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I seem to recall that accident is why Katrina Karr, who was with Talbot, went to the hospital, which is when she gave birth to her child conceived with Brad, and set into motion the baby switch with Jenny by Karen and Marco.

Because in the famous witness stand scene, Karen had to admit that she was a part-time prostitute (in her words "a common whore") in order to explain how she knew Katrina's relationship to Talbot Huddleston (who I always conflate with the guy that killed Susan Moore on GH, but that was Crane Tolliver) due to the fact that Katrina was in a coma (or just incapacitated) when Marco was killed, and then recovered in time to exonerate Vicky at her trial.

Also, why Pat had no beef with Karen, and sympathy for Katrina, who was an innocent bystander that had her baby stolen.

Meanwhile, if Larry just went into private practice so that Karen could renovate their house and build the pool she wanted, the whole thing could have been avoided (lol).


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i believe Joe & Jacquie had ended their relationship prior to 1983. 

Question about The Billy Douglas story always seen as short-term once they changed from Joey to Joey's friend being gay?


I believe Ryan Phillipe was on a year. Not sure if he was on contract. Kelly Cheston who played Joey's GF, Alana was short term & I dont understand why they didnt keep her

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To both questions: I believe so, yes. 

I believe both Alice and Steven had an unrealistic, idealization vision of each other, which was a major flaw in the relationship, and which resulted in all sorts of miscommunication and conflict. Alice's version of him existed a great deal in her head, which actually fit in with the show's theme of living in many different worlds, not just the actual, physical one. I adored the entire story and the characters, as flawed as they were, however. To this day, my stance is that the Alice/Steven/Rachel storyline represented daytime TV at its very best. That being said, I also appreciated the independent, stronger character of Pat Kendall, whom I saw as a grown-up version of Alice Matthews.

I swear that wedding lasted eight solid weeks, not just four. It went on forever. 

Yes, Pat accepted a job out of town and left Llanview in 1983, even though the show had clearly been foreshadowing a romance between Pat and Michael Zaslow's David Renauldi. ABC lamely announced that they "had no story for the actress," which was BS, because the writers were already into a new one. There was more to her dismissal than we were told.

Well, she may have been expensive, but she was also hugely popular, and the writers used her continuously and prominantly. Perhaps the "new team" that ABC would later bring in, after JC was axed, wanted her gone. Anyway, it was a stupid mistake to write her off.  The show had already lost rhe powerhouse, Judith Light. OLTL needed to hang on to its most popular other stars.

Yes, Karen Wolek revealed the truth during her breakdown on the witness stand in Viki's murder trial.  Talbot tried to deny it, but it was clear he was lying. Pat went berserk and attacked him physically. That material on on youtube.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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We've talked about this in the past, but Bob Woods has vacillated over the years when talking about Jacquie Courtney as have a number of castmembers. (I've always found Erika Slezak's quiet asides re: her and Stuart especially interesting - "once Joe Stuart was gone, I knew I had job security.") He's sometimes been very complimentary and kind about her, particularly when she passed. The impression I got is that some of the OLTL cast - or perhaps just the more rough and tumble Buchanan actors, who were known to not always be big on discipline back in the day - found Courtney high-maintenance. I imagine the truth is somewhere in-between for all parties.

When exactly did Rauch arrive? Fall of '84 or earlier? Because depending on when Courtney exited in '83 (allegedly December), he might've already been in the mix. That happens at these shows often BTS before the credits catch up. I always assumed Rauch was the answer to why she was cut, but that may well be untrue.

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On a side note, speaking of dirt and unceremonious exits - Robin Strasser indicated on Twitter recently that she was outright let go and not invited back in the final months of OLTL on ABC in 2011. She's talked about it before, but here's the latest iteration.

According to her version of the story, part of which we already knew: She left to have back surgery and was concerned about pain management and becoming dependent on medication (as she had from a prior procedure) in order to cope should she go back to work too soon. She claims she wanted to return in October of '11, but OLTL informed her they wouldn't be needing her back before the end of taping. She put on a happy face about it for PR, but was crushed.

With Robin's POV you need a bit of a grain of salt at times, but I absolutely believe her on this one. I think Frank Valentini was looking to cut costs and drama by any means necessary in the final months and just didn't want to deal with her. I understand Robin could be high-maintenance, but it's a disgrace - especially re: Robin, who IMO never got over being fired by JFP.

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It is a shame that she was not there. Especially Viki vs Dorian was always an excellent rivalry and it did feel weird that she was not there at the end. Good she did appear on the online version.


That said...I still cry over her last montage. 

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