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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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To me, it seemed like Eileen should be a moderator for reunions. The way she would effortlessly follow up on statements that Kim and Brandi made was awesome.

Eileen was giving Kim that look of 'are you kidding me' when Kim stumbled through that apology.. but sometimes you just have to accept the apology.. given that Kim has never apologized on camera before at all. I think Kim and Eileen didn't click.. but there wasn't any hatred between the two of them.. that there appears to be between Lisa R and Kim. Also, Kim tried that whole.. focus on your own home line on Eileen.. and it didn't have the same effect on Eileen as it did on Lisa R.

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You're right that Kim and Eileen never clicked - because Eileen had Kim's number from day one and Kim knew it...and that's when she started to hate Eileen. Eileen really didn't cross any of these women, she was the epitome of class this season: but she's icy and the moment they crossed her she looked at them with the disgust they deserve.

Kim's ludicrous fake non-apology was absolutely awful. What a tacky bitch.

Really, I don't think there has been an 'Eileen' on any of the RH franchises before...someone whose aloof enough to stay out of the mud, but smart enough to not let anyone get away with anything against her.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Ouch...that dinner was painful for Gina. She showed her ass and had her ass handed to her by Jackie (and Janet...and Lydia...and Chyka to limited extents) so many times. Jackie exploded with rage and the unfortunate thing for Gina is that Jackie said things and knew things that Janet could confirm. The Morning Show comments about Gamble and Rick and the "let's toss the newbies under the bus" were nasty and all Gina said was no, she didn't say them...but deflected like crazy when Jackie said she'd take a lie detector test over them. Gina did not win that fight at all.

Janet and Chyka and the Tea Master was interesting.

Lydia's warning with Gamble was fair and measured. She's right that Gina's for Gina and that Gamble's for Gina. Gamble is naive and she'll undoubtedly ignore Lydia's perspective on things, likely at her own peril. Lydia seemed pretty nice (but VERY dim) when she met her housekeeper's family.

Pettitfleur has some of the tackiest taste of any RH I've ever seen. And it's ironic that she sees herself as sophisticated when the simple fact of the matter is she looks like a hooker in 1980's Monte Carlo. Gamble is correct in her estimation of Pettifleur - and I say that as not a fan of Gamble. But she's right: Pettifleur is tacky, she's nasty, she's obnoxious, she interrogates her and she IS new money. Pettifleur is a incredibly rude and an ugly bitch. And it's interesting that none of the other women thought her interrogation with Gamble was appropriate; Lydia especially went at her for the financial comments.

"And then suddenly there's Grace Jones and I think 'Wow, when did she arrive?'" - Gina. That made me laugh really hard. She is so quick.

The discussion about the fat sucking machine is what makes RHOMelbourne unique: only Australians have the balls to talk about getting their muffin tops frozen into slimness.

Pettifleur and her damn book: good lord we need to never hear about this effing book ever again. It isn't listed on Amazon Australia, it's nothing.

Next week looks juicy with the photos of Gamble...hmmm!

Edited by DaytimeFan
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OMG this epitomized the spoiled entitlement and fakeassery of Kim. I am citing from memory but didn't it kind of go like this?

Kim: *ramble ramble* *backtrack* *threaten* *ramble* .... and I already apologized to Eileen---

Eileen: No you didn't.

Kim: Yes I did.

Eileen: No, Vince and I never received an apology for the way you behaved at our house.

Kim: *long exasperated sigh* ..... Fine. I'm sorry, Eileen. rolleyes.gif

I don't have anything to say about Part 2 of Reunion because Kim and Brandi were just ridiculous in their lame ass justifications for their behaviour. Kim, as I have already said countless times, is emotionally manipulative, selfish, and a bully. Brandi is pretty much the same only with less braincells. Both say the most awful things to people, then squeal about being "bullied" and "ganged up" by the other women when they get called out. They are delusional because they will never accept that they are anything less than poor, put-upon, innocent victims. I feel sorry for their family and respective caregivers.

Eileen and Lisa Rinna are on the Lisa V level of fabulous, especially my lovely Eileen who I have fangirled over since I was a child. It is a great when an actor proves you right in your decision to stan them, lol. I hope these three women return next season but if they don't, I will totally understand and respect why not. With Kim and Brandi clinging on to the relevancy wagon for all it is worth, the show is nasty and toxic. How I wish they could be replaced by Camille, Adrienne and Taylor.


I wasn't that excited about Bethenny returning as her strident chicken squawk voice is like nails-on-a-chalkboard for me. And while I see through the whole woe-is-me-I-is-homeless-at-the-Marriott PR stunt she is pulling, it honestly feels like she never left the show. She brings dynamism and drama. Loved her scene with LuAnn (who I am also glad got to hold an apple this season).

