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Kristian Alfonso's exit from DAYS ranks at #6 on TvLine's most shocking exits of 2020, being the only daytime soap represented:




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For "Days" stats fans, just released is every actor's monthly appearance stats. So, if you are curious about how many episodes someone appeared in during a specific month/year, all those stats are now at your fingertips! This data is only updated once a year, so the next update will be posted in January 2022.
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Okay, it's time to find out about the Great Caning That Wasn't of 1980, and all other associated nonsense! Apologies for not doing more of these lately, I've had one hell of a holiday season.

A note about August:

I read over some of the Tune In Tomorrow recaps, and discovered that David left town in a hurry because Mary told him if he didn't, she WOULD press charges, thus his sudden desperation to leave for greener pastures, so his motivation to take off is a little less...unsympathetic. He's still a whiny bitch tho.


ONWARD to Nina Laemmle's last month!





Mickey tells Don his employers are a bunch of sleazy conmen, and Don plugs his ears and goes la la la...then goes to ask them about Mickey's (factual) allegations that Max and Kellam had conspired with Alex, and they develop the brightest haloes you've ever seen in your life with a quickness. Don stays duped and agrees to stay on their team, but warns them that if he learns better, he's out. Kellam waits until Don leaves and then twirls his mustache, telling Max "I think success has gone to Don's head. We are going to have to keep an eye on him". Why not just surveil the entire fekking city at this point? God!


Now that Chandler own the plant, they've no more use for Alex, and he has to clean out his desk "until things cool down", but Kellam promises he'll make Alex an offer to stay "in time". Alex promises to hold him to that. Max is increasingly concerned about David coming back to bite them in the arse. Alex demands they don't harm David or Scotty, and the mustache twirlers immediately decide once Alex leaves the room that Alex and David must be "disposed of". If I didn't know any better, I'd expect them to talk like 1930s gangsters at this point. They're either spying on, or plotting to kill EVERY MAN IN TOWN at this point!


Liz sneaks off the campaign trail to see Neil. She's despondent after seeing the suffering of the public: Starving babies and slums and such. She credits Neil with helping her to see beyond the confines of her sheltered existence, and they go to bed. The next morning, Neil warns Liz that Kellam will be pretty pissed off with her. I'm sure he'll put a tail on her and a hit on Neil now.


SHOCKER! Kellam knows Liz snuck off the campaign trail to screw Neil, and is livid! Guess he's already got a tail on her! He once again demands she give up Neil, after calling her a tramp, because that's always a good way to influence your family members. Liz storms out of Kellam's office in tears. Kellam perks up when he finds out Todd passed his exams, and shows his love for Tod by throwing money at him: a cheque in celebration of Todd's success! They randomly drop in here somewhere that Tod asks again about his mother, and Kellam deflects once again. Looks like that's a dropped storyline.


Shortly thereafter, Kellam holds a cocktail party, to self-congratulate over his donation to the new Children's wing at the hospital. Liz overhears when Kellam pulls Marlena aside to a private room and slathers the compliments on thick about what a great hostess she is. Liz makes a snide remark to Marlena after being spotted spying in the corner, jealous that Marlena, not Liz, was chosen to be her father's hostess (really, Liz? This is some baby $#!t]). Kellam tells Liz she's being a big baby as well, and that he loves her...then follows that up by claiming Neil's only after Liz's money, prompting Liz to leave Kellam's office in tears. Filled with doubt thanks to her father's endless needling, Liz asks Julie if Neil married Phyllis for her money. Julie deflects Liz's question, instructing her not to dwell on the past, as it could ruin something great that's going on right now between her and Neil. Liz goes along with Julie, and chooses to trust her gut about Neil's affections for her. When relaying the story to Neil later on, Liz senses Kellam has an interest in Marlena beyond having her host cocktail parties.


Kellam sticks his nose further in where it doesn't belong, visiting Neil. Neil's already feeling guilty about the wedge he's put between Liz and her a$$hole father, and this worsens after Kellam tells Neil that if he doesn't break it off with Liz, she'll be disinherited. Kellam knows of Neil's past of wooing rich women for their money, and says something about Liz wanting men who will leave her so she'll be hurt (a haphazard way of explaining what happens next, I think). So therefore, Kellam wants the romance with Liz to end because - all together now - it makes Kellam look bad with the election coming. November cannot come soon enough, I swear. He gives Neil several hours to tell Liz. So he does...and he tells her why. This should be fun. Back at the Chandler house, Kellam suddenly believes Neil DOES love Liz (help, my eyes are stuck rolled back in my head), but rationalizes that eventually he'd try to get after her money anyway. Max suggests they try to insinuate to Liz that they'd paid Neil off in exchange for dumping Liz. The trick works, Liz buys Max's story.


Liz goes on the campaign trail for her father, almost to spite Neil. Julie tries to convince Liz that Neil didn't accept any bribe, but Liz, for some bizarre reason, believes her father's keeper's story. Julie even goes to the trouble of telling Neil the bull$#!t Max and Kellam told Liz, but Liz won't listen when Neil pleads with her on the phone.







Jessica is jealous of Carol's closeness with Joshua, so she...ignores Joshua...well, that's a choice.


Jessica earns a scholarship, and Todd...passes his exams. Jessica tells him she'll be roommates with some random pregnant girl named Sally who works at the clinic. Tod tells Josh he's throwing a bash to celebrate Jessica's scholarship at the disco. He tells Josh to be sure to bring Carol (so that Todd can have Jessica to himself, obviously). Tod visits Jessica's new apartment with Knocked-Up Sally, and invites Jessica, Mike, and Sally to the disco for a party. Only when Jessica arrives does she discover the party is for her! She's thrilled because Joshua gifts her a book his mother gave him! And then Carol shows up! And she goes back to INGORING him again!


Jessica gets gifts in celebration of her scholarship! Tom gives her a microscope! Marie and Alice give her a silver chain for her medallion! When Marie sees the medallion, she's shocked! She recognizes it! The date on the medallion is SPECIAL to her! It's the date of birth of her baby she gave up! Marie knows Jessica is her daughter! And now Marie can't face Jessica. And Jessica  notices, and asks why Marie is pulling away from her. Marie tells her that there needs to be distance between them, because, as a nun, she should never have let Jessica get so close to her (???!!!)


