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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah, what I love about NYC now is that even amongst the tension, there’s real authentic levity like Luann’s snark and the ladies drunkenly dry-humping each other. It’s not forced like the raunchy antics over at ATL. I do think Carole is very slyly and methodically undermining Bethenny in a way that no other HW has successfully done. She’s not as obviously thirsty (Jill, Ramona) or just dumb (Kelly).

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I like an authentic season with little to no scripting.  NY seems to be giving a lot of authentic and organic drama this season... rare for them since season 3.


When was the last time that Atlanta gave a truly organic, fun, and drama filled season?  I can't recall.  Beverly Hills.. it's been since season 1.. maybe season 2 maybe?  Orange County.. I would say maybe season 10 (where they had a cast trip where everyone had fun and there was little to not fighting).. although season 11 had the ATV accident.

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I loved this episode so much that I watched it 2.5 times.


I have always rooted for Ramona but I really cheered for her in this episode.  She has been through a great deal of disappointment but she remains an optimist.  I can relate to the joy that one feels when you are angry but still able to craft a response that is concise and cunning.  Just like the famous scene on the Brooklyn Bridge, Ramona read Bethenny for filth.  Given that Ramona's predictions on the bridge about Bethenny's marriage turned out to be more valid that any psychic from Beverly Hills, or Morocco, Bethenny would be wise to listen to her.  However, there was some noticeable editing upon second review when you consider that there was probably only one camera but there are a a series of different close-ups and quick cuts.


I know it is an unpopular opinion but I admire that Ramona goes through life asking for exactly what she wants.  The only thing she really judges is when the other women don't directly ask to get their needs met.  If you are Ramona, why be coy when you get an artist and his friend to move your furniture?  She thinks we are all dumb for not asking for what we want when we have the opportunity and as I long as I don't have to do things for Ramona I can admire it from afar.


Also, when they travel, the other ladies always fight with Ramona about the master suite.  However, their only argument seems to be that Ramona shouldn't always be able to get what she wants.  I think that's a shitty a way to treat a friend because they argue that she doesn't deserve it by virtue of wanting it; that is a circular argument.  She is always willing to share the room and there would be less drama if they would consider her feelings.


Regarding Bethenny and Dorinda, that went quickly into the weeds as well.  Dorinda was not asking for a written thank you for the nutcracker.  However, Bethenny's inability to read a room is astounding.  I get it that we are watching with background music and close-ups but, the ladies had an obvious reaction to Bethenny's response and she could not pick up the cues. 


Speaking of cues, I don't think Luann gets how to reconnect with the ladies post divorce.  It is not about who was right or if they should have judged Tom.  It was, as Carole mentioned, Luann conflated her friends' concern with jealousy.  In my opinion, that is what requires an apology.


I love that from the Mystery Dinner to the White Elephant Exchange these ladies can't play a game together successfully. 


I don't like that Bethenny thinks it is amusing to joke about old stereotypes of lesbianism as a last chance for women incapable of maintaining relationships with straight men and gay men only function to make the lives of straight women more fabulous.  I think that type of humor is hackneyed and lacks sophistication.

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Re: Ramona's assertiveness, that's an interesting take. The show makes it a real THING each year about 'pushy' Ramona sussing out the best room, but as you point out, she always shares with Sonja, therefore justifying the larger space. I think the other women are just jealous because Ramona is faster than they are. Ramona needs her creature comforts; she wants to feel in control when she is parachuted into an unknown country and sleeping environment, and since I have similar anxieties nowadays when I travel, I understand her demands. (I do wish she'd treat the wait staff at these places better, though).


Bethenny is tone-deaf, and her blog this week purposely ignores any concerns raised by Carole or Dorinda. Like I said before, though, it's been a long time coming. For +3 years, Bethenny had hiring/firing power behind-the-scenes (Heather, Jules, and very nearly Ramona last year), and she treats the other women onscreen like they work for her, too. She is incredibly self-centred. A lot of this is linked to the way her mother treated her growing up, of course. This season, the other women are forcing her to take a hard look at her attitude, but judging by this see-no-evil, hear-no-evil blog she coughed up, doesn't seem like she is willing to confront these issues any time soon. 


Luann did indeed conflate her friends' concerns about Tom with jealousy, but I can't blame her for it. IMO, those 'concerns' barely covered the smugness and rejoicing at the fact that Tom was cheating on Luann. The other women were all about publicly humiliating her in order to force the cancellation of her wedding. Luann didn't want to lose to them so she pushed through with the wedding blindly in a misguided attempt to not 'lose face.' And for that reason, I don't think she should apologize to most of these women who actively wished her ill at the time and were focused on bringing her down.

