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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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well you just answered your own question. I felt she was justified as the victim in season 1 and now, but 2-4? No. She tried too hard to paint herself as the victim at the expense of the big bad Lisa and it seemed so petty with little merit. Lets be honest, she brought on Faye to be her mouthpiece and say all the sh-t she wanted to, but used Faye to do it so she could keep her hands clean. Stuff like that made her come across super fake

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Preview for next week is up, Kyle vs Brandi... and Kim. Brandi needs to get lost. She's so obnoxious with how badly she's trying to come off as Kim's caregiver. Kudos to Kyle for finally not backing down. I'm so over Kyle's fake perpetual victim role that she's been trying to portray since season 2. I can get behind the more authentic take no [!@#$%^&*] Kyle of yore. I'll enjoy it while it lasts because it's just a matter of time before she gets back in character. I'd have a very hard time not slapping the [!@#$%^&*] of Kim when she pulls this crap. Can't wait til Rinna get's this train wreck together!


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Kyle is FABULOUS this season! Kyle has only been watchable in seasons 1-2 and now. She is at her best when people aren't kissing her ass and she can be her more vulnerable, bitchy, insecure self. I hate the pedestal she was on the past couple seasons. This is one reason I always sided with Lisa over Kyle, because Kyle is so petty and two faced.

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RH of Cheshire...

So I have finally watched the first three episodes and I've enjoyed it a lot, like Vancouver and Melbourne, the production values are slick and the casting is compelling. The show has really captured the essence of Cheshire.

Magali: She's alright. She's forthright and very Dutch. I'm not her biggest fan though, she doesn't seem to be able to just shrug off the petty crap some of these women hurl at her and wants to have it out, though to her credit she wants to have it out to their faces. I don't really believe what she's saying about the tickets to Dawn's event...if she already had tickets and was offered others why would she have to ask if they're complimentary...drawing the distinction between complimentary and free seems like a bit of a reach.

Dawn: A very hard, tough woman...but I don't see her as a bitch. She's a very typically hard Northern Englishwoman. I don't feel sorry for her regarding her hysterectomy either, but that's because I don't think Dawn plays for sympathy at all. She's very hard. That's how Northerners are in England. She got over her crap with Magali very quickly. She definitely puts her foot in her mouth regarding her daughters (stupid) band.

Lauren: I like Lauren, she reached to Magali and plays fair. Plus, she clearly looks down on Tanya and spends real money.

Leanne: I HATE Leanne. Now this one is a total bitch who likes to get involved in everything except her own life.

Ampika: Meh, whatever, she's dating a commitment avoiding guy after dumping her nice guy ex. Her son had impeccable manners, so well done to her there.

Tanya: I HATE Tanya. She is trash. Stupid, uneducated, WAG trash. And her face does not move one inch. That is some extreme Botox going on.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Kyle is being smart at redeeming herself this season. She got back on the right team instead of going against the heavy hitter. It's better to be Lisa V's sidekick than her enemy. Besides, even Kyle could only put up with Brandi's crass, embarrassing antics for so long. Brandi is a petty child in a giraffe's body.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Kyle doesn't even have to be Lisa's best friend forever or side kick for me to respect her. I don't believe in teams all the time. I think Kyles a gorgeous lady with a beautiful family. Is she insecure sometimes? Yes...but to me that's what makes her relatable at times. Sure she has a tendency to overdo it on how hurt she is by Lisa or other girls once in a while but I do think overall she's a decent human being and I can respect her grind/hustle.

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Just watched the BH episode were Brandi threw her wine at Eileen (ohmy.pngohmy.pngohmy.png ) and then talked about fingerbanging.

She is HIGHLY entertaining me and HIGHLY pissing me off. She is a complete mess. Some screws must have seriously gotten loose while all those d*cks were inside her. Somebody must have screwed her too hard.

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Bravo needs to bring Faye back already. No one made Brandi scared and running with her tail between her legs like Faye did. She gave zero f--ks and saw Brandi for the nasty trash that she is. I bet everyone wishes they had listened to her back then

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Blown out of proportion. I just watched those two reads of Brandi and they were VERY tame. Brandi has said and done 100 times worse since then. I cant believe she got death threats over the confrontation near the finale. I think she might be recieved better now bc Brandi is no longer a fan favorite and people are calling for her head

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