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Unpopular Opinions Thread: 2013 Edition

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After just two episodes, I don't see anything worthwhile to invest in on both OLTL or AMC.

Largely, I see a lot of bad acting, some very clunky dialogue, and questionable character development. Honestly, they aren't that much different from the worst of the latter day ABC era right now, as much as some would like to claim, IMHO.

It's still early, so a lot could change. But a lot of the hyperbole I'm seeing just feels too much, too soon.

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I'm glad people are happy they're back, but I can't help but feel most of the "hype" is because they're back and not the actual quality of the product. It's still just two episodes, people, and I am not seeing anything that different from the norm (yes, they use the word "[!@#$%^&*]" and there's some mild nudity, but please lets not kid ourselves here).

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Undoubtedly a large chunk of the excitement is simply that they're back at all. I do think some of us appreciate that they *do* seem to be trying to do something different (but that's purely up to your opinion) in some ways. I also think a lot of us are willing to overlook somethings (like some clunky acting and direction) for a few weeks, the way every "new" soap goes through growing pains (and some get past them some don't.)

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Word, word, word. The hyperbole is ridiculous. Saying that the shows are better just because of some curse words and some nudity? If the show has to resort to that, that's not good writing. That's not anything to crow about.

I've seen OLTL fans basically brag and taunt General Hospital fans saying that they better hope their show is cancelled so that Prospect Park can "save" it. That's just wrong.

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I don't think the PP shows are the best thing that have happened to soaps in decades.

I am glad that they seem to respect their veterans and I still don't get why people get all excited when they hear a bad word from a soap character. Is this really so important to you?

Same goes with people dreaming of watching an unknown actor's a5S for a nanosecond. Why is this so important to you? Do you really think that soaps become cool this way? Is this what the problem with the other soaps was? Not really.

I am shocked to read posts from people claiming that this is the best thing they have ever watched and being thankful that they no longer have to watch the horrible network soaps now that we have the cool ones.

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While a lot more has pleased, i am already over "this isnt your mamas soap" talk when OLTL had Dor blowing David in the end and a decade ago on Days Sami and Brandon had pay cable sex basically and on the PG soaps they were showing ass.

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Y&R showed ass too--though to be fair that experiment with nudity (on primetime shows--even the relatively family drama Once and Again) was completely stopped on network tv post Janet Jackson Nipple-gate. But I def see your point. I think it's over-emphasized.

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The quote feature isn't working for me so I'm winging it. Whee...

The problem is all of this caused some sort of scandal or was quickly stopped. (I don't know about DAYS, I mean the other stuff). I guess the hook is if these soaps don't have to worry as much about scandal or censorship.

I think it's mostly just a marketing gimmick, and not a bad one. I do think good writers can effectively use profanity to enhance a show, but I'm not sure if Thom Racina or Marlene are what I'd call good writers.

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Don't you know that, in her position as consultant, Agnes Nixon's main job is to insert where the nudity and the profanity happens? (In fact, it's her only job...) And she's a good writer! Right?

You're right about the scandal element (at least with nudity) though I think that frankly ahd more to do with scared execs than with any viewer upset.

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