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So far conservatives have "targeted" Coke, Pepsi, Budweiser, Starbucks, Nordstroms, Stephen Colbert, and Hamilton. I think Rachel will be fine. Hannity's always been a crackpot but he really seems to have gone of the deep end in the last couple of months.


In other news, Trump's decision about the accords has put him on the outs with business leaders.


"The decision plays well with his base. But a joint poll by the Harvard school of public health and Politico found 62% of Americans supported staying in the Paris agreement.


"You cannot run a major American corporation appealing to Donald Trump's 38%," said Brinkley."



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I've disliked Bill Maher, since he thought it was cool to defend that teacher who raped (and got pregnant by) her 12 year old student because "boys are different".  Then he took such obvious glory in saying that women didn't care how many little kids were left without arms as long as they got their diamonds. By the time he got around to denigrating Muslims, I had written him off, but this latest event comes as no surprise.

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I saw a headline somewhere that mentioned that Vilau was separated, divorcing that teacher. 


As for Marr, (oops Maher, is it?) I've basically been ignoring him for several years now. He may have an occasional point every now and then but everything that comes out of his mouth carries the taint of egotism, condescension and blatant disrespect with it.

I know people have their axe to grind against Wayne Brady but Brady certainly was right about Marr.



Meanwhile, Trump Inc. plans to hide and bury the CIA's papers on the depth of torture in the years after Sept. 11, 2001 as far and fast as he can. Trump doesn't plan to read (no surprises there) the extensive report, from all reports.


Trump Administration Returns Copies of Report on C.I.A. Torture to Congress

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Oh, goody. [/sarcasm]



You know, I really hope Trump Nation is comfortable inside their bubble.



Look at you spilling all KINDS of tea these days, lol.  What did Wayne Brady say about Bill Maher?


ETA: Okay, now I know what you're referring to, re: Wayne Brady.  Jinkies.  

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Maher IMO is the stereotypical "Ugly Liberal". All condescending and smug. He's like the democratic version of Donald Trump. All the worst of the extreme elements of the party. And while I might concur with some of his points about the Islamic faith, it's really more about western society needing to do more to support and endorse the more moderate elements of Islam around the world who do speak out and support them rather than endlessly chastising the extremists while recognizing how the west has actually fueled a lot of this extremism.


He also never ever talks about the recent extremism in this country and how that extremism seems to be centered around white men. Rebecca Traister bless her heart tried on his show last night but of course as usual he shut that voice down

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Bill Maher is a f-cking dolt, and I don't believe that he's that sorry. He sometimes says insightful stuff, but then he says something stupid that erases it. And him moaning about everything being PC is just a coverup so that he can revert back to saying mess like this and getting away with it. 


Honestly, I wish everyone would eradicate that word from our vernacular including my fellow African Americans. I feel like when we even toss the word around so casually, we are further strengthening the harsh conditioning that White slave masters did for centuries. And I don't believe this bullcrap about us taking the word back and giving it power. That's stupid. 

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What I found so eye-rolling was that Sasse said come work in the fields with us and Maher went right to slavery. Does he not even understand that farming is an industry that employs people? It was just such an elitist response.


But yeah, Maher isn't sorry. He spews this kind of stuff too often.

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I'll admit that I've been a fan of Bill Maher since I was in college--I started watching him regularly in 2009, when I was 20--and while this season has made me even more frustrated than ever before, I really can't believe he went that far. Interestingly enough, he and Kathy Griffin (who I also love, for the record, and who I feel deserves WAY less vitriol than she's gotten, especially compared to what Bill did--not that I agree with she did, mind you) have been friends for years, and I almost want to believe he did this intentionally to get the heat off of her (almost). Either way, he was VERY stupid and tone deaf to say it at all. The fact that BOTH of them have now apologized--something both have publicly boasted about NOT doing in the past, in terms of their comedy--is pretty damn telling.


Also, hi, guys. Sorry I haven't been around in awhile. Even though I love and am involved with politics, sometimes even I get overwhelmed. And I was afraid at times that my at times very Pollyanna-like outlook about the future might get in the way in legitimate worry (I have to stay somewhat positive, though--the alternative would eat me alive). I do love you guys, though, and will try to keep up more with this thread again. 

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The Kathy Griffin thing was pretty disturbing to me.  It's also hard for me to put in context because I hate Trump so much. I think if someone had done the same thing to one of our other presidents I would be even more disgusted with them.  I know Ted Nugent made terrible comments about President Obama, but talking about it seems different than doing a photo shoot with a mock severed head.  WTF was she thinking? Also, TN is another person I wrote off as a crackpot ages ago. I will say its ridiculous that Trump has invited him to the white house after he made threats against the last President.


@MissLlanviewPAI think this thread needs optimistic voices.  I can't really be one of them, but none of us know what's coming. Maybe this horror show will feel like nothing but a bad dream 10 years from now.

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IMPO, you are ALWAYS welcomed here. as long as dialogue is respectful, please......state your opinions. 

any news on the terror attacks in London tonight?

Maher makes me sick. he's SO arrogant and until today has never admitted he was wrong about anything. it took Wayne B. threatening to kick his ass live on HuffPost Live 4 years ago to get him to shut up about him. Maher's bigotry against Muslims was why I stopped watching his show early last year. 

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@Roman A separate thread has been started in the Off Topic Lounge.


I don't normally watch CNN but there is an interesting CNN Interactive feature about Trump and his somewhat tenuous, fuzzy relationship to religion.


One of the most interesting sections talks about how two days before inauguration, Trump meets with two Presbyterian pastors and he starts bragging about how much of the evangelical vote he captured. One of the pastors mentioned that they are not evangelicals. Trump asks them what Presbyterians are and they respond that they are mainline Protestants.  

Now this next part had me saying "Wow".

Trump proceeds to ask both pastors if Presbyterians are Christians! Keep in mind, Trump was supposedly a member of a Presbyterian church growing up in Queens! One of the pastors there is currently from the Trump's former church in Queens- the same one he attended as a child (it is a LOT more diverse now).


Also, there is a video where some former fellow Sunday school attendees talk about their impressions of Trump then and now, including a man who was part of the first Black family at the Queens church.


It's worth a read.


God and the Don

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