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The scene when Bethenny is sitting around at the end of her Christmas party and she jokes that she is getting "Ho" sweaters for next year's party for Ramona, Tinsley and Sonja made me cringe.   She is so desperate to make a connection, while still trying to push everyone away, and she doesn't get her head out of her own ass long enough to realize that Tinsley and Ramona don't like her, and a sweater with Ho written on it is not going to help.


Also, Southern Charm had an amazing week.  Ashley is straight out of a soap opera.  When she berated Katherine about the kids I recalled when Y&R's Sheila called Lauren for a play date for their kids and then said that she "forgot" Lauren's son was dead.  When Ashley told Thomas that they were "stuck together for life" and he made a face to the camera it was straight out of when Scott Granger would roll his eyes over Sheila's obsession of him.  Finally, when Ashley offended Shep it reminded me of how Y&R's Sheila craziness came out when she talked to Paul.  I hope Ashley doesn't try to swap a baby or get plastic surgery to try to assume Katherine's life like Sheila did....

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I could see that maybe years ago when the older shows were in their first few seasons, but Andy is way too busy to be managing every tweet from every housewife...  I can't imagine?


Eva is officially a housewife for Season 11.



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Ugh, that's a disappointment! So pregnant Kenya, who has actual stuff going on, is let go (is that officially confirmed btw?), but this nasal bore comes back? Not sure s11 Atl is shaping up to be much better than s10.

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Isn't Eva friends with Nene?  Maybe Nene has some pull backstage ala Bethenny?


So I was on Twitter yesterday and there is a rumor that the RHOC trailer that was supposed to come out this past week is being re-edited and a housewife is being demoted (shades of Danielle in season 9, if true).  I wonder if this proves true if the narrative will be jumbled like it seemed to be somewhat during season 9 (even though we got a wonderful addition named Shannon that season).

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Yeah the tweets are basically a prop to launch talking points at these reunion shows. I also have my suspicions about the tweets AND the calls into WWHL as being fake -- some hapless staffer in the room next door, pretending to call from Omaha.

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How immune am I to Bethenny's putdowns -- sorry, 'humor' ! -- on this show that I barely registered the silent discontent of the recipients of that joke? Sonja probably didn't register it either! Yes, Bethenny is anxious to connect with these women, and she fears that they resent her for her success. If I knew Bethenny, I would point out to her that when she returned in s7, she was as successful as she is now, and she was plenty loved, adored and coddled by all the women. It was she who had a problem with some of them (Kristen, Heather). Bethenny doesn't realise that her own outbursts of barely-contained rage keep some of the ladies at a distance. She is so hard and abrasive that it is difficult to cozy up to her. Especially when many women bond because of shared vulnerabilities and self-deprecation. Bethenny is unwilling to be vulnerable in front of these girls unless drunk, and her self-deprecation is for the VTs only. I do feel for her because she must be very lonely.


Last year's Southern Charm scared me away as it was a rather poor season. But this year seems to have reverted back on track. It is incredible how much dirt you can get on wealthy, connected, white scions when they are drunk and coked up! The monstrous 'star' of all this is of course the hideous Thomas Ravenel who will be gone after this season (thanks to them pesky sexual assault charges), and I wonder if Southern Charm will be able to continue after that. However, I am relieved to see him get his just desserts with that awful hired GF of his, Ashley. Best of all is seeing Kathryn back on track, sober, and determined to put her children first. All of this is the best kind of soap opera, and it is no accident that I have turned to some of these Bravo and RH shows for my dose of drama and sadly turned away from most of Daytime. I hadn't realized this story resembled a little of Y&R's Little Scotty SL until you pointed it out.  

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Now I’m in season three of RHONY and this is peak housewives. This is their best season easily and when everybody came into their own. Luann stopped the Countess pretense and became the Countless we know today. Ramona became renewed and started owning her kookiness which made her more light hearted. Alex finally became friends with some of the women and Jill finally let go and allowed fame to consume herself. 


At Scary Island we know Kelly is nuts. It’s shameful Bravo brought her back for another season after two seasons clearly hooked on drugs. Kelly aside, my favorite moment this entire season was Jill surprising them on vacation. That is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! That was the most awkward scene until Luann’s arrest! Alex of all people being the one to dismiss Jill was iconic! Jill looked like she wanted to FCUK Alex up after Bobby got that plane! I am dying watching this lmao! 


Why are none of the other housewives as iconic as New York?! I’m sorry but RHOA doesn’t rewatch nearly as well as this. 

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