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I'd forgotten how determined this truck driver (Vince) was about porking Ashley.  I don't blame him, she's pretty and all, but he's got a one-track mind.  


The dialogue from the motel desk clerk, Vince the truck driver, and Lorraine the gum-smacking, fur coat-stealing floozie is just HOWLINGLY bad.   "This dame", "This broad", "Yeah, I dig it."  Lord.  

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I'm hoping for more 1981...that seemed an interesting year with the Casey/Nikki stalker, Vanessa venturing more into the dark side, and seeing Jill living a middle class life (more of her being roomies with Eve and dating Andy).


I liked seeing Diane and Andy together in the 1984 clikps..classic story of a woman being drawn to the bad boy and not realizing until too late that she had the real thing.  The show revisited this in the 2000s with them..but it wasn't the same cause of Diane being recast 

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It seems like Andy was always an afterthought, treated poorly by Jill and Diane and never being a real romantic leading man. I've wondered why they made him Paul's friend and not his lesser seen brother Steven Williams. He was a little more developed than other supporting characters but never fully fleshed out. 

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What a treat: just took a quick peek into 1/18/1985 with lots of action at the Chancellor Mansion: Esther and Brenda Dickson's Jill sharing scenes, the rarely seen dining room of the mansion and of course Kay's lovely idea to show John and Jill some photos of her "winter cabin memories".

Andy's major story was Farren, the singer from 1986-1987... the rest not so much.

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We’re reaching summer ’85 in the clips, when Terry Lester quit the show and then returned 2 months later after re-negotiating his contract.


He must have been in a very good position during contract talks.. not only was Jack part of the show’s hot new quadrangle, but Bill Bell was getting ready to finally bring the blackmail photo story to a climax… and that just couldn’t be done without Terry Lester.

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Probably. Matt is brought into the quad again in the summer of 86 when Jack is convicted of Jill's shooting. Nikki and Jack were planning to shack up and then he pushes her away once he finds out he is going to jail. She moves on with Matt. Then when the Nikki is dying and Ashley is pregnant story occured, Matt is moved to Ashley (though nothing more than a friendship happens) The following year he leaves town

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Summer '85 is also the time when Brock returned for a while, during a time when Katherine was "out of town" for a while, also when Terry Lester was absent for a bit.  Seems I recall they had Brock being friendly with Gina, Ashley & Jill, but they were all just friends.  Seems like he disappeared again about a year later, then made several more returns later on, some lengthy, some brief.

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I had no idea Brock came back in 1985..it does seem like he was tested with Ashley, Gina and Jill..but nothing came of that.


He did come back again during the Marge doppelganger story..his return provided the push to resolving it.  He was tested with Nina some in 1989..but than he was gone again.


Jill and Nikki did seem not to interact much till 1999...but both were aware of one another before that.  Jack and Nikkik had one scene in 1992 where they were going to fix up John with one of Nikki's friends...but jack finds out about john and Jill..and he tells Nikki.  She rolls her eyes and said 'not that again ' lol.  



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