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Exactly. That's why Snakegate/Cynthia v. Nene sputtered because Cynthia just chose to stop responding. Kenya was not going to engage so she had to turn on someone. She couldn't go after Porsha because it would have revealed their reconciliation to be a fraud. Eva was never there, and if she waent after Tanya, they'd have to replay Nene's disgusting remarks to Tanya about not getting a peach this season. She had to go after Kandi, but she only did this when Snakegate bombed and she felt she was being pushed off the show by the producers--the same trick Vicki used by going after Emily on twitter and Braunwyn at reunion. 

Edited by chrisml
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The problem with Kenya is that I’ll start out loving her, but she always takes things too far and doesn’t take accountability and blows things into big feuds. I was loving her return *until* she started unnecessary drama with Tanya and even Cynthia, although Cynthia gave her a pass. Now she’s also not friends with Porsha and it just all seems so short sighted. Porsha was right to call out her shadiness, but since Kenya can’t accept any responsibility she’d rather end the friendship. She’s going to be tiresome next year. 


Here’s a pretty funny preview of tomorrow’s Beverly Hills. This Teddi thing is wild. It’s hard to feel any sympathy for her when she 100% brought this on herself. She made those women feel so unwelcome and she doubled down on her comments then has the nerve to cry when they say they didn’t wanna go?! Fool, they were willing to go so they could support you and get to know you better! She literally did that to herself. I can’t stand that woman!


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Agree on all this. Re: the bolded, that's my worry. That she will see herself as the Nene-slayer (IF Nene is not asked back after this year. She might still be if people keep talking about her and Zoomunion) and becomes like Kelly on OC -- threatening other HWs to toe the line and not piss her off as her ego goes stratospheric.



This clip shows another side to Sutton. Going by episodes 1-2, Sutton could be dismissed as bitchy and ditzy. However, here, what she was actually telling Teddi was that she was glad to have an opportunity to get to know her, because she didn't get a great first impression! Her opinion is valid.


Teddi's passive-aggression is straight out of her mentor Kyle's textbook and really illustrates Teddi's insecurity relative to the others. (LOL, did you see Erika perking up and "Yes, SPEAK UP, Sutton! We want to hear your POV about TEDDI."

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 )? Teddi was an idiot to think she could impose a passive-aggressive friendship-test on the women. She wanted an excuse to have an 'issue' with anyone who failed to show up. It backfired on her because she is so low on the totem pole and nobody curr.


Also, Kyle (the world's worst BFF) did zero to defend Teddi and just let her throw herself under the bus. Even Teddi's husband, Eyebrows, sat there like a bump on a log.

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Bravo is so damn messy. They filmed a shole segment around Kenya's hair care launch at Sallys with some of the other housewives in attendence but they cut that all out and only showed her answering a shady question from TMZ about Nene as if thats all she did htat day


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The only thing Teddi is good for is mockery and ridicule, both from viewers AND her castmates. 

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 She bugs me worse than Meghan King Edmonds ever did. 


@Chris B I agree about Kenya. She started off strong and sympathetic, and then resorted to her shady messy ways and then it's hard to sympathize or root for her anymore. And @Cat Lord help us if another Kelly Dodd egomaniac is created in the Bravo laboratory! 

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I found this episode to be rather boring. I spent more time flipping back to Survivor then watching this drivel. Teddi sobbing is nothing new. She does that so that the women can get off her back, but I love that Sutton has her foot planted firmly on Teddi's neck. You're gonna work for that paycheck this season, boo. 


Only thing that warmed my heart was the preview next week when Rinna turns her fangs on Kyle. All these years, Kyle has cast Kim to the wolves in favor of Rinna and to see Rinna even call her on it was poetic justice. 

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This also confirms my suspicion that Kyle was possibly the initial target this year, but Denise happened to stumble into the bullseye instead. 


And dinner parties need to cease on this show. That was some awkward, painful, scripted bulls**t.

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I read on Twitter that one of the producers said that if it wasn’t for Sutton they would’ve briefly featured Kyle’s party or used it as a flashback. I honestly don’t care that she can’t film with her kids. This woman deserved a diamond because she is CARRYING the show so far! I wanted to faith when I saw the view of that The Colby’s-esque huge mansion she had! Literally she is the only reason this episode was interesting. 