Jessica leaves in tears, and asks Alice why Marie is so angry at her. Alice has absolutely no idea what the Hell just happened. Suddenly I'm starting to understand why Jessica was such a beeotch during that Christmas episode we saw earlier. Marie goes to the chapel, feeling guilty for pushing her daughter away, and needing guidance (how about DON'T DO THAT, MARIE). When she sees Alex and Jessica have gotten close, she feels even worse. She tells Alex to not let Jessica get too close to him, but won't tell him why. She fears she's beginning to become infatuated with the old coot. Alex is baffled, as Marie had previously encouraged Alex to take Jessica out on the town to celebrate her scholarship, and now she wants him to back off. Make it make sense! For the record, Alex this time has the good sense NOT to be a letch with Jessica like he did with Cathy (thank God, for all her faults, Laemmle doesn't have a weird fascination with grossly inappropriate incestuous relationships like Harrower had).


Alex takes Jessica to Doug's club, and Josh is working, and is surprised to see them together. Jessica explains that Alex is simply her benefactor, I guess allaying any potential concern he has for her. Later, Jessica asks Alex to sign a loan application for her. Alex would rather just give her the money, but Jessica refuses, stubbornly wishing to "make it on her own" (fool, student loans will end your life!) Alex signs the application, proud of his daughter-he-doesn't-realize-is-his-daughter.


Josh takes Carol out for a swim. Once they're back at Josh's apartment, they warm up by the fireplace and get LIT (like...by drinking, not...like, being lit on fire). Josh kisses her and they screw. Josh tells Carol afterward that he isn't interested in anything serious, however. What a gentleman.


Meanwhile Kellam meets with Jessica and tells her he expects her to get cozy with Toddd. Jessica tells him that's not happening, that she knows he disapproves of Todd and Cassie, tears a strip off Kellam for trying to force her to try to break Tod and Cassie up, and hands Kellam back his cheque, quitting as Todd's tutor. Kellam tells Tod that Jessica was 'rude' (because trying to dictate your adult children's romantic lives is the height of good manners, naturally). Todd asks Jessica why she quit as his tutor, and realizes when she explains Kellam's manipulation that Jessica doesn't want him, and that he'd better give it up.


Alice confronts Marie about why she's pushing Jessica away. Alice presses a resistant Marie, telling her Jessica has had enough rejection in her life, including her own mother. Marie blurts out "I had no choice!" OOPS! - Marie explains that she fell in with the wrong scene, and that she got involved with "a man", and when she had the nerve (ie. when she grew terrified of him after seeing him shove his brother off a highrise balcony), she left him to join the convent. It was at the convent that she realized she was pregnant. She's certain the father doesn't know, but won't say who the father is. Alice agrees with Marie that the truth should be kept secret from Jessica.


Alice visits a weepy Jessica, who cries that she thought Marie loved her a little bit, and that she can't live without Marie's friendship. Alice tells Jessica that Marie does love her, and that it's hurting Marie to keep distance from her. Alice asks if she can be the friend Jessica needs, and Jessica is grateful, hugging her grandmother-she-doesn't-know-is-her-grandmother.


Jessica lashes out at Marie upon finding out Marie advised Sally to give her baby up for adoption. Personalizing it, she yells at Marie that she feels the baby will feel unwanted, as she did by being given away. Jessica feels her mother must've hated her to have given her away. Marie insists it wasn't true, and that there's a special bond between mother and daughter, and if Jessica's mother had given her up, it was because she thought it was the best thing etc. Jessica isn't moved in the way Marie hopes, sobbing "there's nothing like a mother's love, I know because I went my whole life without it!", before running away. Once Jessica leaves, Marie breaks down in tears.


Sally begins to change her mind about giving the baby up, when...BAM! LABOUR TIME! Jessica rushes her to the hospital, and has a baby girl. Sally decides to keep it, delighting Jessica and, of course, disappointing Marie. Sally names the baby LINDA (heh heh heh heh).






Mary, forced into a financial corner, sells the plant to Chandler with extreme reluctance and a heavy heart. The settlement she gets from the shysters', she tells Chris she's going to invest to build a fortune until she can afford to buy the plant back. Chris quits in disgust at the prospect of working for Chandler, and requests only severance and the rights to his solar generator. Don thinks he's being a fool for not requesting his royalties from the generator, but Chris wants to go into business with Mike and he needs liquid assets fast to do it, so a cash settlement is ideal. Leslie joins Chris in quitting the plant upon finding out Chandler has taken it over. Leslie accuses Chris of shutting her out of his life, though Chris still wants to marry her, he's just preoccupied and distracted, largely because of losing the plant.


Mary doesn't ask Alex for alimony, but DOES request a percentage of his future earnings. Alex, meanwhile, tries to butter up Victoria, who's handling Mary's divorce.


Mike decides to sell his house to free up money to invest in Chris' new company. He gets an apartment in the same building as Jessica and Sally. Chris scopes out a site on the North Shore for a new marina, which thanks to rezoning, should become extremely valuable. They want to take it. But Alex, who is at the bank to try to grease the wheels on Jessica's loan application, also hears about the North Shore land, and wants to buy it himself as an investment property. When Chris applies for a loan to buy the North Shore land, the banker calls Alex as Chris' reference (why, I'll never know...like...was Chris dumb enough to actually put Alex's name on the document?? For real??). Alex tells his friend at the bank that Chris is suspected of burning down the Anderson plant. Bye bye Marina. Chris can't figure out why da hell his loan was denied, so he goes to Max and Kellam and demands his cash settlement for the generators. They refuse to pay him a dime until they turn a profit on them (knowing full well they intend to force the generator project to fail). They suggest to Chris that, if he wants his money, he should work for them. HAH! Chris tells them where to shove it, but Max seems confident Chris will change his mind (okay, Max, what are you gonna blow up now?). Chris asks Mickey and Victoria to force Kellam's hand. 

Chris scores another ally in Josh, who meets Chris at the club. They bond over their disdain for Chandler, and over a love of boats and repair work (a solid foundation for any stereotypically masculine friendship). Josh expresses interest in Chris' new endeavor.


Kellam "asks" Alex to stop his divorce proceedings from Mary because it's making Kellam look bad on the campaign trail (honey, that's the LEAST of your troubles). Alex agrees as long as Kellam agrees to keep David and Scotty safe. Alex then asks Mary to postpone the divorce, and she agrees, under the same condition (that no harm come to David or Scotty), but Alex insists he has no control over whether David or Scotty will be kept out of harm's way. Kellam, to his credit, orders Max to pay David off to keep quiet, and insists no harm come to David or Scotty. I'm glad that thanks to everyone's insistence that no harm come to David or Scotty, we now have some assurance that no harm will come to David or to Scotty. 


