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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah, the Tinsley stuff was baffling, although I found Bethenny’s barely contained amusement over Tinsley’s dog death drama to be hilarious (even though I was previously annoyed at Ramona and Sonya’s reactions). I also enjoyed Bethenny’s reaction to Dorinda’s Luann impression. I usually hate Bethenny’s overbearing behavior at reunions, but I like her this year. Maybe it’s because she has no real beef with anyone this season, besides her irritation with Ramona being Ramona.

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That’s how I usually feel. But this year, I feel differently. There were points last night where she stepped on Dorinda’s comments, which was annoying, but it’s not like last year, when she was constantly weighing in on things that had nothing to do with her. This year, she was involved in a lot of these stories, so I didn’t mind her input. 

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Yeah, that struck me odd too, especially when Dorinda and Sonja continued to press about it even after Tinsley explained that her trust "allowance" was temporarily reduced after her arrest. We *get* that Tinsley comes from old money. Why question how she's paying for expensive bags and dresses? It's kinda a no brainer and I'm not even in her social circle. 


It's also a little strange they'd allow to "break for fourth wall" in terms of Tinsley's living arrangement. Clearly, her living with Sonja was a temporary situation done for the sake of filming the show in her first season. Since then, she's been living in a hotel, and now she just signed a one-year lease (translation: she'll be on next season's RHONY). Otherwise, it sounds like she's in Florida. Unless Bethenny is trying to nudge her off the show now too, why bring it up at the reunion on camera? 


Interesting tidbit from Carole about the whole ordeal with her staying with Tinsley instead of Bethenny at the Hamptons at the behest of Bravo producers. Ditto the part about not having spoken with Tinsley since they wrapped filming. It makes her snub of Tinsley at last year's reunion make more sense.  I guess that's the one downside of NYC: The 5 veterans (I'm counting Dorinda as one now) have such a real history and most have real friendships (though Bethenny's is purely strategic for the show), that when the show brings in an outsider, it's hard for them to genuinely connect. 

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My only issue with Caroles statement is I recall seeing her on vacation with Tinsley though outside of the show with Scott and Adam. I guess they didn’t have fun? I honestly believed they had a genuine friendship. Carole was a good actress. And a Tinsley seemed genuinely hurt and surprised to find out they weren’t friends at that reunion.

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Yeah Bethenny was all over the internet last year when Cookie died. She's just a hypocrite.

In other news, Potomac apparently brought in 1.6 million viewers this past week. I love that they’re ratings are continuing to climb. They’re having a hell of a season and deserve it.

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I decided to binge the last several episodes of RHONY before the reunions.


While I agree that the episode flies by and it isn't a chore to watch (like BH has been for awhile)...I kind of feel like like the show doesn't really show the women in their day to day lives anymore... usually it is all the women together with very little individual narrative like in the old days.


What I did find refreshing was that Andy was kind of sticking up for Tinsley explaining that she was raised in the south.. and in the old money south, one usually doesn't talk money.  And I moved to the south recently, and it is night and day when it comes to how people carry themselves, etc.  Also, why does it matter where Tinsley gets her money.. as long as it's legal.. what's the big deal?


Bethenny and Dorinda are horrid creatures.. bitter and their ugliness on the inside is seeping out to the surface.  Bethenny always tries to make things about herself, while Dorinda is harsh and bitter about anyone that's happy.  


Is it just a rumor that there might be some shuffling with the cast for next season?  I think it's time for a little new blood to be added to make things more interesting.

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 I think Tinsley just knows how to play the reality TV game. We know a lot of these women are only friends during filming. Carole still hangs out with Dorinda and Ramona and she did hang out with Bethenny off camera as well. I'm sure she does like Tinsley, they just didn't keep their relationship going off camera. 


Right now I'm rewatching RHOBH and in season two you have Brandi introduced as Adrienne's friend and they were very close during filming, but during the reunion Brandi called Adrienne out for not speaking to her after filming wraps. I think that's more common than we think. 

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Lol yeah, you know only Bethenny Feels All The Feelings, Antoyne! 

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 Dating different men? Bethenny is a complicated adult, y'all. But if others date around? There is always an element of judgement/sneering from Bethenny. I will never forget her going off on Luann S8. "You are a whore and a hypocrite! You [!@#$%^&*] everybody!"


Great news about Potomac. That's a fabulous rating. They completely deserve to shine.


