was for Sharon to see Cassie there but why just do this cut in, a few lines, then walk away. They could have discussed how Lily still hasn't forgiven Hilary or how Devon asked Hilary out but she is not sure about it. Sharon could have told her how she was besties with their mother. Just sharing a scene is not enough. Come on.

It's good for Sharon to be so sane and sensible in her conversations with Chelsea. She is obviously over whatever mess that was with Adam. But I really resent that they have Sharon supporting Chelsea too. Good god. When Delia was killed, none of these same people, who also know Chloe, looked her way.

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Their scene was just Sharon on prop duty imo. Having Sharon say Chelsea knew Adam best just doesn't jive. I get Chadam is suppose to be this grand love but keep Sharon out of that mess. Frankly all these people hovering around this wimpy doe eyed heroine is just annoying and here comes her evil buddy Chloe to boss her around tomorrow. Geez, it takes a village.

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