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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Potomac has been SOOOO good this season and this will go down as one of the best ones in RH history. Its definitely Potomac's defining season. The cast is great, the drama is entertaining and the production is on point. I love it!


LOVE Ashley's downfall and how messy Bravo has been complete with putting that shady Wendy William's clip to narrate Michael's gay controversy. They were so dramatic with the headline drops and sound effects.


Im on Candiace's side going after Ashley but she's picking the wrong battle fighting Monique. She is just like her evil mother and if she has kids, she's gonna treat them the same way

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Meanwhile, what is UP with Katie's appearance? She looks like she went to a costume store to play undercover witness protection with her bad wig and huge glasses. My hubby, a psychotherapist with expertise in handling substance abusers, thinks she was high the entire episode. 


Agreed that Monique is the sanest, most rational of all the women. Candaice's temper tantrums have grown old, and her lack of maturity really stands out. 


Well, I *guess* I can give Robyn props for recognizing that Gizelle was the instigator of this whole penis-gate mess. And I *guess* I can give Gizelle props for owning up to it. But meh... 


And the Academy Award for most stoic performance when all the [!@#$%^&*] is hitting the fan goes to Ashley Darby! Clink-clink! 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I think Katie might have substance abuse issues too. She has always been a kooky, odd duck, but seeing her in that wig, she seemed really disconnected. There is an air of sadness about her, and her eyes were blank during her weird toast at the hoedown. It is troubling to watch. One thing I will say, a lot of these women had a pound of sparkle on at the hoedown,  but Katie looked ethereal beautiful without a stitch of makeup. 


I dont understand how both Robyn and Ashley gave Gizelle a hard pass about her pot stirring. When is she going to get called out for doing the same sh*t Ashley does?? And why is Ashley ok with her ally Gizelle setting her up at these events?


Candiace's unwillingness to face up to being wrong, to admit to her childishness, is going to cost her her friends, family and husband. She is lashing out at everybody for the way her mother treats her.


Robyn deriving real pleasure from seeing Ashley taken down, Candice implode and Monique get angry was a really bad look.



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Karen slaying Ashley was the highlight I'd been waiting for. This season of Potomac has been amazing and it's second only to RHONY for excitement and organic dynamism. 


What I really want, no, NEED, to see is for Gizelle to go down for all the nasty crap she does and says about every single woman in the cast. She is the worst of the bunch, even worse than Ashley, yet she gets away with it, again and again, like Vyle Richards. 

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Gizelle's downfall will come soon enough and it'll be epic too. The shift will only occur once Robyn is either fired or she wakes up and realizes that Gizelle uses her as a shield. 


And speaking of Vyle and the rest of the vile broads of BH, that reunion was stale as f-ck. That is 1 hour of my life that I'll never be able to reclaim. Bravo could've wrapped this sh*t up in 90 minutes. All that was discussed tonight was: 


- a quick LVP bash with MANdy leading the charge

- Kyle's fake anxiety

- Implants

- Denise bragging about her man's peen and the other women drooling

- Teddi flip-flopping and lying about dog-gate


They could've saved this mess. And Camille p*sses me off even further for attending. I am glad she walks off next week. I just pray she does not return, which I know she will. 

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The upside to tonight is that Dallas is back on Sept 4th!!! 




Edited by NothinButAttitude
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That was literally the worst part 1 I’ve ever seen of a reunion. If this is what this has to offer, this show is in more trouble than I previously already thought.


Teddi still doesn’t make any sense on why she never spoke to Lisa directly.

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So happy Ashley is getting hers finally!  Michael knocking her up (assuming he did) is nothing to him.  He has the money to make sure he never has to interact with that kid.  It's just a cover.  Now, he thinks Ashley probably shouldn't hang around the women?  Ashley came in messy and put everyone on front street as she talked trash behind their backs.  Michael walks up to Ray and asks about his living arrangements, something that should have gotten him kicked in the throat, but he thinks Ash is too good for this group?  Let's see.  He grabs a man's ass in S1, he says he wants to swipe a pipe and he's accused of sexually assaulting a camera man.  Even if 2 + 2 is 3.5, round that sh!t up and Michael, at the very least, is bisexual.  It's 2019!  Come out!!!  The only reason Michael does not want Ashley around these women anymore is because when he does his dirt, it won't be so public.  


Jiz is getting away with way too much.  It's bad enough her ex husband's flock just forked over $900k for her new house, but now she gets to start crap and watch while everyone rips each other to shreds.  It's like the eppy of the Brady Bunch where Peter was recording all the conversations of his siblings and while they are going at it at the dinner table, Peter is just sitting back giggling (bravo to Robert Reed in how he played that scene).  No one is allowed to call her out and I'm sick of it.  How do you look like her and the only people who like you are your 3 daughters, and even with this, I'm just speculating.  She needs her ass kicked.  For Real!


Candiace is a child.  How dare she say Monique doesn't have her back when she ran to Jiz with nonsense that Monique said?  It was nothing and Candiace made it something and gave it to the nastiest bone collector alive.  


Katie lost custody of her kids for a reason.  She is in serious trouble and I hope she pulls it together.  That wig says IT ALL!!!!!

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The fact that outside of LVP and Camille there is NOTHING going on was proven by this part one. If this cast is allowed to coast another season then Bravo has truly lost it. The ratings were obviously due to Camille/LVP hence heavily featuring them in the promos. I Wonder why they didn't just do a two part reunion. This was truly dull. 


Also this show y'all like is back:


I will say, I love that Cary is being replaced by someone named Kary lol. 

Edited by Chris B
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