Mary finds out that a mysterious company called the Salem Independent Development Organization bought the North Shore land. Mary tells Chris she suspects she knows who runs this SIDO. Leslie, without having spoken to Chris, figures out SIDO is a cover for Alex Marshall, and that Alex and the loan officer who denied Chris the loan to buy the North Shore land know each other. Leslie puts her charms to work, trying to persuade Alex to lease the land to Chris to run the marina, in exchange for her silence regarding who owns the land. Alex initially refuses, but when Leslie tells him that this will force Chris to leave town, and, by consequence, Leslie as well...Alex relents. Alex likes Leslie enough that he doesn't want to see her leave Salem. Touching. Chris agrees to the lease, and Leslie deftly hides who SIDO is when Chris asks, claiming they're "Independent investors". Because...you know, that isn't implicit in the name or anything.


Mickey asks Don to have Chandler release Chris' settlement money, but when Don does this, Kellam tells him he won't until the generators turn a profit (ie. never). Don lashes out at Kellam for breaking his agreement with Chris. Kellam relents, and promises to honour his agreement with Chris...by paying Chris is piddly-a$$ monthly installments. Chris is furious and asks Don how he can work for the Slimebucket Twins. Don is beginning to wonder himself. Chris then asks Mickey to arrange to strip Chandler of their rights to the solar generator. Mickey advises to instead sue Chandler for breach of contract, since they did agree to pay Chris in one lump sum. If they sue, Chandler is more likely to give in, not wanting the publicity of a lawsuit during his election campaign.








David didn't even say goodbye to Julie before f*cking off, and Julie, apparently done screaming bloody murder in the emergency room, blames herself for not being close to her adult-shaped brat. David calls her, won't tell her where he is, and says it's better that he's out of the way. He's not wrong. Trish is so depressed she won't sing, but pulls herself together when the agent comes a-knockin'. Hearing her sing at the club, Ol' Tin Ear is super impressed!


Julie tells Trish about David's phone call, and tells her he claims it'll help Trish pursue her career. Julie thinks he's full of s#!t and tells Trish to call the cops, worried about David's and Scotty's safety because she could tell David's drinking again, but Trish won't. Instead, she calls a PI to track them down through Mickey's new law partner, a woman named Victoria Wallace - or Wallis, depending on the source (apparently played by Patch Mackenzie). Mickey is apparently out of town (according to Tune In Tomorrow, to help track David and Scotty down), so Victoria is watching the office.


Mary visits Trish, and warns her that Alex may try to prevent David from ever returning to Salem, knowing that David could testify against Alex. Mary then warns Alex to never lay a finger on David or Scotty. Trish's agent tells her that if her new single is a hit, she'll have to tour extensively, which alarms Trish. She didn't think she would have to leave Salem, because apparently she's never considered what one has to do to sell records before. David sends her a letter. What does it say? Who knows? Probably whining about her singing career to make her feel more at home while he's away. Oh nevermind, the next write up actually tells us what's in the letter: he's taking good care of Scotty, Scotty's his only reason for living (I'm sure your wife LOVES to hear that), now Trish can have her fancy career (I was right, he does guilt her about her music), he loves her but has to stay away. Blah blah blah.


Trish is PISSED, and goes to Julie, showing her the letter. She knows David is at risk because of Alex's machinations, and Scotty by proxy. In order to get Scotty back, she needs to find out the extent of David's involvement with Alex. So she presses charges against David, hoping the police will track him down and keep him out of harm's way. Victoria tells Trish that the cops won't search for David until they have proof of his involvement with the sabotage at the plant. Trish figures she has a way to get the needed proof and pays Chris a visit. Instead of Chris, she finds Leslie there. Trish explains her dilemma, and Leslie believes Trish's plan isn't a bad one, but warns Trish to be careful going up against the Slimebucket Twins.


When Doug offers to help track down David, whom they now realize is in LA, Trish refuses, citing that she has her own plan. Doug is worried for Trish's safety. Trish's plan backfires when Chris admits there's no evidence that David was involved in the sabotage, and tells Trish he thinks it better if David stayed out of Salem. But Chris, we discover, is dubious of Trish's plan, and asks Mary not to help Trish find the evidence, believing the cops will simply think Trish is a wife scorned and seeking vengeance against the husband who abandoned her. Trish then decides to accept the concert tour so she can afford to pay for PIs to 







Julie is discharged from UH and stays with Tom and Alice while she recovers, and is feeling pretty good. Then Lee visits! Apparently she doesn't whack Julie this time, they just argue about Doug. Lee sounds pathetic, claiming Doug's money is the only thingman she's ever loved, and that Julie can make it on her own, but she can't LIVE without Doug (cue Dolly Parton's "Jolene").


In desperation, Lee throws her pills out, and lies when Neil calls her on it, noting her elevated blood pressure. She claims she's taking her pills, but secretly hopes if she ends up sick, Doug will feel guilty and come back to her. She pretends to be gracious and asks Victoria to rewrite the divorce settlement to have Doug give her a smaller settlement. Considering the entire reason we've had to endure this twit for the past year is because she wouldn't accept a measly $100k/year settlement in the first place, this seems like a dumb move, and a transparent one at that: Doug and Julie both immediately realize it's all a stalling technique.


Doug finds out about Lee's visit to Julie, and is livid to hear that Lee is pretending to be suicidal. Lee might actually be, as she discovers Brent has been tracked down to Texas, and will likely be arrested within 24hrs. Lee loads up on tranquilizers, I guess hoping that if her blood pressure doesn't get her, she'll be so wobbly her body won't know WHAT to do. Her doctor is unsure whether or not he should refill Lee's prescription, but ultimately decides to do so (she's now on her third).


A man is arrested in Dallas, but, and SOD doesn't make this particularly clear, Josh doesn't identify the right mugshot as being Julie's attacker. The cop tells Josh that the man in the mugshot has a bunch of aliases, and was arrested for pimping, not murder (well, yeah, considering Julie didn't die...) Josh insists that BRENT is the shooter.


