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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It's funny how concerned about building a friendship with Lisa, Erika appears to be now that Lisa knows she was talking [!@#$%^&*]. Lisa Rinna was not holding back last night and slightly won me back over by putting EVERYONE'S [!@#$%^&*] out there. Kathryn came off pretty damn obnoxious last night. I so wish Eileen wasn't team Yolanda. She even flat out said last night that Yolanda basically gets a pass for everything because she's sick.

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She looks like she could be Kate Mansi's (Abigail, DAYS) older sister/mother. 


Playing catchup on Housewives this week; only up to finishing ATL. Phaedra's two adorable and well-behaved sons are her redeeming qualities, for sure. This episode definitely felt like exactly what it is: the season winding down. For some reason, I flashed back to Luann vs. Alex and the "Herman Munster" shoes confrontation S4 of NYC, as that season was coming to a close. 


Although not a fantastic episode by itself, it feels right that next week is the season finale. 


Kenya better hold onto that fine specimen. Especially after that flashback to her first season boyfriend, this guy is dedicated, fine as hell, and wants to treat her right. Plus, he wants babies NOW. Clearly, he knows what he's doing as a personal trainer, so although he's more "blue collar" than a rich daddy, she should hold on. Time is ticking..... 


Any tea on the reunion? It was already filmed, yes? 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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@Cheap21: Nene shouldn't've even responded to a troll. She normally blocks them. IDK what possessed her to reply now. I hope this troll didn't strike a nerve with her....


@Gray Bunny: Yep. RHOA reunion was filmed last Thursday. No major tea was spilled except Kandi said on Periscope that it was intense. TamaraTattles, also reported that Nene is already forming an alliance with Kenya/Cynthia next season. I am guessing b/c she might've fell out with Porsha/Phaedra. TamaraTattles also said that Porsha, who was first seated on one sofa, had to move down for Nene, who took the spot back, and there was some drama over it (guessing from Porsha). Matt, Chris, Peter, Gregg (I think), and Todd were there. Matt IG'd the day after that he 'protected his queen.' :wub: Kenya says she has a secret, which I think will be revealed at the reunion. I think she might be joking but we'll see.


The seating chart is: Sheree (when she comes out), Kandi, Cynthia, Kenya, Andy, Nene (when she comes out), Porsha, Phaedra, Kim. 


RHOBH & RHOP are about to film their reunions in a few days. 




Eileen annoys me. She irks me how she wants to paint LVP as manipulative but she stirs the pot and causes drama too. Rinna implying that LVP told her to bring up Munchausen disease is such bull. Even if Lisa pushed her, Rinna did it herself. She's a grown ass woman. No one can strong-arm her into doing that. Erika annoys me too. 


The reunion is gonna be a hot ass mess. I hope LVP and Kyle drag everyone (except Kathryn). They all deserve it. Glad these two are on the same page for once. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I think EVERYone has stepped in so much sh** on BH.  Not a single one of them is coming off unscathed, but it looks like Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle are avoiding the fray more than anyone else . . . but, IMO, they're as transparent as Yolanda Foster Hadid.  I'm not on a crusade to "get" her, but it is puzzling to me that Lisa Vanderpump gets away with everything, esp. since she owns nothing.  Maybe that's it--she doesn't give a f about anyone but herself and hers and has never pretended otherwise . . . but she still wouldn't ever come out directly and say it that way.  Anyway, even if Lisa Rinna tries to bulldoze through everyone at the reunion, she should get destroyed by everyone but Eileen . . . even though they're all on a tv show and this is work, Lisa Rinna (who I do love) has taken it to the point of no return.

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Beverly Hills is irritating me to no end! 


Why is everyone reprimanding Kathryn for tattling on Erika yet not one person has told Erika that what she said was mean and hurtful. Do these women not realize how transparent they're being? It's obvious there's a takedown brewing and everyone's in on it. They're just pissed that LVP now has an ally.


Erika and Toms relationship is so awkward. There is no love. There is no equal. He's her father that shushes her. She's the abiding daughter that has to talk and behave a certain way. No wonder this gold digger created an alter ego. She's a phony pretending to be some strong independent woman. And why does she keep blabbering on about how Kathryn ruined any chance she had at a friendship with Vanderpump? Umm hello, you've been trashing her behind her back and have made it crystal clear you want no friendship. You're just pissed that you've been outed as a two faced snake and can no longer weasel your way closer to Vanderpump to get information to take back to mental case Yolanduh.


