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Unpopular Opinions Thread: 2013 Edition

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I actually believe that Prospect Park has more of a vested interest in the future of soaps than ABC does. This experiment NEEDED to happen if there's to be any hope for soap survival. An internet process needed to begin and it's the only way that we will ever even have an inkling of hope for a new soap opera, which I now think was possible when I didn't 10 years ago.

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This has gotta be sort of unpopular given the conventional wisdom about her talent or lack thereof, but these last couple of months really reminded me that I would take Kristina Wagner on GH above almost everyone who came since. Just seeing her on GH seems so right, and I don't really care if she isn't the greatest actress on earth.

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I don't think she has any fans on this board. Not from what I've seen. She talks way too fast and shows her teeth too much. She's not a bad actress but she's so obnoxious and standoffish onscreen.

Erika is OTT as Niki, but it's fun (the DID stories sicken me but I love Erika's scenery chewing as Niki!). She's very restrained the rest of the time and it works. Kim's a great actress but she doesn't have any charisma, which is my one problem with her.

Passions (ugh) - Dana Sparks is a horrific actress with no screen presence or charisma. She made Grace Bennett into a self righteous, detestable shrew. I know the writers on that horrible soap made a wrong turn (like always) when I was rooting for Ivy (who I never liked either) and Kay (who was an obnoxious annoying brat) the whole time over Grace.

OLTL - I never saw any chemistry between Shane and that loathesome brat Jack. What is it people call them - "Shack"? Ugh! Really don't get the appeal.

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I believe that some fans have zero concept of what fuels great hatesex and your example is proof of this.

There's a huge difference between masking desire for one another through blistering language/dirty deeds and being a loathsome assh0le with zero redeeming qualities. The mere fact that some people actually believe that a hot and sexy coupling can come from the vile piece of sh!t that pushed another to the brink of suicide disgusts me thoroughly.

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I don't mind her as Carly, but I haven't watched GH more than a few times a month in the past decade--save for regularly watching since Carlenvanti came on. But I loved Wright on Loving/The City--even when paired with the dullest male character on that show, Tony Soleito. Then again I loved Heinle on Loving as well, and to a lesser degree on AMC but not much on Y&R.

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My LW love stems from her fabulous Cassie Layne Winslow, which is why I've never had the heart to hate her as much as I do the rancid heifer that she'd left GL to portray (while breaking my heart in the process).

To add, I found her far more believable and rootable as the scrappy-heroine-who'd-do-anything-to-protect-her-own as Cassie than I ever did as the snaggletoothed skunk.

Furthermore, I much preferred SJB as Claudia Zacchara over Slagbeast 1.0 for a similar reason - I completely believed and sympathized with her as the vengeful bitch with a broken heart in a way that I was never able to with the Slagbeast (in any form). It's too bad that showkiller Guza set her up to fail because a better writer would've allowed her (and Hot Johnny) to flourish.

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