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Unpopular Opinions Thread: 2013 Edition

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First of all, we (and I include myself) have to stop pretending we've seen actual nudity on these shows. I don't think the cursing has been necessary (although it hasn't exactly made me blush), but unless and until we've seen someone's dick waving hello to the cameras, or a girl bare her breastses like one of the cheerleaders on "1st & Ten," we need to table this part of the discussion.

Second, all you have mentioned here, Darn, offended me as much as do the cursing and (alleged) nudity, if not more so.

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I stand by what I said, the network soaps are on a continuous loop (of crap albeit). More thought was always going to go into the debut batch of episodes for OLTL and AMC before they were distributed and aired, there was something to "start over" with, which the network soaps do not have the luxury of (yet). Also, given that they're 30 mins and don't have to crank out episodes with the same factory style mentality of the network soaps, they do have certain advantages in that sense (though, I'm not quite seeing it in the final product myself).

Admittedly, I have not been reading much of the 1000 page threads the reboots seem to be getting, so I must have overlooekd many of your posts on this topic.

huh.png It's really not that serious.

But as this appears to an unpopular opinion on this board (and the relevant thread for it), I stand by saying that these reboots are not what I perceive to be the "future of soaps" or what I would have hoped two classic serial dramas would ever evolve into. Now, it is a bit of a hyperbole for myself to say that after 4 episodes, and I don't begrudge those finding enjoyment in them, but for me, these reboots are are not a template I would want any current or possibly resurrected soap to follow. The actual storylines and general acting still resembles much of what has turned me off soaps in the last 15 years. I just can't find much to get out of them - other than they're back and some fans get to see their soap live on in some other form, something most believed would never happen. That is the only triumph of these reboots in my eyes.

On another topic, I really couldn't care any less about things like nudity and language, as I don't think either element serves to elevate any of the material as it currently stands.

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Well I do watch dramas. Lots of them. Network dramas, cable dramas even the occasional telenovela and I can say that these language and sex we've seen so far is completely on par with what is readily available (especially telenovelas). The playing field is finally level and these shows no longer have to be held hostage to daytime Disney rules.

But on to another UO...I'm astounded at the fixation on the show openings. I mean all of the show openings past and present: PP, GH, GL, etc. I remember when AMC unveiled their last opening, I thought folks were going to throw themselves out the window. I've honestly never cared.

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back to other soaps: I thought FRon were a great shot in the arm at OLTL!! maybe cause Valentini worked his way up the ranks, but OLTL was very enjoyable from his start to end! also, im in the minority but I couldn't stand Curlee/ Demorest work from spring 93 to the end of Curlee's reign!! maybe it was JFP but, the storylines in 1993 to very early 94 became sooooooooo boring!! after Broderick and Rielley left in 93 the show became so stale!! the day to day writing was outstanding but the whole show became lame besides a few great moments!! it was all LOOK we landed Justin Deas, Marj Dusay and Marcy Walker(all bad characters)and too many recasts and boring storylines that made it hard to believe it was the same show we were watching the year before!! Curlee or not I did not enjoy most of 1993 GL sorry, IMO!!!!

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LOL! I like show openings. I miss the good old days of catchy theme songs. I do find it weird that a certain poster is fixated on how much they hate OLTL's new opening. Like, who gives a damn? You watch the show for it's content, not the opening.

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I think CB is damn good as Jeffrey. It's been a long time - probably never since soaps invested so much in a name actor of color, who can truly hold his own as a formidable presence from Day One. Denyse Tontz is fine as Miranda. I think a fair amount of her dialogue is still a bit stilted, but part of that is down to the kinks of the new show - exposition, etc. in the first week. Also, they try a little too hard with her here and there to make her sound 'edgy' but that, again, is dialogue. For the most part I think she's awfully good.

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Other UO's:

1.) I love Susan Lucci and Erica but I'm glad she isn't on AMC right now. I acknowledge that she/they are a great asset but I feel like Erica Kane eats up a lot of bandwidth in the AMC universe and right now I think that bandwidth is best used to reset the canvas and give other characters the chance to grow and shine. I think her absence now is good for the show creatively and I hope that when she returns we get to see some real evolution of the character. I don't want to see another round of Erica Kane, Aging Sexpot.

2.) Roger Howarth looks like freeze-dried hell. I don't know what's going on but the last year hasn't been kind to him.

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I think there is plenty of time to bring Erica back with great fanfare. Not just now, though. I think in many ways the spectre of her is far more powerful.

I think RH looks alright but I don't care for the bangs. He looked a lot better in 2011.

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