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At my old job, I had to work with P & G..no communication amongst departments, strict rules, and only way to reach someone was via IM.  And that was just dealing with online review platforms...so I don't trust they would think to stream their soaps.


Shame Colgate only produced the Doctors..and no other soaps.  They were smart to save most of their episodes.

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Everyone can draw his own conclusions about whether or not duplicating a video that has already been uploaded onto youtube is "hacking" or "stealing.".


I reiterate my point that IMHO, since none of the material in question was produced by or is owned by any individual fan, being possessive of it or becoming vexed that other fans are also sharing it for free on the internet is pointless. Since so many on-line videos seem to disappear without warning, I say the more back-up copies, the better for the soap community.


We can never have too many "nice things"!

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When I was in grad school, I was in brief contact with PGP about the possibility of an internship (I was hoping for ATWT) and yeah, they were a total mess, even they knew this.

It was of absolutely no surprise that in less than 10 years, both GL and ATWT would be off the air. 

But yeah, I've heard of the various competing fiefdoms within P&G.

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P&G is a huge bureaucratic conglomerate. I will say that they do actually have their brand marketing more streamlined and organized than a lot of other companies I've had to work on behalf of. 


Their priority is on selling their products, their daytime dramas were never that high on their priority list or at least haven't been in decades. They're a CPG company first and foremost, and when the daytime dramas were no longer a financially stimulating prospect for them, they had no issue cutting it out completely. Their massive content library won't push sales of their product, so they're more than happy to just it on it.


It sucks as a soap opera fan, but that's their perspective. 

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Wait... Am I to understand that we have a "fan" to thank for all of this? Ugh! Shouldn't we all try to unite to preserve as much of the show's history as we possibly can? If it were me, I'd be glad they were being reposted. 


@BillBauer  I had no idea it was you behind the channel. Does private mean that the videos are still accessible to select people with a link? If so, what do I need to do to become one of those people?


If you are unable to share the videos, could you post a list of episodes in your possession, that I can use for the Full Episode List? (If you haven't already, check out my recent posts in that thread about "a certain channel"). I'm glad I know what's going on now. Can I ask, was this troll bothering you before Monday, or did it start this week? 



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The thing is, I prefer a complete episode in one whole video uploaded and presented rather than segmented videos strung together.  If I have no other choice, I'll watch multiple clips strung together but it isn't my preferred way of watching an episode.  That particular channel that was mentioned only seems to have episodes broken up into multiple segments, which is not the most enjoyable way to watch an episode, imo.  Also, I know for sure there were quite a few episodes on @BillBauer's channel that I had seen nowhere else on YouTube (or Daily Motion either). 

The episode where everybody finds out that Lucinda and John eloped, I don't think I've seen that since it originally aired and I was so young that it might as well been an unseen episode (where Craig, Lily, Lucinda and John are all spontaneously gathered in Sierra's apartment and all awkwardly toast the newlyweds...as an aside, Craig says something like "To a marriage made in hell" out of earshot of Lucinda and John).  You see the flabbergasted expressions on Kim, Bob, Lisa and Nancy's faces and how Andy is told about the elopement.  Such a fun episode!  I have never seen that episode on YouTube.  The only episode that was on YouTube is when Emma comes to John's penthouse to reconcile with him and finds Lucinda there wearing John's robe as she introduces herself as Mrs. John Dixon.  The following episode, which had not previously been posted anywhere was far more fun to watch!

It's really a shame if people didn't get a chance to see that one because it was the far more interesting of the two episodes.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Another Reunion Alert!!!

@DRW50 @DramatistDreamer


Former soap publicist Alan Locher will reunite four AS THE WORLD TURNS alums on his YouTube show, The Locher Room. Judson Mills (ex-Hutch), Yvonne Perry (ex-Rosanna), Allyson Rice (ex-Connor) and Tom Wiggin (ex-Kirk) be taking part in the live interview on Friday July 24 at 2 p.m. E


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I had made a complete list in the Full Episode List thread, that I have since taken offline, and will leave there until I have confirmation that the trouble between these channels didn't start since those updates. There were 21, by my count.

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I'm so sorry to see that this happened to you! I was sad to see the videos disappeared and assumed the copyright goons got you for something. This is such a shame! This month I've seen several good channels go down in a flash. It's so important to download things as they get online because sometimes they go missing the next day.  I am glad in one sense, though, and that's that your content is still there and that your account was not banned, which is very painful as an uploader.


I have never had to do this but apparently there is a way to make a troll go away and never comment on your page again:



Of course, in that case they still might be able to see the videos, just not comment. You could go unlisted and post playlists here as some of us have done. If you wanted to be absolutely sure that person couldn't see them, you could make them private and opt-in. Then you'd have to approve every single YouTube/Google account who could view your videos, so you could be certain they can't get to them. The only thing would be that would limit the scope of other posters who could see them as well. If you feel up to it, hopefully you can find a solution that works for you. I just don't understand how this person can claim to be a fan and then run off uploaders like you who are trying to share and make people happy.

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Thanks @Forever8.  Despite the shortcomings associated with the Roseanna character, I will always have a fondness for Yvonne Perry and really look forward to hearing from  Tom Wiggins (kind of wish he could appear with Lisa Brown though).  This seems like a decent group.

It's probably based on the success of the previous soap streams, I'm guessing that Alan probably has to do less in convincing these actors to participate. 


I would love to see that!

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