Lee has confused her body so profoundly that she's about to be readmitted to University Hospital, but before she goes, she pays Julie another visit. She plays the wounded wife record again to Julie, screaming at her that Julie 'owes her that much'. Julie ain't buyin' it, and demands that Lee leave. When Lee won't go, and carries on ranting about her great love for Doug's money, Julie heads for the door to demonstrate exactly HOW one leaves a house when asked. Lee picks up a cane that's leaning against the coatrack in the Horton foyer and goes to crack Julie over the head with it (FREEZE FRAME! - no, literally, for anyone who remembers when the clip was online, the day's cliffhanger literally had Lee in mid-swing, as seen in the pic above). OOPS! Lee has a stroke and misses. Oh well!


Yep, Lee was mixing blood thinners with tranquilizers (and also not taking her blood thinners regularly, either), so off to emergency she goes! Doug is, of course, concerned, and heads to UH to see how she's doing. Neil suspects Lee wasn't taking the meds he prescribed (perceptive). Doug finds out Lee's left side is paralyzed, and will need extensive therapy to regain use of her limbs. Doug, ever the fool, blames himself. Neil tells him not to, telling him Lee was the author of her own misery. Julie, meanwhile, is so guilt-ridden she couldn't THINK of marrying Doug now (eugh). She feels sorry for Lee, even though she feels bitterly towards her. The feeling's mutual, as we learn from the voice inside Lee's head when Doug goes to visit her at UH the next day. Doug vows to help Lee through her recovery. Neil encourages Doug to stay with Lee through her recovery because he is the only one she appears to respond to. Doug agrees through gritted teeth. Neil tells them that Lee will need daily therapy to recover. So Lee, of course, decides, she will NEVER recover, and will therefore keep Doug by her side FOREVER! Muahahah!







As Mickey is out of town, Maggie goes to Doug's club alone, and meets a football star named Kyle McCullough (played by Richard/Rick Hill). He asks Maggie to spin the roulette wheel for him, and he wins. He kisses her and calls her his Lady Luck. Maggie goes back the next night, and sits at her table, and turns on the charm, clearly attracted to Maggie. He asks her to go on a moonlight joyride with him, but Maggie refuses. Kyle's ego bruises extremely easily and he gets trashed, then goes for his moonlight joyride alone (I guess he figures if he's that trashed he won't notice Maggie isn't with him). He immediately crashes his car and probably won't walk again. That's what you get for drunk driving, Kyle. Maggie is supportive of Kyle, and waits by his bedside when she hears of his accident.


Kyle wakes up, and learns about his injuries. He pleads with Maggie to stay by his side, as Neil discusses his need for extensive therapy if he wishes to recover. Maggie agrees to stay with him throughout the ordeal, relating to his injury because of her own history with disability. When Mickey comes home from his trip, he questions Maggie about her somber attitude. After telling him about Kyle's struggle, Mickey remarks how "compassionate" Maggie is. This view shifts almost immediately when Maggie turns down Mickey's offer to go to dinner so that she can stay with Kyle. And...watch him...not move his limbs. They literally don't tell me that anything significant is happening that would cause Maggie to not want to leave his side, so...I guess Maggie lives there now? (ETA: Apparently SOD went on a coffee break when they mentioned that KYLE WAS GOING INTO SURGERY, like...kind of an important beat, guys). 







Don and Marlena hear that Johnny is to be placed at a state orphanage, and, though they aren't ready to adopt him, they agree to take him into their home. Johnny is thrilled, but is less-than-thrilled by Don's near-constant absence. When Josh invites Johnny and Marlena over for dinner, the boy whines that he wishes Josh were his father, as Don is never home.


Marlena sense Don is overworked, and is annoyed that he's prioritizing his career over his family. She suggests he step off the campaign trail, and allow her to take over. Don lashes out, acting paranoid and claiming that Marlena is plotting with Kellam to replace him (WTF?) He disallows Marlena to go on the campaign trail. This blows up into a huge argument, as Marlena resents Don's breaking promises to Johnny. 

This is such a bloody mixed bag. There's some good bits, but a lot of cockamamie plotting, mustache twirling for no apparent reason, and nonsensical characterization for the advancement of the plot (hello, Liz?) that just bogs everything down. Why are there SO MANY new characters every time we turn around? Why are they all so boring? Why are they all these characters that disappear almost immediately once Laemmle leaves?? WHY does it feel like Brent will never be tracked down? 

I honestly just cannot figure out what Laemmle was thinking for a lot of this. And yet....it's still far better than most of what we have onscreen now. That's...I don't know if that's a compliment or a damning indictment of Ron.

Edited by beebs
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Hmmm...Victor was actually in hiding at this time after the Coronation Massacre and had been presumed dead, spending his days plotting revenge against Kate. It was actually Chloe's discovery that Victor was alive (and that Phillip knew) that caused Chloe to freak out and mislead Craig and Nancy into believing she had been raped. Of course, once Chloe calmed down, she recanted her allegation, but Nancy refused to believe her until Chloe underwent a gynecological examination

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After Victor's revenge scheme against Kate went awry (landing Lucas in a coma after the Kiriakis Mansion burned down), I think Victor may have softened in his attitude towards the Wesley's as Victor had realized he was partly to blame for the situation. Victor and Chloe even apologized to one another and Victor respected Chloe for keeping quiet that he was still alive.


However, Victor still didn't want Phillip and Chloe together. Shortly after revealing that he was still alive to the rest of Salem, Victor enlisted Brady to break them up...

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The Laemmle era strikes me as something along the lines of, if you watched it every day you might as well have been glued to the TV, but when you thought about it in retrospect, you'd think, "Oh wow this was terrible"


Maybe Laemmle actually did just pitch a show to the networks and failed every time, only to use all the ideas for that show when she got to DAYS. And it also seems like she used primetime show story pacing on a daytime show, which almost always fails. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Great to have you back!




I wouldn't figure poverty would be an aphrodisiac, but you be you, Liza.


She does seem to be emulating DALLAS, with Kellam and/or Maxwell in the J.R. role. The problem is, Larry Hagman already had years of built-up audience goodwill, and even early on, his wings were slightly clipped. Where's the Jock Ewing? Where's the Bobby?


This reminds me of Raymond Burr and Charles Rocket in Delirious. "I already told you, I was not responsible for your mother's death!" "If she really was my mother."


Again, DALLAS. J.R. did the same thing with Lucy and her mother, Val.


Seriously, shout out to Alice here. Marie and Jessica aren't the only ones on an emotional rollercoaster.


Chris, you tremendous dumbass. Seriously, why didn't he put Mary down as a reference?


It's DUDES! And they're being boring!


Say, can we change things and make sure plenty of harm comes to David?