I liked Bethenny in Part 1 of the reunion, but she came off badly in this part -- smug and dismissive. She thinks she is the show's narrator so she literally mansplains everything. I usually adore Dorinda but she was awful, deriving joy from seeing Tinsley upset. Both B and D trying not to laugh about Tinsley losing her dog was an especially bad look. I mean, Ramona was in the hot seat this episode, and she came across better than either of these two!


I was definitely Team Tinsley when everyone was prying about her finances. T is not Dorit Kemsley. She is a trust fund baby who probably got a relatively nice settlement from Topper too. I think the issue masks a wider one, though. First of all, I do think Tinsley was happy for Scott to pay everything for her, including her accommodation and clothes. Next year will be a far bigger financial burden on her.


Secondly, the other HWs are making a point about authentic friendships on the show vs people who come into town for filming only. You guys are making the same point on this very thread, which I heartily agree with: real friendships are central to this franchise, and the audience can 'always spot a fake' [(c) Kyle, and she'd know]. BH has a massive problem with the fakeness of its friendships, especially when viewers value authenticity more than ever. The realness of NY's friendships has been its abiding strength for years. It is one reason I dont want the current cast to change. Alas, I have a bad feeling Bravo is looking to bring new people onto RHONY. Vicki's demotion and LVP's resignation were warning shots. Nobody is safe (unless your name rhymes with LeeLee Neeks or Fethenny Brankel). Ramona talking about not wanting the cameras to film her fancy, socialite birthday party? You in danger, girl! Bravo won't put up with that. Sonja hasn't had a ton to do this Reunion, and Luann can no longer drink publicly so i really worry that those two are in danger of getting demoted as a well. This devastates me as I find all 3 the most watchable women on the show! I am hoping Bravo does not cut to the bone here. Bethenny is of course safe, as is Dorinda and Tinsley the lone 'millennium' (see, you guys would really miss Ramona if she were gone!). I think the other HWs were trying to deflect Bravo's attention onto Tinsley as the possible one to be cut, but I don't think it will work this time. 

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I think even adding a Barbara type as a friend of... would keep things fresh and not stale on RHONY.  Barbara got under Dorinda's skin and it was funny.  Plus, she just wrote a fictional novel.. and has a successful construction company.  I want to see more of that than these pointless little fights.


Vicki needed to be demoted.. She should have been demoted after the season 10 Brooks cancer scam.  OC and NJ are the more family oriented shows... and I do think on NJ/OC that there are some genuine friendships (and Andy Cohen has always said he is surprised that the women on the OC stay friends with certain housewives even when no longer on the show.).   On OC, I see Shannon/Vicki/Tamra as genuine in the past... I even think Kelly/Shannon became genuine friends... Meghan/Shannon were doing fun things off season with their hubby's... and I even think the two new girls Emily/Gina became friendly because they had kids the same age.


With NY, I wish they show more of their real lives.. and not just group gatherings.  It's a fun hour, but I'm left feeling unsatisfied.

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Okay I’ve been rewatching RHOBH and it has been a revelation. I feel I didn’t appreciate just how good these early seasons are. Seasons one and two are near perfect with everybody carrying their weight. Camille is excellent and Kim is underrated. IMO, Kim never had a safe season. She doesn’t get enough credit for carrying a lot of the show. Even now when she guest stars she’s still a central focus. That’s a real queen IMO. 


Right now im in season three and I realize I never saw this before beyond the reunion. I remember certain moments but that’s it. It’s very good and reminds me of the current season. The difference is that everybody has a story so it isn’t centered only around Adrienne’s issue with Brandi the way it is now with LVP vs Everyone. Also, unlike LVP, they have endless proof that Adrienne *is* lying. They showed her speak about giving birth which we know isn’t true, then she lied about having her lawyer send Brandi a letter, but when Brandi says she can bring the letter they admit to it the next episode. Then Brandi says how she has proof Bernie is selling stories about her which they also deny, until Brandi presents copies of the emails he sent to sell the stories! It’s insane! This is what I wanted for this season. Give me receipts or get over it, but they couldn’t bc LVP is their only story. I strongly believe it was planned to run her off. This frees up much of the budget which means raises for them and increased focus with her strong presence and businesses gone. 


Also there is just a certain glam to the show that is missing now. I hope whoever joins next season can make up for what we’re losing in terms of LVP’s wealth. Erika is now broke too so I don’t expect her to be showing much next season either. Here we have Yolanda, Adrienne, LVP and even Kyle with lavish estates and now we don’t have that. If it were any other city that would be fine but this is Beverly Hills! Give me luxury!

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