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Paul Raven

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My mom did the same thing when she saw Lisa Brown on ATWT and exclaimsd 'omg, Nola!'.


I do wonder if one of the reasons the show let Nadine go was because they got NOLA back?  It seemed like Nadine was a place holder for NOLA especially when Long stopped writing the show.  Nola and Nadine would have been fun to play as sidekicks..especially against Vanessa 

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Except, I don't believe Nola would have been okay with Nadine stashing a pregnant Bridget in her attic and then passing off the baby (Peter) as her and Billy's.

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Several sites are reporting that Judi Evans (ex-Beth) had a horseback riding accident on Saturday, May 16, and is in the hospital with seven broken ribs, a collapsed lung, broken collarbone and two chipped vertebrae. What a tough, tough six months she has had. Wishing her a speedy recovery if this is indeed true. 

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Nadine and Nola do have some similarities but I don't feel like they were intentional. 


I was happy to see Lisa back on soaps as I knew her as Iva - Nola's return didn't click, because they made her so bitter and the wackiness felt forced. I'm sorry she never got a chance to play her at a better time. Her material in her brief 2009 cameo was better than most of what she got from 95-98.


I think I saw a photo of her on Twitter, taken from her hospital bed (a selfie). I just want to cry for her honestly.

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I do think Nadine and Nola could have been a fun AbFab duo..after they fought it out about the dumb attic situation. Nola would know what it was like to be desperate and lie about a baby to keep a man. As I have said, Buzz should have been killed by Brent/Marion not Nadine.


I don't know why the didn't just have Quint "die" as in disappear in a tomb collapsing when they brought her back. It could have happened years ago off camera and the characters would act like they knew it and Nola has been searching, couldnt find his body. The Quolas would have a fit but it was better then the cheating and bitter Iva/Nola. She came back to Springfield to "fix" both Bridget and Michelle's life (the worst part of McTavish writing of Nola was not connecting her as Chelles aunt (they even had her calling Nola "Mrs.Chamberlin") At first she desperatley tries to fill the void of Maureen, but can't do it and quickly realizes it. During that time she would run afoul with Ed always (always funny to see Simon's dour Ed upended) sass Roger as she did in a couple scenes and I actually think she and Marj's Alex would have been funny together, after she inherits stock from both Quint and Henry.  And instead of Quint coming back have that guy from Days (who subbed for the Quint actor) play a cop or someone who gets involved with nosy Nola.

Edited by Mitch
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 I agree they did just drop Nola and the Ed, until Simon left. I think if I was TPTB that I would have told Simon do what we say or here's the door, which he took that Spring, which the perfect time for a recast and then a pairing with Nola. I think with the right actor, someone who wasnt as dour it could work.


I think she did but I don't remember a scene. I think with Simon pitching a fit they just said [!@#$%^&*] it. He didn't even have much to do with Rick and Blake story.




All of this kind of goes to my thought that they just should have written MarjAlex off and I would have had Van in her place. Say Alex had to go take care of Victoria and instead of leaving her shares with Alan, left them to Van drawing her back into Spaulding. This causes friction with boring Matt (and causing untold stress on the annoying freaking Mattessas) and Van takes on the old BevAlex role, strong middle aged woman who takes no [!@#$%^&*] but is not EVIL. Nola's fued with Van was stupid as when she left town they were fine (well Van was acting like a dowdy simpering wife to Billy, if you think Mattessa was bad you should have seen first round post marriage Van/Billy) but I think they just annoyed each other at the same time as kind of liking each other, so I think Nola would just be around to prick Van's aristocratic balloon more then fight with her. "Vanessa, Dinah is not that bad, remember when you would come to the boarding house to seduce my brother in nothing but a fur coat??")

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thank you I was rewatching on  YT last night and some scenes seemed so right in with the actors that they couldnt move and some are just like lets have lizzie walk  thru an open field carrying Vanessa's wedding dress WTF? 

Maeve Kinkead looked awesome though

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