Thank God (?) Renee is only a few months away, because right now I'd give anything for Lee to vamoose. We'll have to see if she comes across any better over the end of 1980 and into 1981. 


If I remember right, Suzanne was fond of this storyline. She singled it out in the 30th anniversary book. I'm sure it had to be fun playing opposite a young stud for a while.


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That's what's interesting to me. She seems to have gone back to the Ann Marcus lightning pace that very clearly did not work for Marcus. Granted, I know the times had changed, and rather rapidly, but even GH had plenty of room for character development, whereas we still don't really understand what Chandler's end goal really is, or why they're so hellbent on controlling every aspect of everyone in Salem's lives. I would've been interested in hearing more about Sunny Chandler, her sons, and her fate. Probably one of the only truly intriguing bits of the Chandler family mess, and that, of course, is the one thread that's dropped. It's so odd to me that both Joshua and Tod linger on the show on and off for the next few years, and yet it sounds like they never find out they're brothers? Bizarre. (ETA: They may yet, looks like October addresses the lingering mystery)

I think you're onto something @Franko re: Laemmle trying to craft DAYS as Dallas. Kind of silly since so many other shows are going the same road at this point, most notably OLTL with the Buchanans, and to much greater success. Once again, daytime doesn't understand that the key to success is to be different, not to ape what's working elsewhere.

Shall we see the transition from Laemmle to Tomlin/Poteet-Lisanti? I should point out that I'm one of few who liked much of Tomlin's last run (until his heavy-hitters all left and he replaced them with the Ozark Buffoon Crew and elephant statues, of course), so I'm kind of biased to like what he writes, but...we'll see.




Mickey is starting to feel neglected by Maggie, while she spends so much time tending to Kyle, but Maggie insists he needs a friend. Mickey, feeling jealous, talks to Neil about his insecurity. Neil affirms what Maggie's been saying: while yes, Maggie has spent a lot of time with the paralysed football player, Kyle needs Maggie's support. Mickey is pacified by Neil's confirmation.

God knows why, but Julie feels guilty for Lee's stroke EVEN THOUGH THE BITCH WAS TRYING TO WHACK HER WHEN IT HAPPENED! Doug reassures her that Lee is to blame for her own stroke, because she didn't take her meds right. Does Julie even realize she was about 0.4 seconds away from being back in the emergency ward? Cos like...

While Doug is tending to his nasty wife, Julie goes to the club, and spends time with Neil (who is exactly the LAST person who should be at a casino). They discuss their respective problems (Liz cutting Neil off for dubious reasons, Lee's brain not working on one side), and Neil suggests they go back to his place. Julie refuses, even after Neil promises not to get fresh. Julie leaves him, and re-enters later to find him at the blackjack table. Julie has the most powerful glare in all of humanity because the instant they lock eyes, Neil backs away from the table almost reflexively.

But Neil can't be kept away from the blackjack tables, and when Doug and Julie spy Neil back at them later on, they have Joshua keep an eye on him, hoping to stop him before he bets. Julie scolds Neil about his turning to gamlbing. Neil admits to Julie that his breakup with Liz has driven him back to the tables.


Lee wants Doug to move back into the penthouse to help care for her. Doug refuses, but Neil suggests Doug do so to help with Lee's recovery. Doug relents. When Doug tells Julie the news, she's livid, but after the initial flare of anger, becomes more understanding, and goes along with Doug's supposed obligation to Lee. Doug has also settled on a decision, however, and will not move back into the penthouse. Lee pretends to understand, but secretly reaffirms her commitment to staying an invalid so that Doug will be forever tied to her.


Julie, suspecting Lee is doing exactly what Lee is doing, accuses Lee of doing exactly what Lee is doing. Lee is indignant that Julie should accuse her of doing exactly what she is doing, and begins to do exactly that: pretends she's a helpless wounded victim, and that she can't breathe. After Lee gasps at Julie to get out, Julie runs out into the hallway to call for help. As Julie does this, Lee leans back in her bed, and breathes deeply. Once Neil arrives in Lee's room, he "talks her down", telling Lee she's just hyperventilating. Lee asks Neil not to let her see Julie again. When Doug arrives at the hospital, he has a go at Julie for seeing Lee. Because of course, he does, the dumbass.


Kyle gets his legs out of casts, and they do a chem test with Lee, who, during therapy, sees Lee having a hissy fit. She's displeased when Kyle nicknames her Contessa, but her mood quickly changes when Doug shows up. Kyle admits to Doug that he's been keeping an eye on Lee and sees how she's been struggling. Doug asks Kyle to keep an eye on Lee's progress for him. Lee gives Kyle a shy smile. I guess the flirtation begins.


Neil, being refused to be dealt in at Doug's Club, is approached by a shady figure who tells Neil about a nearby poker game at the Salem Inn. Neil asks to be cut in. Doug, meanwhile, begs Neil to try again to contact Liz, hoping to keep Neil away from the casino. Neil feels it's hopeless, something Liz confirms to Doug while they're out on the campaign trail together.


Mickey and Maggie invite Kyle to their place for dinner. He is reluctant at first, before Mickey insists. During his therapy, however, Kyle falls. Maggie is there to lend a hand of support as Kyle talks about his fear of an operation, but Mickey walks in at that moment, and is instantly insecure, disappearing before anyone else sees him there.


Lee is on thin ice. Doug tells her that if she doesn't start making some effort, he's not going to visit her any longer. Lee miraculously moves her hand suddenly!




Liz and Don go out campaigning for the $#!tbag, and get cozy at an intimate dinner at Don's hotel room. They drink and drink and drink and then Liz cries on Don's shoulder about what she thinks Neil did to her, and Don claims Marlena's giving him a hassle (which is entirely of Don's own creation, of course), and Liz has a meltdown because she's feeling insecure over being rejected AGAIN and Don comforts her and butters her up with compliments and then kisses her and then they screw. Yayyyyy....


Don and Liz wake up the next day and regret their actions. Liz promises to keep it secret, knowing it was only comfort, and nothing serious.

Marlena, meanwhile, tells Kellam that she and Don are having problems (Marlena is obviously lacking close girlfriends if Kellam is who she turns to). According to SOD she tells him he is "very" understanding. I'm sure. So understand that Kellam's hired a PI. She contacts Kellam and tells him she saw Don with another woman, but can't identify who the woman is. Kellam asks her back to Salem ASAP, where he instructs her to become friendly with Marlena and casually mention Don's affair to her in conversation, but makes it clear he doesn't want to be linked to the information. Kim, the PI, encounters Marlena at campaign HQ, and somehow manages to bring up her ex-husband's infidelity without it being incredibly forward for a first conversation, yet can't bring herself to tell Marlena about Don and Liz. I guess some topics are too awkward for even Kim to slip into polite conversation with strangers.

