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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I know! And professional con TayShana tried to make out like the tire story signified that Brandi was Crazy EVUL when, to me, it really underscored how self-deprecating Brandi is. She wasn't going to have him ride the thing once the tires got slashed -- she did it because she knew it would piss him off to have to change the tires on his precious motorcycle (which he prob treats better than most women). Also loved when she said the tires "were mine, too." :lol:

Oh, and Kyle's "Angry Spice" comment to Brandi was the lamest thing I have heard since Jennifer Aniston called Angelina Jolie "uncool."

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Go Brandi! Watching right now and she's such a bitch yet COMPLETELY owns it and thats what I love about her. I love her calling Taylor out on her ish and making Taylor look stupid instead. I wish Kyle had shut up when she staretd defending Taylor. I HATED how she played up Taylor as some poor victim with Brandi being a bully going after her.

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I hated the editing in the recent reunion. It felt so rushed it's as if they wanted to get in all of Brandi's zingers cue the obligatory reactions shots and were crunched for time. Part 2 would have had more of an impact if we were shown more fluid conversations and reactions.

Kyle was ridiculous and she took great pleasure in saying Eddie left Brandi for LeAnne. Brandi totally owned her [!@#$%^&*]. Im glad Cammille defended her (albeit weakly) when Taylor smugly said she rested her case. Kyle came off even worse when they showed the flashbacks with the crutches. That lame excuse about she didn't do it was even lamer everytime she said it since clearly she knew where it was once Kim told her and they both laughed in glee. The reunion had some really fantastic moments but was really ruined with the editing. He should have made it two hours.

And if the last leg of the reunion is a one on one interview with Kim then I think I'll pass. What a letdown.

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Really, I think Bravo and Andy Cohen need to relax The Real Housewives...the franchise is becoming way too nasty and dark across the board. They have to see that it's hit its zenith and that 2012 is going to spell declines for the 'Hos.

Andy, personally, should watch himself on this reunion and temper his snark, he came across as an assh*le, gunning for people like Lisa and Camille, essentially giving Adrienne, Taylor and Kyle a free pass...a free pass that still didn't save them from exposing their ugly feelings. Those three are ugly women. Bad people. People I don't want to watch and that's what the franchise is devolving into.

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I think it's an interesting test, as other Bravo shows choked on their own bile - Top Chef was never the same after the season where Marcel was physically attacked by four or five other people (with the editing implying he deserved it), and Project Runway went from being a fun show to being obsessed with toxic and negative personalities like Santino or Jeffrey and having the judges drag down anyone who didn't spend their time sneering and designing ugly, attention-seeking clothes. After that season with Jeffrey and Laura I never watched another episode.

The Real Housewives franchise had a little more toxicity from the start, so they don't have to change themselves, but the problem is what happens when the show is full of nothing but bile-spewing types.

Edited by CarlD2
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I watched the OC premiere last night --- LOVED IT!

I'm so happy Tamra and Gretchen are secret friends - they were so nasty to each other last year, and it really went to a dark place.

Interesting that Peggy was totally involved and all about being another Housewife this season, even with Heather thrown in the mix - she was even the drama cliffhanger with Alexis in this premiere episode... I wonder what happened here - does she quit or was she fired?

I love Heather!!! I can't wait to see her family and house. She reminds me of a mix between Bethanny and Luann.

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I so agree. They have hit their Moldavian Massacre and it's going to slowly decline. Some may linger in mediocrity (OC, Atlanta) but I wouldn't be surprised if others (BH, Jersey) really fall apart.

Adrienne has really done a 180 and her bitter jealousy is showing loud & clear. Kyle, I can't defend anymore. For as much as I enjoy her, her motives and jealousy are also very clear. Taylor is just a money-seeking wreck and a lousy person overall. Watching her on WWHL is just uncomfortable and awkward. I really hope they don't bring her back just out of pity because she needs the money, because she's toxic to this show.