Next week looks so interesting! I can’t wait to see Garcelle with her sons and FINALLY someone calls Kyle out on her dogging Kim. I’m just shocked it was Rinna who has benefitted the most from it. I only wish Kim was there. I hope Mauricio and Kyle still support Kim, at the very least she deserves a portion of Kyle’s HWs salary because Kim is the ONLY thing that kept Kyle relevant all these years. 

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Sutton cracks me up - she reminds me of Ramona.  I'm starting to wonder if there is something else to why she was demoted.  It can't be that she was forced not to show her kids.  No one else has really shown much of their kids so far, and Sutton is carrying this show front and center.  It still probably has something to do with her ex-husband, but there's more fine line details that we're probably not privy to other than just blocking the kids scenes.

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First of all, I thought it was an interesting detail that both Kyle and Dorit now live in the valley.  Dorit said she is two minutes away from Kyle, and Kyle lives in Encino, so that was a revelation.  Erika lives in Pasadena, Denise lives in Malibu, Garcelle seems to be moving to some suburban subdivision, and Sutton lives in the much tonier Bel Air.  Thus, only Teddi and Rinna actually live in BH-proper.  Which begs the question, why would Rinna travel with Erika to Encino when they live 30 miles apart from each other?


Also, lesson learned, whether you are an actress in the umpteenth revival of Halloween, a broadway star in the 95th recast of Roxie Hart, a real estate agent, or a nuclear physicist, nobody wants to hear you monologue about your job at a dinner party. 

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RHOBH: I watched the dinner party scene. Why are these women paid to be full-time housewives? They are so fake and they are so uninterested in being real. It takes a friend of (Sutton) to inject life into the show. Without Sutton, what is there? As much as I adore Garcelle, she seems like she's playing the game too so the only friction is off the show: Kyle v. Garcelle. Andy Cohen was going on and on about his is a refreshing of the show because last year was so dark. He is such an idiot. It was dark last year because of the women still on the show. That's why the footage was so boring and two friends of had to save it. 


RHOA: I know no one here sides with me in relation to Kenya. However, I think other housewives have done far worse and gotten away with it--physical attacks, rape allegations, rape jokes,  attacking a crew member, hiding what's going on in their lives, etc. Someone like Porsha gets away with all of her nonsense even though most of her stuff has been fake (her first marriage, her transformation from homophobe to an "enlightened" woman, her sexuality, her friendship with Phaedra, her current relationship, etc.). Nene said far worse to Tanya at the reunion than Kenya did. Tanya didn't even bat at an eye at Nene (and neither do a lot of viewers).  I'm not saying Kenya doesn't deserve the heat, but I think the heat needs to be spread around. 

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OMG yes, I was about to start a timer to see how long the outfit compliments were going to last. 


It's funny how Sutton and her proper etiquette makes the other wives look low-class by comparison. Ha!  I will say she'll need to pull the stick out of her butt and get sloppy, which I'm guessing she eventually does. 


I loved Sutton's blunt description of Teddi, but yes, that was a blatantly planned attack on the producer's/Kyle's part to have Sutton sit next to Teddi and then make sure they go clockwise when giving each person next to them their first impressions. Very obvious. Kyle, you still suck as an actress and the camera always catches you. 


I get the feeling Garcelle is like me when it comes to being in a new crowd - I keep relatively quiet and I observe, observe, observe. And then, outta nowhere, comes my take, my opinion, my feedback on the observations I've made. But you gotta keep it under your hat for a little bit before the big reveal. I'm guessing good things will come from her down the road and I can't wait. 


Kyle vs. Rinna -  Oh, I hope it gets messy. If not this season, then blow up next year. Two desperate princesses vying for the empty crown. 

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Hahahaha at Teddi trying to feud with Dorit and Sutton on Twitter.


Haven't seen this week's yet except for the clip above and next week's clip (and the commercial with Kyle to Lipsa 'Bring it on!'), but looks like what I said earlier holds true. Once Sutton said what she said at the dinner party, the girls FINALLY appear to start turning on each other. So yay?

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