Hours later, Kim and Marlena have another random heart-to-heart, before Kellam calls Kim at headquarters, presumably to scold her on her lack of progress. As they discuss Don's indiscretion, Marlena walks in and overhears the whole thing. OOPS! Of course, Marlena doesn't know who Kim's talking to. Ironically, Kellam's actually on the phone telling Kim to hold off on telling Marlena about Don and Liz's tryst when this happens. Sketchy.


Don returns from the campaign trail, and Marlena is an ice queen with him. When he presses, she breaks down in tears and asks him point blank if he's been having an affair. Don weasels his way out of it, saying it wasn't an AFFAIR per se, just a one night thing and he was gonna tell her about it, honest. Marlena screams at Don not to touch her. He tries to tell Marlena that the night meant nothing to him, and tells Marlena "don't ruin everything, baby. We can put our marriage back together!" To which Marlena tells him that things will never be the same between them, and admits that part of her wants Don to leave, but part of her would be hurt he Don left. Kellam asks Marlena about the situation with Don, and Marlena once again lavishes compliments on Kellam about how sensitive he is. 


Kellam and Marlena continue to work closely together, while Don is sent back on the campaign trail. Both Don and Marlena resent this, as both privately want Don home for Marlena's upcoming birthday. Don calls, and is unhappy to find Kellam is there. He promises he'll make it back for Marlena's birthday. Don then gets a call from the DA, saying he's been promoted to judge, and asks Don if he wants to take on the role of DA. Don is ready to leap at the chance, but needs to confirm it with Marlena and Kellam first.


Don calls again to say that, actually, he won't be there for Marlena's birthday. Oh well! Kellam finds out, and asks if he can spend her birthday with Marlena and Johnny. Marlena asks him to come for cake in the evening. Don laments not being able to be home for his wife's birthday, and is stunned that she found out about his affair with Liz. Liz doesn't believe her father had anything to do with Marlena's discovery, as if he had, she would've been scolded about it by now. She encourages Don to go home for Marlena's birthday, even cancelling a press conference so that Don can head back to Salem, and surprise Marlena.


At the apartment, Kellam lavishes Marlena with an expensive bracelet, and Johnny with a toy truck. Once Johnny's off to bed, he tells Marlena all about his depressing, loveless childhood, with a disinterested father and a mother who died when he was young. Marlena responds to Kellam's candid story by telling Kellam about her worries that Don's lack of communication will cause them to lose custody of Johnny. Marlena tears up, Kellam comforts her, they kiss, and Don walks in! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARLENA! Don closes the door again before he's spotted, confused as to what to do.  Kellam then apologizes for kissing Marlena. Moments later, Don walks in again, and announces his presence. Marlena is pleased to see him, but notices the door was slightly ajar when Don came in. Kellam leaves shortly thereafter, and Marlena asks Don if he saw Kellam kiss her. He admits he did, and then scolds his wife, accusing her of "trying to get back at him".


Marlena is livid when she finds out Don has unilaterally decided to take the DA position without consulting her. Why? Because she thinks it's unfair to Kellam. How is Marlena this blind??? Don enrages Kellam with the news, particularly when Don admits he would've quit regardless of whether or not the DA position was firm.




Trish gets good news! Her agent has set up a photoshoot for her at the club. That's all.




Josh's Aunt Emily dies, and he inherits a farm and some letters from his parents. Josh's real name is apparently John Talbot Jr. If ever there was a posher name, It's likely hyphenated. Apparently John Talbot Sr. was a great attorney, and his mother was, indeed, the infamous Sunny Chandler. Mrs. Chisholm sends Josh her condolences, and Josh tells her that he knows she is close to another relative of his. 

Tod finds a portrait of Sunny in...some room of the house (presumably the attic but I don't know why he'd be up there), and asks Kellam to hang it in the living room. Kellam is inordinately angry about this, prompting Todd to hang it in his room in defiance. Max warns Kellam that they need to watch out for Flora because she might spill the beans about how Sunny died. JUST TELL US ALREADY JEEEZ.


The letter explains that Sunny regrets leaving John Sr. and Josh to marry Kellam the Greasebag, but that she had to stay with Kellam because she was pregnant with Tod. Josh finishes the letter and, after showing Mrs. Chisholm, asks her how Sunny died. Flora won't answer and spontaneously announces she feels ill. Julie becomes a busybody after Josh spots Sunny's portrait in her studio, where Josh is having the portrait framed, and seemed to recognize the woman. Julie asks Flora if Josh knew Sunny.  Flora has another meltdown, and Julie changes the subject before she has to change Flora's Depends. Julie then decides to take the direct approach, asking Josh about how well Flora knew Josh's mother. Josh gets defensive, and Julie just tells him she realized she knew nothing about him. Josh wants Julie to mind her business and "accept him as he is". Whatever that means. Julie then randomly brings up Carol's interest in Josh, to which Josh flatly rejects the idea of being serious withCarol, but that doesn't stop him from seeing her.


Kellam and Max apparently has someone spying on Josh too. The Chandlers are singlehandedly keeping every PI in Salem employed. What good fortune for them!


Josh once again asks Carol to go swimming (these folks spend a lot of time swimming considering the time of year...It's getting weird), and just as they're leaving, Carol realizes she forgot the towels. Once inside Josh's room, she runs over to Josh's pants and starts rummaging through his wallet (wanna bet she's Max's spy?), only to be caught by Josh, who re-enters the room after Carol takes too long. Carol claims she just wanted to know his birth date, so she was looking for his drivers' license. Suuuuure. Josh agrees not to fire her, but tells her things will never be the same between them.


OH I WAS RIGHT. Max meets with his spy for an update, only to have Carol emerge to tell him that Josh is onto her, and that the name on his license is Joshua Fallon. Max pays her off to leave town. Once Max tells Kellam about Carol, he's concerned carol might sell them out, if the price is right. Don't worry, Kellam. I'm sure that's the last we'll hear about Carol.