I love and I hate Lisa Rinna. It's obvious Eileen planted seeds in Rinna's head to turn her on Vanderpump all because Eileen is a lying cheater who doesn't want to discuss it. But Rinna's spot on about Yoyawnda!


Poor Kathryn was so awkward at that dinner. I think she really is trying but just had a bit too much to drink. Loved Ken shutting down Tom. Erika take notes. This is a man that loves and respects his wife. Now go to your room.

Edited by MrPrezident
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@MrPrezident I caught that too with Erika and Tom. He's more like her dad than he is her husband. When she told Kyle that she got in trouble for the dinner part last night, I was like, "What?!" :blink: If Erika does another season, I see her marriage slowly unwinding thanks to this show. Hell, I doubt he'll allow her to do another season, which is fine with me. 

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Kathryn really bothered me in this episode and showed a really awful side of herself. She lied about everything on camera and with extremely easy to contradict statements. Her statement to Donnie about LVP and Erika was just plain dishonest. She was totally inappropriate in Erika's home and she's lucky that Tom Girardi is a gentleman.


Eileen has ruined her own reputation this season. She's come across so petty and stupid and her aligning herself with LemonLyme just sucks. She's irritating and annoying and has definitely stooped. 


Lips needs to own her behaviour. She is the one who brought up Munchausen and implicating LVP and Kyle for encouraging her to do it is a cop out. And judging from her Bravo blog she knows it. Lips would be great if she were more fearless and didn't retreat. That's what made Camille great: "We don't say that he hits you! But now we've said it!" Lips could be greater too if she just went for it and didn't try to pass the buck. 


LemonLyme is not fooling anyone. Not even Erika. You can look at Erika's reaction to LemonLyme calling and bailing and see that she just doesn't even bother to use logic, she just accepts that LemonLyme is going to use whatever illness she's concocted, be it mental or physical, for whatever convenient excuse she wants. It is interesting she kept saying to Kathryn that she now can't have a hope of being friends with LVP - as if she ever wanted that in the first place? Or maybe she did and she just didn't click with LVP so she stuck with the Lyme Alliance. 


Kyle and Mauricio, in my humble opinion, only do charity work to be seen to be doing charity work. It's fine to have The Agency branding everywhere, I get it and his business should benefit - but they have this habit of having one charitable event per season for show. It rings hollow. 


Erika has manners and despite her humble beginnings she has far more class than Kathryn. However, Erika doesn't want to just deal with her critics or accept that she spoke lowly of LVP and that such talk had consequences.


LVP was rude at Erika's dinner, but has restraint, while Kathryn does not. She also has an interesting dynamic with Tom Gerardi: they have each other's numbers. The thing I see is that LVP knows when to ease off: such as the house building where she warned Kyle that Erika didn't find any of it funny. I don't think LVP cares at all that the women think she's manipulative. The truth is they are all manipulative, she's just better at it. If only she and Erika has aligned. It could have been so different. 

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Kathryn cant be as dense as she claims to be and she isnt bc for one brief second she actually owned her sh-t and said she told to get a reaction. I dont like how she backpeddled from that and played dumb


I did think the women were rude and out of line at Erika's house. It was entertaining tv for sure but that behavior and ganging up on her in front of her husband in a dinner she was hosting was just tacky


Lisa V needs to let the whole web line go. It go old as she kept reciting it throughout the episode


Rinna is like Cynthia with her flip flopping. i dont even know what opinion of hers is valid bc she keeps changing it and then takes ownership of her sh-t while placing the blame on someone else at the same time. Bye


I wish Eileen would leave Lisa V alone. She is trying to make a story where there isnt one and its not going to end well for her.


Kyle....completely irrelevant


YoLyma....Im not even going to comment on her this episode as I dont have the energy to discuss this disease story. I did get a chuckle from the previews when she talks to David and says "I cant beleive you are still here 4 years later"

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I'M SICK OF HEARING THAT KIM DOESN'T FIT IN! She does! She is perfect! They needed to change things or they could've kept Claudia and Demetria. I like that she brings a different vibe. She didn't know anybody so obviously it was going to be an adjustment, but once they adjusted she was just fine. I think by next season she will be a perfect fit. I LOVED that reunion trailer! Porsha trying to come at Nene was HILARIOUS! Porsha and Phaedra better be careful next season! Kim was getting Kenya IN CHECK! I LOVED IT!!! Kenya was slaying as well and that is THE BEST she has ever looked at a reunion! Oh I cannot wait! I know it's a little short, but this has been a very solid season for them. A nice comeback season.

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