The person I liked the most this episode was Ramona. Obviously Ramona is on her own PR campaign but I think she is genuinely devastated about her marriage being over. I am sure she and Mario had an arrangement when they married -- she said as much in one of her VTs when she indicated that she could no long look the other way -- but I also think Ramona was deeply swept off her feet by Mario and loved being his wife. Mario must have been even more charming and outgoing when they met and as somebody with borderline social awkwardness issues, she must have been attracted to the guy who is always the life of the party. She seems genuinely quiet and resigned. Her decision not to confide in delulu fantasist Sonja is COMPLETELY understandable. I also liked her chemistry with Dorinda. Their friendship seems legit.

Dorinda is so far a good find for NY. I wasn't sure at first as this is not somebody swimming in boundless wealth, dripping in jewels and with startling facelifts and boob jobs. Dorinda looks her age and she feels very, very New York, living in a comfortable, rather than overly opulent, Upper East Side high-rise. In fact her apartment looked like Jill Zarin's. She strikes me as an Italian-American New Yorker who has faced tragedy in her life and is still vulnerable about it but is not ashamed to show it. Too often in NYC, women put on a hard face so as not to appear weak. I liked how normal she seemed. And her bf too. Madame Paulette is an institution in Manhattan.

I used to love Carole and Heather but they got a little smug at the end of last season and I wonder if they will get the bitch edit this year. Carole is lazy and I don't know if I need a plot about her struggling to make a deadline tbh. Heather is still fab IMO but I have a feeling Bethenny is already silently gunning to make her irrelevant.

Speaking of irrelevant -- is New Boobs' SL gonna be her new boobs? unsure.png

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Fantastic assessment, as usual Cat. I'm glad that, even though you're not a big fan of her, you can see Bethenny's important dynamic to the show.

I loved your summary of Dorinda, and you're absolutely correct: she's not putting up a front; not trying to be or look like something she's not. I like that. Reading her first blog, I look forward to seeing her interactions with the ladies, because she clearly has opinions about some of them (Kristen, Sonja, Heather, etc.), while surprisingly hitting it off with others (Bethenny, Carole, already long-time friends with Ramona & LuAnn).

I'm ready for a Bethenny vs. Heather. Heather is a lil too holier-than-thou and Bethenny can call a spade a spade with a plethora of vocabulary terms.

While Kristen's hubby is in the market for shallow surgery, he should pin back those ears of his.

Re: BH. And to think, the reality show haters were saying this would tarnish Eileen's reputation. All it did was confirm was a fabulous woman she is, onscreen and off! Hoping she and the two Lisas return next year.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I can absolutely see why Andy wanted her back and how important she is to this franchise's last hurrah. Plus this is good for her. Bethenny has control over this situation. She will not come out of this season looking bad unless she does something really, really stupid.

Isn't Dorinda a relief, though? We still have the whole season to go and maybe she will try too hard and ruin her momentum here, but I think it is a relief to see a New York face looking like a face and not human death mask. Plus she spoke a lot of support and common sense with Ramona and I really appreciated that she brought out a non-cray, non-frenetic side of Pinot Bug Eyes lol.

Heather is a little too "I am always right." Plus she gets aggravated easily and, unless you are Dorothy Sbornak of The Golden Girls, aggravated is always going to make you look bitter on TV. We will see. So far we have barely seen her tbh.

I am so glad you agree about Eileen Davidson. She is common sense, no fuss and calls a spade a spade. I am so impressed because that is how she struck me in interviews -- reserved but fundamentally unpretentious. I was so worried she'd either get drowned out by shrieking that only dolphins can hear, or come across as shady or fake. Luckily she kept her integrity.

Also -- Vince peeping out of the garage window at Brandi fighting Kyle -- arguably THE MOMENT of the season, non? laugh.png

Edited by Cat
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I'm going to keep and short and sweet but I love Gina after this episode. I don't think she meant malice by saying 'let's toss the other women under the bus." I've been saying this for the longest but Jackie has been itching for a battle with Gina. Since practically last year. If Gina does not give Jackie the time of day, she knows she brings nothing to the show. And Janet [after the whole Gamble ordeal] is not a credible source. I am glad that regardless, Gamble stuck by Gina. I'm one of the few that actually likes their friendship. Do I think Gamble is a bit enamored and obsessed with Gina? Yes. But I don't think that Gamble's admiration has malice behind it.

Lydia is a sneaky bitch. I am onto her shenanigans by getting close to Gamble. If Gina won't befriend her then she'll try and sever the one friendship that Gina does have. I've clocked her tea.

Pettifleur, much like Jackie, is another one that just picks fights for no reason. And does she have selective memory? Does she not remember that she insulted Gamble upon meeting her? I wouldn't've opened up to her either. And her asking about how Gamble gets her money is none of her business. Wasn't Pettifleur not too long ago asking her man to get her a 200k car? Yeah....

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Wow, Petty really tried it coming for Gina. I was over her in that scene. She lost me saying that Gina is racist and ignorant. Bitch, you need to learn how to choose your battles bc going after Gina wasnt the right one.

Jackie, STFU. Now she is coming for Gina too?

Gamble: "I didnt ask you how you bought your necklace"

Petty: "There's a thing called a wage and I earn it" SHADE! I bursted out laughing when she said that. It was a bit out of line of her to ask Gamble about her money though. She was being messy

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