More letters from Sunny! This one begging Aunt Emily to help her escape Kellam! Apparently, according to Mrs. Chisholm, Sunny asked Kellam for a divorce, and custody of Tod, but Kellam refused, citing, GUESS WHAT, his political ambitions! Sunny then ended up in the sanitarium for depression. Josh then presents Flora with Sunny's last letter to Josh's aunt Emily (unusually close to the ex-'s family, aren't we?), where Sunny reveals she was threatened by Kellam because Sunny threatened to reveal Kellam's affair with Liz's college friend. Ick. Apparently Sunny had been heavily medicated from that point, and was becoming very weak. Tod was in boarding school, Josh's father John was an alcoholic, and Aunt Emily was ill. Josh is convinced this last letter proves Kellam is responsible for Sunny's death. Flora won't say anything, scared for the harm that might come to Josh if Kellam finds out what Josh knows.


Josh heads to Mickey's office with Sunny's letters. After reading them, Mickey is convinced Kellam had something to do with Sunny's death, and, if the truth came out, it would end Kellam's political career. But there's a problem: without corroboration, it's just the words of a dead woman who was mentally ill vs. a living political figure. If Josh can come up with someone to back up Sunny's story, only THEN should Josh go to the police. 


Once home, Josh discovers someone (Kellam & Co.) have ransacked his apartment. Julie arrives, and is stunned to find the scene, and begs Josh to tell her what's going on, but Josh won't. Tod, being a close friend of Josh's, wonders why Josh holds such animosity toward Kellam. Josh won't say, but Todd insists that, if Kellam did anything to harm Josh, Tod would never forgive Kellam.


Josh goes to Flora, asking her to tell him about Sunny's death, but Flora still won't. However, she does tell Josh that Sunny's maid delivered a note to her before Sunny died. In the letter, Sunny begged Flora to see her. But when Flora visited the Chandler house, she was turned away. Josh presses enough that Flora admits she knows how Sunny died, but is scared of the consequences if she tells Josh the truth. Josh insists he is already in harm's way, as someone broke into his apartment. Flora still won't talk, even when Josh tells her he's going to track Sunny's maid down. Flora is sure the maid won't tell the truth, as she had lied to the grand jury when Sunny died. Josh tries anyway, asking Mickey to track the maid, Mrs. Parker, down.


Mickey does, and Josh insists on seeing her. Mickey warns him of the danger that may put him in, but Josh is undeterred. He visits Mrs. Parker's home, and is told by her parents that Mrs. Parker now lives in a rest home (yikes!), and give Josh the address. At the rest home, Mrs. Parker is revealed to be extremely ill, and is initially afraid to say anything to Josh. But once Josh explains the importance of the matter, Mrs. Parker decides it best to tell the truth and get the guilt she's been carrying for _X_ years off her shoulders. She tells Josh that the night Sunny died, Sunny called Mrs. Parker for help. Leaving her room, Mrs. Parker headed downstairs to Sunny's room, where a nurse, a bodyguard, and Max were holding her down, as the nurse gave Sunny an injection. Mrs. Parker ran to Flora and told Flora the story, but when they called and asked to speak to Sunny, they were told she was dead. Scared stiff, Mrs. Parker lied at the inquest to save her own skin. She finally agrees to tell the truth to Mickey. OH I GUESS NOT! When Josh returns with Mickey, Mrs. Parker's parents mysteriously showed up and whisked her away. Figures.


At Josh's, Julie comes in and startles Flora, as Julie reads news clippings about Sunny's death. Julie asks about Sunny's eldest son, but Flora immediately gets ill again and tells Julie she's worried about Josh. At the club, she finds that Tod was looking for Josh, and puts all the pieces together when Trish comments to her that Todd sees Josh as a brother. It all fits.


Josh, now without anyone to corroborate Sunny's letters, pleads with Mrs. Chisholm to tell Mickey the truth. The old bat stubbornly refuses, claiming she doesn't want to put Josh in danger. No matter how much Josh begs her to, she won't. Josh, fed up with her nonsense, shouts that he's going to punish the Chandlers for killing his mother, and Flora becomes a hysterical wreck, begging Josh not to leave. Josh does, because like, why stay there with the woman if she's gonna stonewall him and scream at him endlessly. Come on!




Chris and Mickey visit Kellam and tell him about the breach of contract suit they're planning to file against him. Kellam is vocal in his objection, citing the damage it could do to him in the polls. Chris and Mickey confirm that that's entirely the point. Kellam's big mad, until Max suggests they copy Chris' solar generator to the letter, make some small changes, and, once they've given Chris back his design, sell their own. Kellam is dubious, knowing that Mickey will file suit once again, but Max points out that the filing and litigation will take months to take shape, long after the election. Kellam agrees, and tells Don he's going to forefit all rights to Chris' generator. Leslie and Chris realize, upon hearing the news, that although they get their design back, the worth nothing because no one will be using it now.


Apparently the show forgot Leslie met Chris' parents before, as they're talking as though this is the first time Leslie met Mrs. Kositchek, and they get on famously (of course). Leslie and Chris finally set a wedding date, but Leslie wants to keep the date a secret, just to ward off any potential bad luck.


Mary goes looking through Alex's things, and discovers a list of Alex's holdings, including SIDO! Mary immediately calls Chris. Just before Chris arrives, Alex pays her a visit. When Mary confronts him about it, Alex warns her that if she tells Chris the truth about who owns SIDO, Chris and Leslie will give up the marina, and leave town, screwing Mary out of her investment. Mary realizes that Alex is right, and keeps quiet, making Mary look suspect af.







Sally the dayplayer's baby is home, and it's HARD. And EXPENSIVE. This comes as a big surprise to me and everyone who isn't Jessica Blake. She tells Jessica as much, but Jessica, desperate to be right, tells her to BE HOPEFUL. Sally can't find a job, comes home to the baby crying, and Jessica, who'd cut a class to tend to the infant in cradling her. Once Sally is back, she runs off to school, leaving Sally alone with a screaming infant who she resents. Sally nearly smothers the baby with a pillow, but thinks better of it at the last moment. She takes the baby in her arms and apologizes. This is going so well.


Sally almost immediately thereafter calls Marie and tells her she changed her mind, and signs off on the baby's adoption, then plans to leave town. Jessica finds out and is mad as Hell, even after finding out what Sally nearly did to the poor child. Jessica blames Marie for Sally's decision, because, I guess, according to Jessica, a dead baby is preferable to an adopted one.