Brandi's comments were spot on. She owned everything she said, and she was honest with all her own actions. Love her. Camille came to Lisa and Brandi's defenses at the right moments. The only thing Camille said that I didn't agree with was when she thought the "Maloof Hoof" was in poor taste. It wasn't. It was a cute play on words that Lisa is famous for and does so deliciously well.

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Looks like I'm gonna be roped into watching this one with the hubby (okay, so I willingly sat down when it came on...). The whole set-up with Heather and Tamra casually meeting thru business and Tamra inviting her to come to Vicki's party was so forced, acted, and unnatural. Why can't they just call a spade a spade and plop Heather onscreen with an introduction like it's a brand new Housewives franchise ("I'm married to such-and-such, we have this many kids, we live in this big a house..." etc.) instead of pretending like this all happened organically.

I love Gretchen. I don't care what she did, or who she did it to, I just like her. Tamra, from what I've seen in reruns, *used* to be the pretty ingenue of the group, but now she looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. She looks like a real ugly manipulator. Although I loved the fight scene from last season when she threw the wed wine in the face of that frumpy ex-housewive Geena.

Alexis, good Lord is she a bimbo. There's nothing more obnoxious than an airheaded bible-beater. That local news segment was embarrassingly bad! I can only imagine what the anchors and all the behind-the-scenes people must think of her coming on to their show to do segments.

I don't know all the dynamics of Alexis and Peggy, but it makes no sense for Alexis to berate Peggy for not telling her about her previous relationship with Alexis' husband. That's the hubby's responsibility, not the friend.

Vicki, the lone veteran from the very beginning, is fun. I like her. I can see why she's lasted the whole time. Great fun personality.

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I'm going to say she told the truth when she said she quit and wasn't fired, but she didn't reveal the real reason. I think the reason she quit is because she quickly figured out her storyline was going to be the skeleton in her closet about Jim and also the money problems she's been having. She quit before it could do too much damage to her reputation. I wasn't a big fan (just indifferent) so I'm not too bothered by her exit.

Overall, I was very pleased with The OC premiere. I've fallen out of love in recent years with The Tamra Show, but it looked fairly watchable. A decent new housewife, although I do wish Jeana were still around. Vicki also seemed slightly more tolerable. Like early season Vicki. Annoying, but not vile. I'm glad Heather hasn't lost her New York style because the other women look so cheap and their outfits are so dated.

I agree. They need to make changes or they're done. With Beverly Hills, he KNOWS how unpopular Taylor is and also how unpopular game night made Kyle. He should've taken that into account with his actions at the reunion. In the end of season poll, Brandi and Lisa were voted the two most popular, with Taylor in last place at 2% of the vote. Why so much sympathy for her? I think he let his personal feelings affect how he handled the reunion. He definitely seemed like he was taking sides. Brandi, Camille and Lisa (of course) came off very well.

Only time will tell if they made the right move with the new housewives in New York (although axing Alex was a mistake), but at least they're trying. If we see it announced that Taylor is back on Beverly Hills, expect another dark and ridiculous season. I also expect it to tank.

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I love that Peggy is still around. I didnt think she would be appearing at all but I was glad to see her. I didnt have much hope for this season but I loved the preview at the end.Team Peggy!

Im knida on Slade's side. If I were Gretchen, I wouldnt trust Tamra, given their history. They seemed kinda fake, like how Nene and Kim would make up each time at the beginning of every season

So far I like the new girl. I hope she does piss Alexis off

Was surprised to see Don in the opening. I thought he'd be completely erased.

Edited by Cheap21
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I thought Vicki - "I WORK!!!" - was all financially secure and set for life, yet she admits she needs Donn's paycheck to keep up with the cost of the house. She isn't selling because she wants to downsize, she's selling because she's running out of dough.

It also seems like they've all had work done since last year. Tamra looks like she's lost some of her booze bloat and Vicki's face lift looks terrible.

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