Tod visits Chris' new business...whatever it is, and asks him to repair his motorboat. It sounds as though he spots Cassie there, and again makes a play for her, taking her out swimming. He cuts class to do this, and once at Cassie's apartment, they head for the bed. Jessica shows up in the middle of the fun to ask Cassie to set her up with a pre-med student she met at her birthday party. Cassie agrees to try her best, and Todd is unhappy about the news. Whooooo cares?


At the disco (what a boring life these kids lead, they literally only go to the disco and the beach), Cassie and Jessica meet with Toddd and Mark the pre-med student Jessica felt so strongly about she had to interrupt Tod and Cassie's sexy time to set a date up with. They apparently are getting along well, for all that trouble, but Todd has to comment about Jessica's good looks, which makes Cassie jealous. GIVE IT UP, CASSIE. The next day, Cassie begs Jessica not to take Tod from her. Jessica has absolutely no intention of doing so.

The NEXT day, Jessica cuts class again to go on a picnic (what a change) with Todd, Cassie, and Mark. Jessica laments skipping class, which Cassie pokes fun at her for. When Tod comes to her defense, Cassie's once again jealous af. When Marie finds out about Jessica cutting classes, she gives Jessica a stern lecture about how she'll lose her scholarship if her grades aren't good enough. Jessica lashes out at Marie yet again, telling Marie that she's going to have FUN and she isn't going to be a goody-two-shoes ANYMORE.


She holds up to that promise for all of five minutes, before Alex tells her exactly the same thing Marie did. Except when Alex tells her, Jessica listens to him and promises to never ever do it again. Yeah, I'm starting to loathe Jessica. In the same conversation, Jessica tells Alex how lonely she is, and vows to find her real parents, because she doesn't have any family to speak of. Be careful what you wish for, brat. Marie once again questions Alex about his closeness to Jessica. He once again assures Marie that his interest in her is merely fatherly. He also scolds Marie for her attitude toward Jessica, telling Marie that she is the cause of Jessica's unhappiness, and that Marie should be FRIENDLIER to Jessica(*eyeroll*). So what does Marie do? She goes to Alice and tells her not to get too close to Jessica, because she might accidentally reveal that Jessica is Marie's daughter.


Alex, feeling Jessica needs a pick-me-up, suggests to Marie that they should help Jessica find her birth parents. Marie is...less than thrilled by the prospect, telling Alex to never do this, and that it would be dangerous for them to do. Alex is...baffled, and agrees not to pursue the matter, but warns Marie that Jessica may very likely conduct her own search.


Tod is disappointed when Kellam makes him spend his 21st birthday at the Chandler house, therefore Cassie is not welcome. Jessica refuses Liz's invitation to the party, but agrees to go as Pre-Med Mark's date. When Josh hears that Jessica is going to the party, Josh warns her not to, but won't tell her why, only to "Stay away from the Chandlers", which baffles Jessica.







The first weeks of Tomlin/Poteet-Lisanti seem to just be a continuation of Laemmle's nonsense (I guess, since they were her co-writers, that's logical). I appreciate that they're bringing her stories to some sort of closure, though I really don't know why they're glossing over Brent shooting Julie. I guess they knew that that truth would push Lee one step too far, though you never know.

Flora Chisholm is annoying me now. Constant screaming like a banshee over nothing. Just tell the fekking truth already, and Kellam can't hurt anyone anymore. God.

For Marlena to still be 100% supportive of Kellam at this point requires her to have been completely out of the loop with every other person she knows in the community, and I don't buy it. What a weird storyline, and it makes Marlena look unusually dumb.

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The winner of the "MAKE IT STOP!" award for October goes to ...


A classic soapy image in general, so often used.


I mean, who doesn't spill their guts to their boss of only a few months ... ?


The same damn image in one month?!


I'm not sure why I can accept a network of investigators and informants with the DiMeras, but not with Kellam and Max ... Maybe it's because it's happening so often in a short period of time.


It does happen. My mother is closer to her ex-mother-in-law than she was with her own mother.


I'm seriously beginning to wonder if Claus von Bulow watched soaps (other than Dark Shadows).


Not to trivialize what's going on in 2021, but I'm fascinated by the time element both in fiction and reality. Kellam seems to be riding out the clock to Election Day (which was Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1980). Some U.S. politicians seem to be (publicly) riding out the clock to Inauguration Day (which, as I write, is 10 days and less than 90 minutes away).


Good lord ... they didn't even frame this as postpartum depression or anything, just that Sally's first resort is considering infanticide (and so soon after D.J. Craig's death).




I can't remember if Dee said in the 30th Anniversary Scrapbook that she didn't like all of the Kellam story, or just the ending. I think the only stuff from 1980 she liked, and even that was by extension, was when they referenced D.J.'s death when Marlena counseled Stella Lombard (and I get the impression it's largely that she liked working with Elaine Bromka).

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I feel like this 1979-80 stuff with Don and Marlena is mostly weird and dumb.  Stuff happens (DJ dying, Don blaming Marlena, Don's affair) and then for months it seems like Don/Marlena don't do a whole a lot except hang out with Kellam and argue here and there.  And Liz and Don seem to come out of nowhere.  And it does seem odd Marlena has no friends to confide in even though we know her friends exist on the canvas.  I know it's hard to tell from recaps, but this whole Kellam stuff seems awful.  Not looking forward to the rape, especially since the show really doesn't use that history much anymore.  I can understand why she hated it.  For a character so popular, Marlena is not doing much of anything even though major things are happening to her.  Again, it's hard to tell from recaps, but Don just cheated on her why does she want him at her birthday party so badly lol?

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I can see why. DJs death could have been a fascinating story, but was instead basically used as a wedge for Don and Marlena, and it seems they hardly delved into Don's feelings about it. Especially since he had lost another child years before. They instead just made him a nasty,defensive pig, and made Marlena come off as a shut in who only talks to Kellam and literally no one else. It's very bizarre.


I know SOD doesn't do the best job of filling in character motivations (can you tell I still miss Daytime Serial Newsletter?), but you don't even get a glimmer of what the hell these people are thinking from SOD, and it makes the stories seem 10x worse for it.

It's kind of true, though early in Laemmle's run, Liz is initially attracted to Don, and Kellam to Marlena, so it isn't entirely out of left field. It's just the fact they had Liz end up with Neil and had Kellam chase after Julie for awhile that sort of...confused the issue. I wonder if they were still saying Julie was Sunny's doppelganger by this point, or did they get another actress to play Sunny in flashbacks?



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